Puslapio vaizdai

seemed to me that in some cases they did not distinguish so clearly between green and blue as between green and other colors. In other respects they seemed to adhere equally closely to any color to which they were made accustomed."

CERTAIN Continental miscroscopic slidepreparers have been detected in a fraud which, if not thoroughly ventilated, may result in most serious inconvenience, and possible danger to the cause of learning. "It appears," writes Mr. W. G. Letsom, to the Academy, "that many polariscope objects are offered for sale purporting to be plates of minerals, which are nothing more than ingenious manipulations of colored glass and cheap minerals. Thus, spartalite, for instance, is imitated by means of a dark-red glass, in which is placed a thin section of calcite. The combination is then mounted in Canada balsam between two plates of glass." An optician in Berlin is credited with the authorship of this deception, and why his name is withheld we are at a loss to understand.

Ir is said that if seeds of barley-corn, etc., be placed between moist pieces of litmus-paper, the roots, as they grow, stick to the paper, and color it an intense red. By an addition of the tincture of litmus, this red color may be greatly intensified. This result would seem to indicate the separation from the roots of a strong non-volatile acid, and the fact, as here demonstrated, may be one of marked significence in vegetable chemistry and physiology.

THAT our readers may be prepared for any subsequent revelations on the subject, we would state that Mr. Edison, of Newark, claims to have discovered either a new force or a modification of electric force, which, if it accomplish one-half that is claimed for it, will effect far more for the cause of progress than we dare to conceive. But of this more when more is known.

FROM recent reports, it would appear that Mr. Stanley and his sail-boat Lady Alice will soon have to compete with an English steamer for the honor of exploration on the Albert Niyanza. Colonel Gordon has, it appears, succeeded in ascending the river to a point above the rapids, whence a passage to the lake is unobstructed.

IN his will, dated October 16, 1875, Sir Charles Wheatstone bequeaths all his scientific books and instruments to the corporation of King's College, London. This gift is accompanied by a legacy of twenty-five hundred dollars, for the further purchase of scientific instruments.


"SOCIAL Gleanings," by Mark Boyd, au

thor of "Reminiscences of Fifty Years," is fresh from the London press. It has many anecdotes, of which we glean a few:

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A friend of mine, during a stay at the seaside, sent her maid for some books to the library. The damsel returned with an armful of novels which she produced triumphantly. There, ma'am," she said, "there's 'Oscar and Belinda; or, Love Indeed;' there's 'Zelia's Escape, and the Depths of Woe!' Would you think, ma'am, the man wanted me to bring The Life of Pitt,' in four volumes; but I was not a-going to take that. I read it

over all through to my last mistress. It's just the 'orriblest book you can conceive. What that there Stanhope wanted to write about Pitt for, I can't tell. Who can care to know about 'im who never said or did a hinteresting thing in his life. He was only in love half a page, and it come to nothink. Well! people will lose their time to be sure with such like trash, and the more they're bored the wiser they think themselves. The hidear of writing about 'im." My friend described the air and style of this delivery as irresistible. Macaulay says that "Pitt is claimed by Whigs and Tories as belonging to each party." Agreed; yet after the lapse of more than half a century his reputation has apparently not yet reached the servants' hall.

Those who with the writer can look back forty years or more, may recollect a native of the "Silver-Coasted Isle," an habitué of Paris, who was conspicuous from his penchant for hanging on to the skirts of royalty. At the same time he had another great quality, of occasionally giving excellent dinners. Lord Alvanley was in Paris, and his friend came one morning to him to ask his advice. He the day previous had been ignobly kicked by a subject of King William IV. "What am I to do, Lord Alvanley?"-" Do!" said the facetious lord, "why, call him out."-" No, Alvanley, that is treating the matter too seriously; but I thought of writing to him to ask for an apology."-" He is not such a fool as to write an apology; therefore, unless you send him a message by a friend to demand personal satisfaction, there is but one alternative."-"What is that?"-"Sit down whenever you see him."

A friend used to relate an anecdote of his first visit to Paris during its occupation by the allied armies after Waterloo. He was, like myself, extremely bald. At that time Englishmen were terribly victimized in the French capital. He entered a hairdresser's to be operated upon, and was thunderstruck to find himself charged ten francs. "Ten francs,' exclaimed my friend, "for cutting my hair!" "Oh, no, monsieur, not for cotting your hair, but for finding de hair to cot."

