Puslapio vaizdai

5. Give the adjustment of the transit to eliminate the index error.

6. Describe a method of determining the flow in a river.

7. Cross section notes were taken as follows:

[blocks in formation]

Fill in the notes to be acceptable in a court of law, and find the amount of earthwork involved in the above set of notes.

8. Give the requisites of a map or plan of a survey.


1. Show how descriptive geometry may be used (a) to show a vein through a given point and having a given dip and strike.

(b) a drift, having a given azimuth and angle of inclination and having a given dip.

(c) To find the intersection of a given drift with a given vein.

2. Describe all the work necessary to reduce the notes for plotting by the co-ordinate system.

3. Show how you would adjust a side bearing telescope.

4. How would you determine the interval factor and the focal length for any transit.

5. Determine the length, bearing and inclination of a line from Sta. 101 to Sta. 200 from the following

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6. (a) Describe the monuments which would be placed on Section 36, Range 14, Tp. 14, west of the second meridian.

(b) How would these monuments be marked ?

(c) Draw a sketch of the section showing the location of the monuments and the road allowance.

7. Illustrate by an example how you would make an azimuth observation on polaris in latitude 44°13′ N., and how you would compute the azimuth.

8. Give a brief account of the main features of the five systems of Survey for Dominion lands.

9. Define the following terms :-Group lot, Correction line, Convergence, Witness monument, Azimuth, Bearing, Jog.



(Six questions will constitute a full paper).

1. (a) Distinguish between a labor union, a trade union, and an industrial union.

(b) Explain the terms: closed shop, boycott, picketting, arbitration.

(c) Discuss the advisability of Canadians belonging to international unions with headquarters in the United States.

2. (a) What are the essential features of the conservation movement?

(b) Outline a conservation programme for any one division of the great natural resources of Canada.

(c) Is prohibition of export of pulpwood necessary for, forest conservation?

3. (a) Are there any grounds for charging lower freight rates on a long haul than on a short haul on the same railroad?

(b) Explain discrimination in railroad rates between commodities, discrimination between places, discrimination between persons.

4. Discuss briefly municipal ownership and operation of street railways.

5. (a) Describe the nature and use of the following types of securities: common stock, preferred stock, cumulative preferred stock, income bonds, first mortgage twenty year five per cent. gold bonds.

(b) Explain the meaning of the following terms: capital, capitalization, stock-watering, depreciation, franchise, underwriting.

6. (a) What are "call" loans, and what bearing have they upon daily operations in the money markets?

(b) Could the Bank of Montreal withdraw its $50,000,000 of call loans from Wall Street, at any time it wished? (c) In settling the balance of trade between nations, what items other than goods must be accounted for?

7. (a) What is meant by the "reserve " of a bank? What are the policies pursued in Canada and the United States in regard to reserves?

(b) What is the "surplus" of a bank? Why should. the note-holder be given greater protection than the depositor?

(c) In what forms do banks extend their credit? What is the essential function of a bank?

8. (a) Compare the Canadian system of branch banks with the American system of local banks, with reference to their effectiveness in meeting the needs of the several localities in which the banks are situated.

(b) Is the Canadian policy of private bank inspection adequate?

9. (a) What have been the causes of the recent rise in prices of building materials, machinery, labor, etc.?

(b) What is meant by an "index number" of prices? (c) How is it possible for the United States, where prices are, in general, higher than in Europe, to compete successfully with the United Kingdom and Germany in neutral markets?

10. (a) What freight regulations influence the locating of an industry?

(b) In what way does climate affect industrial undertakings?

(c) Give instances of the utilization of cheap surplus. labor in industrial centres.

(d) What new source of power is having an increasingly important bearing upon the locating of industries?

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