BOTANY. PASS ARTS AND MEDICINE. 1. Discuss seeds,—their structure, the materials stored in them, their dispersal, their germination, and the growth and purpose of each part of the embryo. 2. Compare in structure and functions the following named kinds of stems: submerged, subterranean, prostrate, and climbing. Tell of the varieties of each of these, naming a plant to illustrate each variety. 3. Make a careful diagram of the minute structure of a leaf, naming each part. 4. Discuss: photosynthesis, proteid synthesis, digestion, assimilation, respiration, and transpiration, naming the structures associated with each of these activities. 5. What is peculiar in the structure of the leaves of each of the following named ecological classes of plants: carnivorous, xerophytic, hydrophytic, and saprophytic. Name an example of each class. 6. Tell of the organs of a flower, their structure, arrangement, purpose, union of parts, and the relationship of flowers to insects. 7. Sketch the life history of a fern, making clear the alternation of generations. Describe the sorus, indusium, prothallium, and archegonium. 8. Arrange ferns, liverworts, fungi, mosses, algae and club mosses in the order of their complexity, and tell what each group has contributed toward the advance of the plant kingdom. PASS ANIMAL BIOLOGY. Students in Arts will take parts I and II; students in Science will take part II only. I. 1. What is meant by vestigial organs? Illustrate your answers by reference to the different classes of chordata. Indicate briefly the advantages of social life among animals. 2. What are the distinguishing characters of living matter? Explain and illustrate what is meant by tropisms. 3. Distinguish the different classes of the protozoa. Explain how the sporozoa cause infectious diseases. How are such diseases spread? 4. Describe the vertebral column of man. II. 1. Distinguish the different classes of the cœlenterata. Describe in detail a typical jelly-fish. 2. Describe the development of a crustacean. Indicate the significance of the protracheate arthropods. To what orders do the following insects belong: Mayflies, lice, houseflies, butterflies, fireflies, wasps? Give reasons for your answers. 3. Compare the bones of the front limbs in man, horse, cat, pigeon and frog. 4. Distinguish the sub-classes and orders of mammals that have cerebral hemispheres with smooth surfaces. |