Puslapio vaizdai

please his palate, and fuch as he can meet with ng where else.

If the most indefatigable induftry, in bringing to light articles, from hitherto untouched receffes of learning, the utmost accuracy in compiling and new modelling those that have been already published; if the greatest deference, and the most exact regard to the performances of our correfpondents, and the moft earnest attention to whatever may at once please and inftruct, can qualify us to be candidates for future favour, we are in hopes to merit the continuance of the public indulgence.

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N the defcription of ** a new inftrument Y published fome time Ya ago in this Magazine, I was obliged, among feveral other things, to omit the manner of ufing it in all cafes; and I was the lefs folicitous about this deficiency, becaufe I knew not what reception it might meet from the public, by whofe judgment I would always be determined, and not by my own.

Having found, however, that the moft eminent furgeons have been pleased to pay a good deal of attention to what I offered; and as a great many gentlemen defire fome directions for its ufe in particular cafes, I fhall, in as few words as poffible, endeavour to remove every difficulty of this kind; and, firft, L

fhall confider the most common and fimple cafes.

1f, In drawing all teeth, the patient's head fhould be held by an affiftant, in the required position.

zdly, The forceps is always to be held in the right-hand, and the fulcrum in the left.

3dly, The tooth, after being first freed from the gums, if the furgeon thinks it neceffary, is to be griped as low as poffible by the forceps, which is to be held gently and fteadily to prevent pain; and in that direction in which it is to act, until the fulcrum is placed under it in fuch a manner, as that the part which is covered with leather, may be evenly over half the tooth next the offended one, and over as many more as it can convéniently cover. 4thly, The furgeon then holding A z


the tooth (vid. 2.) fufficiently fast to prevent flipping the hold, depreffes the handle of the forceps in the direction of the tooth on which the fulcrum refts; and if he meets with confiderable refiftance, he is to use the turn outwards, which I recommended before, thereby adding in fome measure the action of the key-inftrument to the ftreight and fafer effort already employed.

them: this may be done by removing the fulcrum farther from the tooth to be drawn, than was directed at 3; and if this cannot be done, the cushion of the fulcrum may be contrived to make the preffure as great upon the low, as upon the prominent ones.

5thly, The tooth is never to be pinched harder than is neceffary to furnish a fafe grip; for altho' the inftrument is made to afford a confiderable power, it is not intended that this power fhould be applied towards breaking a tooth, but to wards drawing it: the force therefore that is neceffary here, as it cannot be expressed, should be learned by experience on the dead fubject.

6thly, In drawing all the teeth of the lower jaw, the patient is to fit before the light, and the furgeon (after obferving the things mentioned in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,) standing on the left-fide, may draw the fore-teeth and thofe of the right-fide; and standing on the right, he may draw thofe of the left.

7thly, In drawing the teeth of the upper jaw, the patient is to lie upon his back, and the furgeon ftanding at his head, and a little to the left-side, may draw (vid. 1, 2, 3, 4,5,) the teeth of the right, and vice verfa, as at 6.

8thly, The fore-teeth of the upper-jaw are moft conveniently extracted when the patient is placed as at 7, and when the furgeon ftands on the right-fide.

9thly, Next, when teeth rife unequally one above another, care Inuit be taken that the fulcrum does not reft entirely upon one of

10thly, When the teeth grow in various directions inwards, outwards, or to a fide, we fhould, if poffible, avoid preffing much on thofe that flant moft, especially thofe that face outwards; we should divide the preffure; (vid. 9.) and if we must lean on thofe that flant outwards, all danger and pain may eafily be prevented, by cautiously forcing in the direction of the ill fet teeth.

11thly, Numbers of people have either two perfect or imperfect rows of teeth in one jaw, and would willingly get rid of the innermost fet, which generally are the fuperfluous and offenfive ones, provid ed a proper inftrument could be found: this, and only this, in alk fuch cafes, may be fafely and conveniently ufed with the above directions.

12thly, I faid, before, that the gums may be removed before we draw a tooth, if the furgeon pleafes: the practice is undoubtedly good in the ufual method of operating, but I cannot think that fuch a precaution is neceffary here; for in ufing this inftrument, I never found the gums to adhere to the tooth, altho in the fame jaw it has frequently happened, to the key-inftrument. The reafon of this is, I believe, be caufe this laft always catches the gums between its heel and the tooth, and thereby prevents the adhesion from being broke, which


otherwife would eafily yield with less pain, than cutting must neceffarily occafion.

