Puslapio vaizdai

Hymns of
The Living Church

Edited by Charles Taylor Ives

and R. Huntington Woodman

A rich selection of hymns and tunes, emphasizing the living, vital, “modern-
social" spirit of the Church. Forty pages of prayers, chants, and responses.
Responsive Readings from the American Standard Edition of the Revised
Bible, selected by the Rev. Harry Emerson Fosdick.

Hymns of Worship
and Service

Church Edition

Published, April, 1905
Revised and Enlarged, October, 1909

Sunday-school Edition

Published, October, 1908

Chapel Edition

Published, October, 1906

These books have stood in the front rank of church music compilations ever since
their publication. They contain the best of the old hymns set to familiar tunes,
with new hymns voicing the awakened social sense.

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Delicious, Invigorating

The Food-Drink for all ages.
Better than Tea or Coffee.

Rich milk and malted-grain extract, in powder. A quick lunch. Keep it on your sideboard at home. Avoid Imitations-Ask for “HORLICK'S” — Everywhere

MAHIN SERVICE and how it Serves

We can, and do, say a great deal about

the service we render our customers. But our customers say more than we do. This is natural, for their knowledge of and experience with our service is very convincing to them.

And perhaps what they say is more valuable and illuminative to other advertisers than what we can and do say about ourselves. The Welch Grape Juice Company, under date of March 2nd, 1911, wrote to a company which had inquired about us:

This morning we received a letter from our southern representative, Mr. A. J. Phillips. Mr. Phillips is the oldest representative that we have, both in age and in years of service

for us. We have no representative in whom we have more confidence or whose ideas are of more value to us. At one time his territory included the entire South from Virginia to Florida, and west to Arkansas and Texas. In his letter he says:


The last issue of The Soda Fountain has a telling advertisement for Welch's on the last I noticed a few days ago a very striking advertisement in the February number of Scribner's Magazine. Also the general tone of the advertising is a decided improvement on previous years."

We think we have done some pretty good advertising in the past few years. We think there is something about our present advertising that is getting Welch's Grape Juice closer to the consumer, and is creating and will create many new consumers. Our February sales show an increase of over 75% compared with February, 1910. While the Mahin Advertising Company are not entirely to blame' for this, we think they are entitled to a share.

This letter shows how Mahin service impresses and influences not only the consumer, but the dealer and the men who represent the advertiser with the dealer.

We would be glad to send interested advertisers copies of other letters from advertisers whose business we secured during 1910, also letters from a list of customers whose business we have handled for years.

These will show what Mahin service does; we are glad to tell you and show you what Mahin service is. Write, wire, or 'phone us and make an appointment in your office or ours.


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Newspaper, Magazine, Farm Paper, Trade Paper, Street Car and Outdoor Advertising

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She Did It With JAP-A-LAC

Her porch chairs lost their varnish and the wood showed through in spots;
She noticed the enamel had chipped off the children's cots.

The benches in the garden had all faded in the rain,

So she painted them with JAP-A-LAC and now they're new again.

All sizes 20 cents to $3.00

THE GLIDDEN VARNISH COMPANY, Cleveland, Ohio; Toronto, Ontario
New York-BRANCHES- Chicago



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In elasticity of fabric, in the feature design, in the bunchless, easy, yielding fit and in the longest uniform wear, Cooper's is conceded a CLASSIC.



There is no "same as,"
nor "just as good," so

always look for this
trade-mark on union and two-piece
suits; in all sizes, weights, and colors
and know underwear comfort and
longest wear.

Best dealers carry a complete
line; if not, send for samples of
fabric and booklet illustrating
Cooper original features and supe-
riority and giving prices.

Bennington, Vt.

Mfrs. of the famous "Gauzrib"
Spring-Needle fabric for Women's
Tell your wife.

An Underfeed Heater Will Reduce
Your Coal Bills From 2 to 3

If you are among the thousands who have been paying big money for unsatisfactory heat, why not take out that old heating plant at once and reduce your future coal bills from one-half to two thirds, by installing one of




Warm Air Furnaces--Hot Water or Steam Boilers

The UNDERFEED burns cheapest slack or pea and buckwheat sizes of hard or soft coal. All fire on top, smoke is consumed. This coal-burning way endorsed as best for health.

H. J. Heinzen, 301 Hazel Ave., Canton, Ohio, has had an Underfeed five years. He says: "We have June weather the year round. My coal bill to heat eight rooms has never been more than $14 for the year."

Underfeed Furnace Booklet, with fac-simile testimonials or Special Catalog of Steam and Water Boilers-both FREE. Heating plans of our Engineering Corps are FREE. Fill in and return coupon below today.


Cincinnati, O.

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