Puslapio vaizdai

"Oh, this is bully! I gets warmed, and has a smell o' boiled puddin' throwed in!"

"Yes; we've got it finer." And he took down a piece of calico, and unrolled a yard or two of it on the counter. "That's not this shade," I said

"No," said he. "The goods is finer and the color's better,"

"I want it to match this," said.

"I thought you weren't particular about the match," said the salesman. "You said you didn't care for the quality of the goods, and you know you can't match goods without you take into consideration quality and color both. If you want that quality of goods in red you ought to get Turkey red."

I did not think it necessary to answer this remark, but said: "Then you've got nothing to match this?"

"No, sir. But perhaps they may have it in the upholstery department, in the sixth story.

So I got in the elevator and went up to the top of the house. "Have you any red stuff like this?" I said to a young man. "Red stuff? Upholstery department, -other end of this floor."

I went to the other end of the floor.

"I want some red calico," I said to a man. "Furniture goods?" he asked.

"Yes," said 1.

"Fourth counter to the left "

I went to the fourth counter to the left, and showed my sample to a salesman. He looked at it, and said:

"You'll get this down on the first floor-calico department." I turned on my heel, descended in the elevator, and went out on Broadway. I was thoroughly sick of red calico. But 1 determined to make one more trial. My wife had bought her red calico not long before, and there must be some to be had somewhere. I ought to have asked her where she bought it, but I thought a simple little thing like that could be bought anywhere. I went into another large dry-goods store. As I entered the door a sudden tremor seized me. I could not bear to take out that piece of red calico. If I had had any other kind of a rag about me-a pen-wiper or anything of the sort-I think I would have asked them if they could match that.

But I stepped up to a young woman and presented my sample, with the usual question.

"Back room, counter on the left," she said. I went there.

"Have you any red calico like this?" I asked of the lady

behind the counter.

"No, sir," she said. "but we have it in Turkey red." Turkey red again! I surrendered.

"All right" I said, "Give me Turkey red."

"How much, sir?" she asked

"I don't know-say five yards."

The lady looked at me rather strangely, but measured off five yards of Turkey red calico. Then she rapped on the counter and called out "cash!" A little girl, with yellow hair in two long plaits, came slowly up. The lady wrote the number of yards, the name of the goods, her own number, the price, the amount of the bank-note I handed her, and some other matters,

probably the color of my eyes, and the direction and velocity of the wind, on a slip of paper, She then copied all this in a little book which she kept by her. Then she handed the slip of paper, the money, and the Turkey red to the yellow-haired girl This young girl copied the slip in a little book she carried, and then she went away with the calico, the paper slip, and the



After a very long time, during which the little girl probably took the goods, the money, and the slip to some central desk, where the note was received, its amount and number entered in a book, change given to the girl, a copy of the slip made and entered, girl's entry examined and approved, goods wrapped up, girl registered, plaits counted and entered on a slip of paper and copied by the girl in her book, girl taken to a hydrant and washed, number of towel entered on a paper slip and copied by the girl in her book, value of my note and amount of change branded somewhere on the child, and said process noted on a slip of paper and copied in her book, the girl came to me, bringing my change and the package of Turkey red calico.

I had time for but very little work at the office that afternoon, and when I reached home, I handed the package of calico to my wife. She unrolled it and exclaimed:

"Why, this don't match the piece I gave you!"

"Match it!" I cried. "Oh, no! it don't match it. You didn't want that matched You were mistaken. What you wanted was Turkey red-third counter to the left. I mean, Turkey red is what they use."

My wife looked at me in amazement, and then I detailed to her my troubles.

"Well," said she, "this Turkey red is a great deal prettier than what I had, and you've got so much of it that I needn't use the other at all. I wish I had thought of Turkey red before."

"I wish from my heart you had," said I.


Rev. Grant Powers, of Haverhill, N. H., rebuked an ignorant preacher for exercising the office of priest. He replied: "We are commanded to preach the gospel to every critter." "But," said Powers, "every critter is not commanded to preach the gospel."

"Never mind, my dear," said a gentleman to his wife, complaining of the mud. "I have boots on." Another purchasing a cow was told that she kicked. "Oh, that's no matter, the women-folks do the milking." Another, "You need not boil the pot to-day. I shall not be at home to dinner."

