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Porritt; Constitutional Law; Greene and Jenks.
Candidates will do Section A, and either B or C.


1. (a) What were the main features of the old imperial preferential system, as they applied to Canada? What were the effects of the abrogation of the system?

(b) Explain the attitude of the United States toward reciprocity with Canada (i) in 1854, (ii) from 1866 to 1910, (iii) at the present.

2. (a) What are the chief factors making for protection and for free trade, respectively, in Canada?

(b) What light, if any, does the tariff situation in the United Kingdom, Germany, and the United States throw on the question of the probable resultant of these forces in Canada?

3. (a) Write brief notes on (i) favoured nation treaties, (ii) maximum and minimum tariffs, (iii) conventional tariffs, (iv) surtax, (v) anti-dumping regulations.

(b) Summarize the Canadian legislation, other than that regulating the customs tariff, designed to encourage manufacturing industry.

4. (a) For what lines of industrial development do you consider Canada best adapted?

(b) Trace the growth of any Canadian industry since 1867.


5. (a) What imperial legislation has force in Canada? (b) Discuss the value to Canada of the appeal to the Privy Council.

6. (a) Can a province competently forbid a Dominion insurance company to do business within its borders without a license from the province?

(b) Can Nova Scotia give power to a company to do business in British Columbia, subject to receiving a license from the latter province?

7. Discuss the powers of the Dominion and of the provinces respecting the manufacture, sale and importation of intoxicating liquors, citing cases where possible.

8. Discuss briefly the validity of the following measures: (a) A Dominion Act abolishing appeal to the Privy Council, in criminal cases.

(b) A Dominion Act providing for compulsory liquidation of a company chartered (i) by a province, (ii) by the Imperial govern


(c) A Provincial Act empowering police magistrates to try offences under a Dominion Act respecting forgery.

(d) A Provincial Act amending the law concerning escheats.

(e) A Provincial Act regulating compensation for injuries to workmen employed on railroads declared to be "for the general advantage of Canada."

(f) A Dominion Act increasing the number of judges of the High Court of Ontario.

(g) A Dominion Act restricting the coasting trade to Canadian vessels.

(h) A Dominion Act incorporating the Christian Brothers as a company of teachers for the Dominion.

(i) A Provincial Act compelling trade unions to become incorporated.


9. (a) What are the principles which Greene lays down regarding the proportion in which various kinds of stocks and bonds should be issued by a corporation? (b) How do municipal and industrial bonds compare in the estimation of the investing public? (c) What are the functions of the underwriter?

10. (a) In what way does the railway bond differ from the ordinary mortgage upon real estate? (b) Describe the various kinds of railway bonds. (c) What part does a great money centre, such as London, play in the financing of a great corporation?

11. (a) How did the trust movement begin? (b) What attempts were made to lessen the recognized evils of competition? (c) What is the essential weakness of the pool? (d) Did the holding company differ in principle from the trust? (e) What have been the factors which have hastened the centralization of industry?

12. (a) What is the basis of popular antagonism to the trusts? (b) What conclusion does Jenks come to in regard 'to the effect of trusts on prices? (c) What effect has stock manipulation on public welfare? (d) Should the trust movement of recent years be considered a social gain? (e) What are the most important combinations which have been formed in the past few years?



1. (a) State and prove the rule for writing a perpendicular to a given line through a given point.

(b) A line makes intercepts a and b on the axes. Find the intercepts made by the right-bisector of the segment included between the axes.

2. (a) Show how to find the discriminant of the general equation.

(b) Find values for λ which will make


represent two straight lines.

3. Find the condition that one of the lines of ax2 + 2hxy+by20 may be perpendicular to one of the lines of a'x2+2h'xy+b'y2 = 0.

4. (a) Show how to obtain the inverse of a figure in relation to the circle x2+y2 = a2.

(b) Prove that lx+my+n=0 inverts into a circle through the origin.

5. The area of the triangle formed by three tangents to a parabola is one half that of the triangle formed by the three chords of contact.

6. (a) If B, B' be the angles made with the x-axis by conjugate axes, then tan B. tan B'+b2a2.

(b) Distinguish clearly between the signs and trace any consequences.

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