Puslapio vaizdai
[blocks in formation]


42, 60, 89, 119,

Alabama claims, 91
Alaska, boundary, 65-7, 153; terri-
tory, 60, 67, 97 f., 119

Alberta, 77

Alexander of Russia, decree of, 96
Alexander, Sir William, 42, 51
Alverstone, Lord, 70-2

Application of term, 1
Belief in education, 190 f.
Character, 169–75, 177, 182, 205
College, 207-12, 218-23
Difficulty of understanding Can-
ada's status, 73, 132-8, 159
Freedom of speech, 174 f.
Movement to the West, 5, 55-7,

Population, 4-6, 26 f.

Provincialism of Central West
States, 174 f., 178
Americanism, 164, 175 f., 185
Annapolis Royal, 10
Annexation of Canada

Against―(a) Americans, 138,
146, 198, (b) Canadians, 113 f.
143 f., 147, 151
For-(a) Americans, 70, 73, 108,
116f., 119, 126, 132, 149, 247,
(b) Canadians, III f.
Arbitration, 47-9, 64, 68-73, 89 n.,

Ashburton, Lord, 39, 42, 48–51, 55
Astoria, 60

Atlantic fisheries, 67, 85-9, 89 n.,

[blocks in formation]

BAGOT, Sir Charles, 71, 111
Baldwin, Hon. Robert, 112, 114
"Bay," meaning of, 90-4
Behring Sea, 96-102
Behring Strait, 60

British Columbia, 3, 35 f., 59, 64,
75, 98, 119, 158

British influence, Desire of Ameri-
cans to exclude from the con-
tinent, 65, 107, 117

British North America, 44, 139
British West Indies, 128 f., 143
Brown, Hon. George, 115, 150
Bryan, W. J., 185, 186 n.
Bryce, Viscount, 79, 93 f., 182

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To U.S.A. from (a) Quebec,
8-11, 25-8, 30, 140, (b) other
provinces, 11, 25-8, 30, 140,
(c) Great Britain, 24-6
From U.S.A. to Canada-to
(a) the Maritime provinces, 7,
10-12, 19 f., 24, 28 f., (b) On-
tario and Quebec, 7, 9 f., 12,
19-25, 28 f., (c) North-West,
29, 31 f., 34, 66, (d) British
Columbia, 35 f., 62

Erie Canal, 142
Erie, Lake, 52, 75, 77
Exports of Canada, 162–4


ENIAN raids, 91, 117
Fine Arts, 236
Fisheries, 67

Bank fishing, 85-95
Inshore fishing, 85, 88, 90, 92 f.
See Atlantic; "Bay"; Fur Seal
Arbitration; Gloucester, Mass.
Forty-ninth parallel, 53, 56, 58, 63
Franklin, Benjamin, 13 f., 42, 49,
119, 208

Fraser, Simon, 58

Fraser River, 35, 58, 64

Free Trade in England, its effect
on Canadian trade, 111, 141-4
Frontier, influence of, 173 f., 178
Fuca's Strait, 63

Fundy, Bay of, 41, 43, 47
Fur Seal Arbitration, 96-102;
(a) award, 100 f., (b) confisca-
tion of Canadian vessels, 98,
(c) Contra bonos mores, 99,
(d) Mare clausum, doctrine of,
99, (e) results, 101 f.

[blocks in formation]

Halibut Fishery Treaty, 134
Halifax, 2, II, 139, 142, 145, 205
Halifax Commission, 91
Haro Strait, 64

Harvard, 206 f., 221, 224, 228,
230 f.

Hay, John, 67, 68 f., 126, 238
Herschell, Lord, 67
“Highlands,” 41, 45–7, 50
Hovering Act, 89

Hudson's Bay Company, 29, 35,
58, 61-3, 65, 72
Boundary, 53, 56
Explorers, 30, 53

Fur Trade preserves West for
Canada, 29 f., 65

Purchase of territory from, 63,

Hughes, Secretary Charles, 130
Huron, Lake, 52, 75

[blocks in formation]

Interdependence of Canada and
U.S.A. (cont.)