A Scotch gentleman of fortune, on his death-bed, asked the minister "whether, if he left ten thousand pounds to the kirk, his salvation would be certain." The cautious minister responded, "I would na like to be positive, but it's weel worth the trying." The gentleman paid the money, and soon afterward gave up the ghost.

A witty, popular, and learned lord on the northern side of the Tweed, tells a story of a Scotch wife, shortly after the nuptial-knot had been tied, mildly expostulating with her husband for indulging in two tumblers of whiskey-toddy just before going to bed. "My dear Agnes, a glass o' whiskey-toddy maks anither man o' me."-"But, my dear William, you take two."-" Ay, Agnes, that gangs to the ither man."

An English traveler arrived at one of those comfortable inns in the north of Scotland, although probably ranking below Dalnacardoch or Dalwhinnie, and told the landlord he felt unwell, at which the latter expressed his regret.

"What medical officer," said he, "have you here?" "Medical officer, div ye say, sir?""I wish to see a physician."


en kind o' mon is he?"-" Confound it, I want some medicine." "Weel, sir, we've only twa medicines in this pairt o' the coun

try: tar for the outside of the sheep, and whiskey for the inside o' oursels."

An American friend of mine, a distinguished author, who has always something good to tell me, described the respective positions of two rival up-country American newspaper editors before the time of the electric telegraph.

The editor of the inferior paper was superior to his rival in one respect, inasmuch as, being possessed of a longer purse, he could command at all times horse-express communication with New York and Washington; therefore his paper's deficiency in editorial ability was more than compensated or recouped by early intelligence.

A cute Yankee of the district one day entered the private room of the less affluent editor, and warmly condoled with him on the vexation caused him by his opponent's advantage; but he made an important observation which commanded immediate attention. "I guess I can beat him and sarve you.""How?" asked the anxious editor. "I've got a lot of first-class carrier-pigeons which I can sell to you as cheap, or cheaper, as any bird o' the sort in the States, and I can command a lot more, if need be, up to two hundred."

The editor jumped at the offer, and the pigeon-expresses proved a success, so much so as almost to drive the rival editor wild. The Yankee waited until the pear was ripe, when he paid the express-editor a visit. "I guess, Mr. Editor, I feel very much for you, for that d-d Mr. is driving a wonderful trade with his pigeon-expresses; but I can beat him and sarve you, and that pretty sharp." "In what manner?"-" Why, by hawks. I have got two dozen tarnation sharp hawks, which I can sell to you as cheap, or cheaper, as any birds o' the sort were ever sold in the Northern States."

A bargain was at once struck, and a sharp lookout was kept whenever a pigeon was seen to be let loose from the other newspaper office. The hawks did their duty well by generally capturing their quarry.

The Yankee now paid the disappointed editor a visit, so soon as the success of the hawks over the pigeons was an established fact. "I guess, Mr. Editor, I feel very much for you, for I'm informed that that fellow's hawks are killing your pigeons; and I can make all that square for you, and pretty sharp!"-"What do you mean?"—" Why, Mr. Editor, I've got six eagles which I can sell you a bargain; and if they don't settle matters with the hawks, and that slick, I'm not the man I take myself to be."-" You are a dd scoundrel! and if you don't take yourself off, and that pretty quick, I know somebody who will make you."

We were on a visit at the house of some friends, who the day previous had imported a fresh house-maid, bringing with her an excellent character from her last place. Our agreeable hostess came to us in the drawing-room to tell us that her new house-maid had already resigned. "She came to me to say that the house-keeper would not give her no elevens. I asked her what she meant by no elevens. Why, ma'am, bread-and-cheese, with beer, at eleven o'clock.'Oh, that is what you call your elevens. Now, house-maid, as I give my servants an excellent and substantial breakfast between eight and nine, and an equally good dinner between twelve and one; and, as I have no intention of giving elevens, I fear my place will not suit you.' 'Oh dear no, ma'am, I can remain in no lady's service who don't give no elevens.""

