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Public Finance and Taxation, National Problems. 1. (a) Outline the measures of encouragement and of restrictions which make up the immigration policy of Canada.

(b) Discuss the expediency of (i) the Chinese headtax, (ii) the $25-50 cash requirement, (iii) the alien contract labor law, (iv) the extensive admission of South and East European immigrants.

2. (a) What are the essential features of the present conservation movement in Canada? Account for the slow coming and the present rapid extension of the movement.

(b) Discuss the different methods followed in housing. reform, and outline a policy for present Canadian needs.

3. Discuss the effects of the dual race situation in Canada on (i) religious situation in Quebec, (ii) national unity, (iii) imperial relations, (iv) Canadian party system.

4. (a) In your opinion, are the functions of the State likely to expand or to decline? (b) What is the ethical basis of taxation? (c) Give Plehn's classification of taxes, fees and rates.

5. (a) What general principle underlies the incidence of taxation? (b) Can a tax upon rural or urban land values be shifted? (c) What practical obstacles are met in any Single Tax scheme, and Henry George's in particular?

6. (a) Explain in detail the nature of the financial burden which would be placed upon the United Kingdom at the outbreak of war with a great Power. (b) Compare the national and local debts of the United Kingdom with those of France and Germany. (c) What is meant by the "Sinking

Fund," and what part does it play in British and Canadian finances?

7. (a) Wherein does public credit differ from private? (b) What are the economic effects of public borrowing? (c) For what purposes have the debts of the British colonies, for the most part, been contracted? Contrast with causes of European debts.

8. (a) Make out an ideal scheme for the taxation of corporations. (b) Explain the Ontario government's method of taxing insurance companies. (c) What is meant by the Ontario business tax? (d) Should the property of churches and charitable organizations be exempt from taxation?



Carver and Lowell.

Omit one question.

1. (a) Account for the diversity of meanings ascribed to the term sociology, and state what you consider the proper scope of the subject.

(b) What is the most essential difference in view point between Buckle and the later writers on sociology represented in Carver?

2. (a) State the main points in Champernowne's comparison of the Boss with Machiavelli's Prince, and discuss the value of the comparison.

(b) What does Nordau consider the symptoms, and what the causes, of modern hysteria and degeneration? Comment.

3. (a) What were the chief contributions made by Comte to social theory?

(b) State Comte's law of the three states. What was the social service rendered by each of the three stages of thought? What material developments corresponded to the various intellectual stages?

4. "In addition tothe silent crumbling away of the philosophical foundations of the cosmopolitan theory, and its breakdown on a matter of such capital importance as the relation of the state to industry, has come its total discredit through the ascertained falsity of its economic assumptions. It was assumed (1) that England was destined to be the workshop of the world; (2) that free trade was to solve the economic or social problem; (3) that the world was soon to adopt the unrestricted exchange of products; (4) that the era of perpetual peace was close at hand, all of which, being necessary inferences from the accepted doctrine of economic harmonies,

as formulated by Bastiat, were formerly thought above discussion, but now are held beneath it. . . . The moment that two nations embark extensively in the same line of industry, that moment commerce becomes a sword, dividing and setting at enmity those who are rivals for the same markets."-Robinson.

State the theory Robinson is attacking and estimate the soundness of his criticism and of his counter theory.

5. (a) Summarize, with illustrations, Buckle's doctrine of the influence of physical agents on the development of society.

(b) What is Galton's view of the influences that affect the average standard of ability? What can be done to give practical effect to his conclusions ?

6. (a) What are the obstacles in the path of responsible government in Germany?

(b) Explain the composition and powers of the Austro-Hungarian Delegations.

(c) Describe the committee system in the French parliament, and estimate its influence on the working of cabinet government.

7. Analyze the political situation in any one of the continental nations, showing the chief problems facing the state, and the consequent grouping and working of parties.

8. (a) What is the basis of the franchise in Italy? in Prussia? in the German Empire? in Austria ? (b) Discuss the working of the referendum in Switzerland.



Lowell, National Problems.

Four questions in each section make a full paper.


1. Can either the two party or the group system be said to be the normal type? State the circumstances which have favoured the group system on the Continent, and discuss the present tendencies in France and Germany.

2. (a) Compare the systems of local government found in Germany, France, and any province of Canada.

(b) Compare the Italian judicial system with the French.

3. (a) State briefly the composition and the powers of the upper houses of France, the German Empire, Prussia, Italy, Austria, Hungary and Switzerland, and consider from which nation or nations, if any, guidance for the reconstruction of the Canadian Senate is to be had.

(b) What, briefly, are the political issues now uppermost in each of the Continental countries mentioned? Note the influence of domestic problems on foreign policy.

4. (a) What is the present political status of (i) Croatia, (ii) Alsace-Lorraine, (iii) Bosnia?

(b) Discuss the position of the Federal Council in the Swiss government. Could it be reproduced in Canada?

(c) What were the causes of the development of the referendum in Switzerland and in the United States? In the light of Swiss and United States experience, consider the advisability of adopting the initiative and referendum in Canadian provinces.

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