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1. Describe the territorial divisions in England, among the Angles and the Saxons, and the courts conforming to these divisions. How far were these courts representative? Who presided at these courts ?

2. What were the powers of the Witenagemote! Who were members of it? When and where did it meet? What relation did it bear to the Folkmot?

3. Compare Feudalism in England with Feudalism in France. What was the conduct of the Norman kings in regard to Feudalism in England?

4. Mention the principal constitutional changes in the reign of Henry II.

5. What was the form in which the revenue was raised in that reign?

6. What was then the military force of the kingdom?

7. "The most important articles of the constitution of Clarendon may be conveniently arranged in five groups." Give this classification.



1. Stubbs says: "In the history of these eighty years," after the Charter, "the growth of constitutional mechanism is distinct from the growth of political ideas." Explain this.

2. What was the Firma Burgi, and the Frith-gild?

3. Distinguish between local representation and class representation. State how far they coexisted in England. Compare in this respect the States-general of France, the Cortes of Spain, and the Diets of Germany with the English Parliament.

4. What was the purpose of the statute "De Religiosis," and also of the statute "Quia Emptores"?

5. Distinguish between Nobility and Peerage, and give the history of the Peerage.


1. Stubbs says: 66 Although the two houses of parliament had, since the accession of the house of Lancaster, been fully recognized as co-ordinate assemblies, they each retained peculiarities of usage and exclusive rights." What were these usages and rights?

2. "There had evidently been a retrograde tendency towards absolute monarchy between Henry VI. and Henry VIII." Explain this and state its causes.

3. What was the jurisdiction of the Council of the Star Chamber? Distinguish it from the Council erected by Henry VII.

4. Mention the several Acts passed in regard to the duration of Parliament.

5. State the circumstances connected with the passing of the following Acts: (a) Against the dissolution of Parliament without its consent. How far was this constitutional? (b) Establishing the exclusive right of the commons to pass money bills. (c) To determine contested elections.

6. By what claim did the House of Hanover secure the English crown?

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