225, 399, 610, 651, 806 Pictures from paintings by André Castaigne and others, and from photographs of statues, etc. FAIRY TALE, A PERSIAN ESKIMO WOMEN IN GREENLAND §Thomas A. Edison ( Head-piece by A. Garth Jones and pictures from photographs furnished by the writer. EXAMINATION, HEARNE'S Pictures by N. Kendall Saunders. FRENCH CHILDREN," ON "THE EDUCATION OF FRENCH MASTERS. Engraved on wood by XXII. Watteau's "The Lover's Delay" XXIII. Edmond Aman-Jean's "Portrait of the Artist's FRENCH THRIFT 415 556 153 158, 175 Anna Bistrup 668 Head-piece by A. Garth Jones and pictures by Percy E. Cowen, and from photographs. GLORY, EARTHLY, TO GOOD USES Editorial 781 GREAT BRITAIN, THE COMMERCIAL STRENGTH OF Pictures by Joseph Pennell. HARPER, THE, IN THE WOOD HARVEST, DOES THE, MATCH THE TILLAGE? HOODOO, THE CHEERFUL, OR THE SHEDDING OF THE HEART OF Head-piece by A. Garth Jones and pictures by Charles Johnson Post. Granny James Davenport Whelpley 159 . Alice Hegan Rice 72 943 L. Frank Tooker 756 946 Head-piece by A. Garth Jones and picture by E. L. Blumenschein. Editorial 782 Roderick D. MacKenzie.. 675 Frank H. Scott 788 740 William Elliot Griffis Picture from a color print. Pictures after Lucas Cranach, K. F. Lessing, Clouet, Holbein, August Noack, Gari MAN, THE ANTIQUITY OF Pictures by Charles R. Knight, photograph, and diagram. MANCHURIA. See "Japan." Frederic A. Lucas 932 Editorial 149 785 Arthur C. McGiffert 83 Pictures by Alfred Brennan and Percy E. Cowen, and from a photograph. Tenth Cavalry, U. S. A. Abigail H. Fitch .....577, 700 Robert Haven Schauffler. 477 Pictures (one in color) by W. J. Aylward, and from photographs, and map. MRS. HARTWELL'S "PERFECT TREASURE" Picture by Harry Townsend. "MUNICIPAL NON-PARTIZANSHIP IN OPERATION": A COR- RECTION NELLY DEANE, THE JOY OF Picture by Paul Meylan. NEW ZEALAND, WOOD-CARVING IN Pictures from photographs. NIAGARA FALLS. Six lithographs by NUCKY MARRS, HERO NUCKY'S BIG BROTHERS OSLER, PROFESSOR WILLIAM, M.D. From the painting by OTHER TIMES, OTHER MANNERS OXFORD, LIFE AT, THE FLAVOR OF Pictures by Fred. Pegram. PACIFIC, THE, SEA POWER IN. See "Panama." PAINTINGS, VALUE IN PANAMA CANAL, THE, AND SEA POWER IN THE PACIFIC PARTING, A FEW WORDS AT Picture by Mark Fenderson. PASSION, THE TENDER Picture by M. G. Gunn. PEACE, ANGLO-AMERICAN PEACOCK GIRL, THE. Printed in color from a painting by PENSÉE, LA. From the sculpture by PERHAPS IT DID N'T MATTER Decorative head-piece by A. Garth Jones. PERU. See "Andean." PIRANESI, ETCHER AND ARCHITECT Pictures from Piranesi's etchings. POET, THE FIRST ... : Elizabeth Jordan Head-piece by George Varian. POINT OF VIEW, THE. Head-piece by A. Garth Jones and picture by Frank Wiles. PORTRAITURE, AMERICAN, EXAMPLES OF. XXII. Sir Caspar Purdon Clarke. From the painting by . Wilhelm Funk 379 ROCK HILL CORRESPONDENT, THE ... 880 Picture by F. R. Gruger. RHODODENDRONS, THE. Printed in color from a painting by.. Hobart Nichols ROMAN ART EXPOSITION, THE, OF 1911 William H. Hamby Harrison S. Morris ...... 841 Pictures from paintings by Ignacio Zuloaga, Alfred Hayward, Philip A. Laszlo, ROME, IMPERIAL, PLASTER MODEL OF SAIL," THE, "FURLING. From a painting by PAGE V. King Henry VIII Printed in color. Pictures by Jay Hambidge, W. Taber, Alfred Brennan. SHAKSPERE ON THE STAGE III. Richard the Third IV. Othello Pictures by Robert Blum, and from paintings, photographs, prints, etchings, etc. SHIPS, LITTLE SIAM. See "Cremation." William Winter 40 502 905 215 Portrait of Thackeray (in color) by James B. Lambdin, and with letters and sketches BELINDA. (Concluded from Vol. LXXXI.) Text and pictures by Oliver Herford BELOVED, THE, THE BEAUTIFUL.. BOASTERS, THE. Text and pictures by 156 316, 474. 632 |