Puslapio vaizdai




Homer and Aristophanes.

Translate :-Iliad II, 11. 394-410.

Odyssey IX, II. 216-230.

Odyssey XI, 11. 488-503.



Translate, with brief explanatory notes,

Frogs, 11. 190-201.
11. 340-368.

11. 981-1009.

Give a sketch of Homeric Politics and Manners based on your reading of the Iliad and the Odyssey. 4: Describe the growth of Greek poetry down to the beginning of Attic drama, noting the chief names, of poetry and the localities in which each




What are the political circumstances attending the production of the 'Frogs'? Account for the hostility of Aristophanes to Euripides and say how far you think

the censure is deserved.

6. Give a short account of the working of the constitution of the Athenian state during the a of Pericles, noting especially the chief magistrates and the various

popular assemblies.



General Paper.

N.B.-You need not attempt more than six questions.

1. How do the remains of the Mycenean Age stand to the world of Homer?

2. Describe the reforms of Cleisthenes.

3. Give an account of Sparta in the sixth century B.C


4. Illustrate various ways in which the transition from aristocracy to democracy was effected in Greece.

5. What steps were taken by Darius to confirm Persian authority in the West between 515 B.C. and 490?

6. Explain the political aims and achievements of Themistocles and Aristides.

7. What are the incidents of the War in the period between 413 and 404 B.C.?

8. Give some account of Greek lyric poets in the period extending from 700 to 450 B.C.

9. How does Thucydides emerge from the criticisms recently urged against him?

Io. Try to describe briefly the attitude of Euripides to the materials with which Attic tragedy had to deal.

11. Give an account of any notable work of Greek sculpture.

12. How far is the Frogs a literary essay ?

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