Having looked over the firft engravings in too much haste, an error of the engraver, in the 5th figure annexed to my former paper on this fubject, escaped my notice, and was published. The line ⚫k fhould not extend farther above ⚫ than the line does; for even this is much greater than the space through which a tooth moves, be

fore it is entirely difengaged from its connexions, and ftill the curvature is imperceptible, agreeable to the demonftration.

The remainder of the line o k is a portion of a circle which the inftrument never defcribes, and its remarkable curvature and contradiction to my meaning, and to the fact itself, may, without this correction, lead the reader into doubts and objections. B. H.

Yours, &c.

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On the Origin of Bags and Queues.

S bags, and queues are of late years become fo much in vogue, and even countenanced at court, I have been recollecting the origin of these ornaments for the head, and remember, that above forty years ago they were worn in France by none but footmen and foldiers; the former having their hair tied behind in black leather bags, and the latter put theirs in the form of a queue, i. e. a tail. This the footmen did for fake of cleanliness, (and alfo for dispatch in dreffing their heads) as it was deemed indecent that they should wait at table with long hair flowing about their shoulders; and hair cut fhort, or round heads, was the priefts fashion, and bob-wigs for fuch as were bald. The foldiers wore tails, as they ftill do, for conveniency, and likewife to make a difference between them and the footmen, in the decorating of the head.

Now you'll perhaps fay, to what purpose is it to write about bags and tails at this juncture? Would

it not be better to spend time in fomething more interesting to the public?-But foftly, Sir; be plea fed to confider that nothing can be of more importance to mankind than the furniture of the head; and this, I hope, will be deemed as ufeful a way of employing time, as writing about the preliminaries : therefore, with your leave, I fhall proceed with the subject.

In the course of fome years, the French ladies began to think that the footmen looked Smarter than their matters, and had a more genteel air. This, indeed, had always been the cafe of most of them, but was not entirely owing to the bag: however, young noblemen and gentlemen, and even many old ones, adopted the bag, and got them made of filk inftead of leather, the latter manufacture ftill being worn by the valets. But though our countrymen have always had fo great a propensity to ape the French in fashions, it was a long while before they could be brought to take up with bags; and every



body must remember, that fuch a as he did not readily allow this to thing exposed the wearer to the be the cause of our becoming more jibes and infults of the mob. civil to Frenchmen and other foreigners, I observed to him, there was no other way of accounting for it, but by afcribing it to our falling into the fashion of bags and queues, whereby the mob are reconciled to fuch a fight, which formerly used to make them rude and infolent to ftrangers. This fatisfied the Italian gentleman, and he concluded that it was the most bumane fashion the English nobility and gentry ever took up with. For my own part, I obferved to him, that it was very indifferent to me how my countrymen fet off their heads, provided I had liberty to cover an afs's ears; and that I dreaded nothing fo much as feeing it become the universal fashion to wear one's own hair; because I have been as bald as a Friar above fifteen years, though not quite fifty have paffed over the head of your humble fervant, F. S.

Within this twelve month an Italian, with whom I accidentally fell into company, obferved to me, in honour of the populace of this metropolis, that they were grown more civilized than he found them about twenty years ago, when he first came to England; and how to account for it, he could not tell; neither could I for fome minutes, but only faid, I was glad he found the manners of our people altered for the better. At length, I told him it might be owing to the encrease of news-papers, both in number and fize, feveral of which always contained, befides politics and public affairs, good effays in religion and morality, &c. which being read by the vulgar, as well as by others in better stations, could not fail of making falutary impreffions on the minds of many: but

A Cure for the Yellow-Jaundice, communicated by the late Lord Blakeney, who cured great Numbers thereby in Ireland, Minorca, and in this Kingdom, and which he never knew to fail.

AKE the white of an egg, and two glaffes of fpring water, then beat them well together, and after drink the quantity off at a draught.

It cools the lungs, which in this diftemper are always inflamed, expels that afthmatic diforder which alfo always, in fome degree, afflicts the party diseased; it fpeedily procures perfpiration, invigorates the animal fpirits, caufes digeftion, and creates an appetite.

I would advife the patient to take this remedy, always at hand, as foon as he perceives himself attacked by this naufeous diftemper. While I am writing, a maid-fervant, who was attacked on the 9th, was perfuaded to take this remedy the day following, and it has stopped the progress of the diftemper; the patient has got rid of her fickness and loathing of food, and eats with a good appetite."


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