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LIKE all similar educational institutions in the country, TRINITY COLLEGE owes its existence to a disposition on the part of a particular denomination to have a college under its immediate auspices. Recalling the early history of the Diocese of Connecticut, we learn that upon the consecration of Bishop Seabury, the first bishop of the State, the initial steps were taken toward the establishment of an institution of learning under control of the Episcopal Church; and as a result of the measures adopted at a convocation of the clergy held under him at East Haddam, in February, 1792, an academy incorporated with limited privileges was founded nine years later, at Cheshire, Connecticut, and known as "Seabury College." This academy was designed as a foundation for an institution of higher character, it being proposed to expand and enlarge it VOL. XI.-39

into a collegiate body so soon as the State should grant the required power. In 1810 the Convention, at its annual meeting, made an effort to obtain an enlargement of the charter, and for this purpose a petition was drawn up and presented to the General Assembly. At this time Congregationalism was in the ascendant, and was of itself a power, not only in religious, but in civil affairs, and there existed a strong feeling against Episcopacy; so that, when the bold effort to obtain a charter for the establishment of an Episcopal college was made by zealous members of the Church, a violent opposition was brought to bear against it; and although the petition was well received and passed by the Lower House, it was defeated in the Council (Senate). years afterward another effort was made to obtain a charter, and a committee was


appointed to prefer a petition if deemed by | Connecticut assembled by delegation at

them expedient; the powers of this committee were continued for two years, after which time the memorial was withholden, as objects of vital interest claimed their attention, among which was the establishment of the General Theological Seminary; and this, together with the vacancy in the Episcopate, led the churchmen of Connecticut to defer, for the present, the founding of a college, and to wait for more auspicious times, which seemed to have arrived soon after the adoption of a State Constitution in 1818. During the following year Bishop Brownell was consecrated, and when this noble prelate had fairly entered upon the duties of his office, he bent his energies toward the establishment of a Church college in the Diocese, and made strenuous efforts to carry out the project, the success of which had been the hope of churchmen for years past.

In 1822 a meeting of eighteen clergymen was held at the residence of Bishop Brownell, in New Haven, at which steps were taken with a view to securing the desired charter. During this year the General Theological Seminary had been removed to New York city, and this was one incentive to the founding of a Church college in Connecticut. A memorial was drawn up by the Bishop, three clergymen and two laymen, praying "the General Assembly to grant an act of incorporation for a college, with power to confer the usual literary honors, to be placed in either of the cities of Hartford, Middletown, or New Haven." The claim of the memorialists was a just and fair one, as they asked for no exclusive privileges, but desired to be placed on a footing with other Christian denominations throughout the country, who had their own universities and colleges; and, as they looked forward to the ultimate establishment of a literary institution which should be under the guardianship of the Episcopal Church, they were desirous that it should be founded in the State of Connecticut, and called WASHINGTON COLLEGE. On the day previous to the presentation of this petition, it is curious to observe, as an historical fact, that the old "test law," as it was called, of Yale College, the first established institution of learning in the State under control of the Congregationalists, was repealed. This law compelled any one elected to a chair of instruction in that institution to declare his consent to the "Confessions of Faith owned and consented to by the Elders and Messengers of the Churches in the Colony of

Saybrook, September 9th, 1703." The particular time for this act of the corporation repealing the severe law, was thought by some to have been critically chosen, and to have the appearance of an attempt to influence the mind of the Legislature against the passage of the petition for a charter establishing a second college in the State, by thus seemingly freeing Yale from the bias of its sectarian influence. Be this as it may, the day dawned bright at last for the Church, and on the 16th of May, 1823, the charter of Washington College was granted. The report of the committee to which the petition was referred is something peculiar in its way, and sets forth, by means of indirect admission, the benefits which might accrue to the State from the establishment of the institution, in the statement that it "will in no way be prejudicial to the great and important interests of literature in the State. At Hartford, where the General Assembly was convened when the passage of the charter took place, there was much demonstration over the event, the rejoicings of the people finding expression in the firing of cannon and the lighting of bonfires. The amount of money requisite to secure the provisions of incorporation was subscribed, and in less than a year nearly $50,000 was raised toward an endowment, which was obtained on the same plan as that adopted by the Fellows of Yale a century before, offering the larger towns in the State the privilege of fair competition for the location of the college, and Hartford, being most generous with her subscriptions, was adopted as the seat of Washington College.

The site selected was a beautiful one, as after years fully demonstrated; the tract of land embraced fourteen acres, having peculiar natural advantages, not the least of which was a piece of rising ground, with gentle slopes on either side, whereon the buildings were located, and which was dignified by the name of "College Hill." A small river bounded the grounds on one side, and at that time gratified the wishes of the students, whose taste inclined them to boating before that pastime was reduced to an exact science as at the present, and rowing was considered more as a pleasure than a labor. Thick forests were the near neighbors of the college, and among them undergraduates were wont to find sport, the click of the gun, rather than billiard balls, making holiday music in their ears. speaking of the grounds and surroundings


of the college, it may here be remarked that among the studies of what was known as the partial course-an arrangement entered into at only a few of the colleges was botany, to which very particular attention was paid, and for practical advantages a


the design of Samuel F. B. Morse, more generally known to the public through his connection with the electric telegraph than by his celebrity in the profession of architecture. Both buildings were plain and substantial structures of modest brown-stone, well and firmly built. Jarvis Hall was designed for the accommodation of students, and Seabury Hall, with its somewhat pretentious portico supported by lofty Ionic columns, contained the chapel, library, cabinet, and other public apartments.