A much-esteemed friend of mine, a naval officer, writes to me: "Here's one I never saw in print. Two jolly tars were one day passing St. Paul's, one of whom was trying to count the statues outside the building, when he remarked to his shipmate, Why, I allus thought as how there was twelve Apostles." "Well, so there was, but you wouldn't have 'em all on deck at once, would you?'"

FRANCIS GALTON, writing on twins, in Fraser, states that he had received about eighty returns of cases of close similarity, in many of which were curious and instructive de


officer writes: "On one occasion when I re-
turned from foreign service, my father turned
to me, and said, I thought you were in Lon-
don,' thinking I was my brother-yet he had
not seen me for nearly four years-our resem-
blance was so great."

The next and last anecdote I shall give is,
perhaps, the most remarkable of those that I
have. It was sent me by the brother of the
twins, who were in middle life at the time of
its occurrence: "A was again coming home
from India on leave; the ship did not arrive
for some days after it was due; the twin
brother B had come up from his quarters to
receive A, and their old mother was very ner-
vous. One morning A rushed in, saying, 'O
mother, how are you?' Her answer was,

ious I am!' and it was a little time before A
could persuade her that he was the real man."


FOR JANUARY 1, 1876,

By MRS. MACQUOID, Author of "Patty," "My
Story," etc., etc.;

First installment (in four parts) of
The opening chapters of


Mr. James Freeman, an American artist who has resided for thirty years in Rome, and during that time met many of the most distinguished men and women of the period, will give, under the above title, his reminiscences and experiences, which are of the most entertaining character. And other papers of interest.


OUR FRIENDS WILL HAVE NOTICED the advertisement of Messrs. DECKER BROTHERS in our pages for some time past. The foundation of the house was unostentatiously laid in 1862, with a small capital in money, but a capital large in experience in all that was necessary to produce instruments to sell to a critical public-experience gained by an acquaintance from their earliest youth with every (even the minutest) detail of the mechanism of the piano-forte, and by having filled the most responsible positions in the establishments of the earlier manufacturers of our time. They indulged in no rosy fancies of sudden popularity ¦ and a quickly-realized fortune. Of simple tastes, they undertook the business, not so much as a means to wealth I as for the purpose of improving the manufacture. Being practical artisans themselves, and familiar with the capabilities of every man employed in the business in New York, they found no difficulty in securing the ser vices of the highest skill for each department. Good mechanics prefer employment where their ability is not only well paid for, but is also properly appreciated, and the estimation in which the DECKER BROTHERS were held was such as to cause the leading journeymen in other factories to seek engagements at their hands. The instruments manufactured by this firm fully realized the standard of what a well-made piano, for tone and durability, should be. The firm is one of the most prominent of representative piano-forte makers in the world, hav ing won their proud position by the intrinsic merits of the instruments of its make. Their ware-rooms, at 33 Union Square, are well designed for their business, and afford every opportunity for testing the tone and for the inspection of the finish of their pianos.

The manner and address of the thirty-fiveNo, B, it's a bad joke; you know how anxpairs of twins is usually described as being very similar, though there often exists a difference of expression familiar to near relatives, but unperceived by strangers. The intonation of the voice when speaking is commonly the same, but it frequently happens that the twins sing in different keys. Most singularly, that one point in which similarity is rare is the handwriting. I cannot account for this, considering how strongly handwriting runs in families, but I am sure of the fact. One of my inquiries was for anecdotes as regards the mistakes made by near relatives between the twins. They are numerous, but not very varied in character. When the twins are children they have commonly to be distinguished by ribbons tied round their wrist or neck; nevertheless, the one is sometimes fed, physicked, and whipped, by mistake for the other, and the description of these little domestic catastrophes is usually given to me by the mother in a phraseology that is somewhat touching by reason of its seriousness. I have one case in which a doubt remains whether the children were not changed in their bath, and the presumed A is not really B, and vice versa. In another case an artist was engaged on the portraits of twins who were between three and four years of age; he had to lay aside his work for three weeks, and, on resuming it, could not tell to which child the respective likenesses he had in hand belonged. The mistakes are less numerous on the part of the mother during the boyhood and girlhood of the twins, but almost as frequent on the part of strangers. I have many instances of tutors being unable to distinguish their twin pupils.