Understanding of Canada and
U.S.A., 33 f., 74 n., 246 f., 250
International Joint Commission,
74-84, 95

International Waterways Commis-
sion, 78

Investments in Canada, 160 f.
Iroquois, 41, 52

JAY, John, 42, 208

Jefferson, Thomas, 56 f., 208 f.
Johns Hopkins University, 206,
223, 226

Johnson, Dr Samuel, 14
Johnson, Sir John, 21

KING'S College

New York, 208, 213
New Brunswick, 214
Nova Scotia, 213-6
Toronto, 215
"Ku Klux Klan," 176 f.

LABOUR, 14, 177 f., 196–9

American Federation of, 197-9
Differences between American
and Canadian, 197–9

Laurier, Sir Wilfred, 69 n., 73,
125 f., 141 N., 152, 155, 157,


Laval University, 213

League of Nations, 132-4, 138
Lewis and Clark, 58

Lincoln, President, 115, 170
Literature-(a) American, 236,
238, (b) Canadian, 239 f.

Lodge, Senator, 68, 69 n., 70 n.,
74 n.

Long Lake, 52 f., 55

Louisiana, 53 f., 122; purchase of,
56 f.

Lowell, President, 136

Loyalism and loyalists, 4, 7, 171,
187, 191, 203, 215

character of, 16, 20−2, 104-7
effect on Canadian character,

10-12, 34, 109-11

extent of, 16, 18-20

influence of expulsion on Ameri-

cans, 12, 16-19

leaders of, 13-5

origins of, 13-5

settlement in B. N. A., II f.,

19 f., 22, 34

Lynn Canal, 67, 70

Trades and Labour Congress of MACDONALD, Sir John, 91, 121,

Canada, 197-9

Labrador, 53, 87 f.

Lake of the Woods, 52–5, 75 f.
Lakes, Great, 52-4, 67, 75-8, 131,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Maritime provinces, 3, 10-12, 24,
26-8, 85-95, 110, 116, 141,
145 f., 148, 165, 178, 188, 214

Mars Hill, 45
Massachusetts Bay, 42
Massachusetts, state, II, 44, 49, 86,
207, 210

Michigan, Lake, 76, 79
Milk River, 75

Mississippi River, 52–7, 170
Mitchell's Map, 42, 46, 49, 55
Monroe Doctrine, 127-9, 130
Montana, 75, 77

Montreal, 10, 39, 111 f., 142, 205
Moodie, Mrs, 23
Music, 241

NATIONAL Policy, American, 249;
Canadian, 150

Neighbour, use of the term, 243
Netherlands, King of the, 47-9
New Brunswick, 3, 9, 12, 20, 21 N.,

203; boundary, 39-51; college,
214; fisheries, 85, 112, 120, 146
New England, 3, 8-11, 13, 26,
88 f., 103, 108, 110, 145, 161,
169, 174, 190, 208
Newfoundland, 88, 91-4, 96
Nootka Sound, 57, 59
North West

Company, 58, 60, 65
Fur Trade, 53
Ordinance, 55 f., 210 f.
Provinces, first settled by Cana-
dians, 30 f.; immigration of
Americans, 31, 32; opening
of the C.P. Railway, 30, 123
Nova Scotia, 3, 10 f., 19 f., 41,
44-6, 51; fisheries, 85-9, 120,
124, 146, 163, 171, 216

OHIO River, 54, 170
Olney, Richard, 128, 152

Ontario, Lake, 19, 41, 52, 75, 131;
state, 3, 9f., 12, 24-8, 30f., 54,

112, 120, 124, 153, 161, 165,
178, 188, 195, 243, 247
Oregon, boundary, 35; state, 58 f.,
61, 64

Ottawa, 69 n., 73, 121 f., 142

PACIFIC Ocean, 53, 57–9, 63, 65,

72, 119, 134
Panama Canal, 129 f.

Parkman, Francis, 10, 239
Passamaquoddy Bay, 41, 43
Payne-Aldrich Bill, 154 f.

Peace, century of, 130-2; effects
of, 242

Phelipeaux Isles, 52
Pigeon River, 55

Police, N.W. Mounted, 31
Polk, President, 62
Portland Channel, 67, 70 f.
Post-graduate schools, 224; in-
fluence on Canada of Ameri-
can, 226-8


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