With Bishop Brownell, whose name and memory are universally beloved and respected, as first President, ably assisted by a corps of instructors, among whom were the Right Rev. A. W. Potter, now Bishop of New York, and the late Bishop of New Jersey, Right Rev. G. W. Doane, Washington College entered upon her career of usefulness, and to-day ranks as one of the oldest Episcopal colleges in the country, and the only one located in New England. But the attacks which had been made against the establishment of a Church college were not yet ended, although its doors had been thrown open to the public, and a veritable war of pamphlets arose. The controversy upon the good and evil effects resulting from the foundation of a second institution of learning in the State was most severe, and the bitter feeling against the originators, the aiders and abettors in the undertaking, found vent in publications, which, at the date of their circulation, and for not a little time afterward, made considerable commotion throughout the community. Not only "The Considerations Suggested by



large tract of land in the rear of the build- | the Establishment of a Second College in

ings was laid out in a garden, and a greenhouse was also built, and in time the grounds became noted for the great variety of trees and shrubs within their borders, including among the number many specimens of rare value; but we are pained to say they are now slowly disappearing, not by the woodman's axe, but under the keen edge of that surer weapon, "modern improvement."

The erection of the buildings was begun in June, 1824, and the work so rapidly prosecuted that they were ready for occupation in the fall of that year, when the college was formally opened, and instruction commenced. Two halls only were at first put up, styled respectively "Jarvis" and "Seabury," the former from plans by Solomon Willard of Boston, then a noted architect, who numbered among his works Bunker Hill Monument, and the latter from |

Connecticut," and the "Remarks," a series of replies to the attacks, important features in the trials and struggles of the college during its earlier days, but, as we now view them through the mellow light of half a century, they are historically valuable, and by their over-anxiety, and groundless fears, are wont to provoke a smile from the reader when he learns that Washington College was to "entail on distant generations a source of implacable feuds and jealousies." The pamphlets were published anonymously, and some of the papers defending the cause are fine specimens of satire and argumentative wit; but despite the opposition from sectarian sources, and notwithstanding the cold shoulder turned against her by the State in refusing aid, which, with lavish hand, was bestowed elsewhere, Washington College maintained her ground, and, with

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the donations solicited and received from abroad, enriched her cabinet, and provided apparatus for the philosophical department. As time passed on, the cares and labors

were generously met by subscriptions from the citizens of Hartford, and the requisite funds having been secured, "Brownell Hall" was erected, in harmony and keeping

of the Diocese increased, and, being enlarged, ❘ with the first dormitory block, and similarly


called for a corresponding amount of attention, and thus, finding that too great demands were made, both by Church and college, Bishop Brownell resigned the presidency, of which, for seven years, he had been the incumbent, ruling in his gentle, but firm, manner, and, by his thorough knowledge and love of men, and by his kindly treatment, bridging that gulf, which often seems impassable, between professor and student.

Rev. Dr. Wheaton succeeded Bishop Brownell, and during his administration, and through his personal influence, the prosperity of the college was greatly advanced, and the institution received large additions to its funds from members of the Church. In after years this able President left the college a large sum of money, a portion of which was designed to form the nucleus of a fund for the erection of a new chapel, and, in addition to this gift, he also bequeathed his private library, containing many valuable editions of the English classics.

In 1845 two important events occurred : the change in the name of the college, and the erection of an additional building; the former was deemed advisable, from the fact that in various sections of the country were institutions bearing the same name, and henceforward the second college established in the State of Connecticut was known as TRINITY COLLEGE. It was a gratifying mark of prosperity that its needs called for increased facilities of accommodation, which

planned. The year 1845 was also marked by the establishment of a chapter of the Phi Beta Kappa Society, which was organized at William and Mary College in 1776, and three years later granted charters for the founding of the Massachusetts and Connecticut Alphas; the latter was located at Yale College, and in June empowered a " well and truly beloved brother" to found a chapter at Trinity. The society has prospered, and

has been regarded with

great favor, an election to its ranks being considered one of the honors of the college course. At this time, and during the presidency of Rev. Silas Totten, a charity fund raised by subscription throughout the Diocese was established. This enabled the college to give free tuition in the form of scholarships to those students who were worthy, and in need of assistance. The same year was memorable for the organization, by the Trustees, of the "House of Convocation" and the "Board of Fellows." The former consisted of "the Fellows and Professors of Trinity College, with all persons who have received any academic degree whatever in the same, except such as may lawfully be deprived of their privileges," and its business is such as may be delegated by the Corporation, the governing body to which belongs the supreme control of the college. The Board of Fellows consists of six Fellows and six junior Fellows, with the degree of M. A., appointed by the Corporation, and to this Board is intrusted the superintendence of the strictly academical business of the college. Two Professorships-one of Modern Languages and one of Mathematics and Natural Philosophyhad already been established, and large additions made to the general fund, so that now the affairs of the institution were in a most prosperous and flourishing condition. The catalogue showed a long list of names, not only of residents in and about the city, but from distant parts of the country, and particularly from the South; and it

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