No less than nine anecdotes have reached me of a twin seeing his or her reflection in a looking-glass, and addressing it in the belief it was the other twin in person. I have many anecdotes of mistakes when the twins were

nearly grown up. Thus: "Amusing scenes occurred at college when one twin came to visit the other; the porter on one occasion refusing to let the visitor out of the collegegates, for, though they stood side by side, he professed ignorance as to which he ought to allow to depart."

I have four or five instances of doubt during an engagement of marriage. Thus: "A married first, but both twins met the lady together for the first time, and fell in love with her there and then. A managed to see her home and to gain her affections, though B went sometimes courting in his place, and neither the lady nor her parents could tell which was which." I have also a German letter, written in quaint terms, about twin brothers who married sisters, but could not easily be distinguished by them.

I have a few anecdotes of strange mistakes made between twins in adult life. Thus, an

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WE COPY THE FOLLOWING in regard to the fur-trade from the New York Tribune : "Among holiday presents there seem to be none more appropriate to the season, and, on that account, more welcome to the fortunate recipients of them, than articles of fur. At the fur-house of C. G. GUNTHER'S SONS, at No. 502 Broadway, a very fine stock of furs has been collected for the holiday-trade. This is headquarters for the fur-trade, the house having the recognized leadership. The members of the firm state that this winter bids fair, notwithstanding the financial stringency, to be very profitable to fur-dealers. The rich furs, which have been very much in demand for a few years, are even more sought for this winter. This is especially true of seal-skin, which is more universally worn than ever before, in the shape of caps, muffs, sacques, etc. The peculiarly rich, dark color of the far of the seal, its fine lustre, velvety softness, and enduring qualities, account for the favor with which it is regarded. Ladies' sacques made of seal-skin, plain or trimmed with silver-fox, otter, and other furs of contrasting colors, are exhibited by the Messrs. GUNTHER in great variety, as to shape, size, richness of material, and cost. Some of these cost $350. Hats, caps, muffs, and other articles of dress made of the same fur, are sold at prices varying with the quality of the material. Among the other much-prized furs re Russian sable, a set of which, consisting usually of a muff and boa, costs from $200 to $1,200; Hudson's Bay sable, which is fine but much cheaper than Russian sable; silver, black, and blue fox furs. Chinchilla is used chiefly for trimmings on other furs. The fur of the silver fox is especially valued on account of its brilliancy. It is of a light, bluish-gray color, sprinkled with glistening white points. Both mink and ermine have lost much of their popularity recently, but they are still worn on account of their durability. Ermine costs only about half as much as formerly. Many articles are made of Alaska sable or black marten fur. This is very durable, and a muff and boa made of it are sold for from $15 to $25."

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APPLETONS' AMERICAN CYCLOPÆDIA, illustrated with several thousand Maps and Engravings, is the very best selection that could be made for a Christmas or New-Year's Gift. It is a peculiarly appropriate and admirable gift in the following cases: From church-members to their minister; from Sunday-school teachers to their superintendent; from scholars to their teacher; from a citizen to a school or district library; from artisans to their foreman; from members of a club or society to their president; from any person to a friend; from a parent to a son; as a wedding or birthday gift. It is as noble and handsome an ornament as a piece of plate, and far more useful; it is choice, elegant, dignified, appropriate, and of lasting benefit to the recipient. THE AMERICAN CYCLOPÆDIA will be completed in sixteen handsome octavo volumes, fourteen of which are now ready for delivery. The remaining two will be published during the present winter. It is a complete library in itself, affording a full survey and summary of every subject in science, art, history, philosophy, industry, belles-lettres-a thorough and exhaustive Dictionary of General Knowledge, and a work indispensable to lawyers, merchants, manufacturers, statesmen, men of letters, and students of every grade. Those who design to present this great American work can arrange for the delivery of the two volumes necessary for its completion as soon as they are published. Prices are as follows: in cloth, $5.00 per vol. ; in library style, $6.00 per vol,; in half morocco, $7.00 per vol.; in half Russia, $8.00 per vol.; in full morocco, $10.co per vol. D. APPLETON & Co., Publishers, 549 & 551 Broadway, New York. Subscriptions received on application to the publishers, or their special agents in the larger cities.

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