Puslapio vaizdai

to collect the sum necessary for his ransom; and we are not ashamed to employ ourselves in the occupation of watermen. The gentleman was struck with this account, and, on his departure, made them a handsome present.

6. Some months afterwards, the young men being at work in their shop, were greatly surpised at the sudden arrival of their father, who threw hinself into their arms; exclaiming, at the same time, that he was fearful they had taken some unjust method to raise the money for his ransom, for it was too great a sum for them to have gained by their ordinary occupation.

7. They professed their ignorance of the whole affair, and could only suspect they owed their father's release to the stranger, to whose generosity they had been before so much obliged. After Montesquieu's death, an account of this affair was found among his papers, and the sum actually remitted to Tripoli for the old man's ransom.

8. It is a pleasure to hear of such an act of benevolence performed even by a person totally unknown to us but the pleasure is greatly increased, when it proves the union of virtue and talents in an author so renowned as Montesquieu.


A POOR man and his wife at Vienna, who had six small children, finding themselves unable to support them all, were reduced to the necessity of turning the youngest upon the public. The husband carried it reluctantly to the foundling hospital, deposited it in the basket which was placed near the gate for the reception of the foundlings, and anxiously waited till the arrival of the inspector, that he might take a farewell view of his child.

2. When the inspector came at the usual time to examine the basket, he perceived two children therein. Observing the labourer, who stood at a small distance, he supposed that he had brought them both; and compelled the poor man, notwithstanding all his protestations to the contrary, to return with two children instead of one, which was already more than he knew how to maintain.


3. His wife, as well as himself, was exceedingly dejected at this increase of their expenses; but, unwilling to expose the little stranger in the street, they determined to use all their endeavours to support themselves and the seven children; and they hoped Providence would assist them.

4. On undressing the child, the woman found a paper sewed to its clothes, containing an order upon a banker for five crowns a month, to be paid to the person who took care of it. The good people were not a little rejoiced at their happy fortune.

5. But the story being circulated, and coming to the knowledge of the managers of the hospital, they claimed the child as their property. The labourer refused to relinquish it, and was assisted by some persons of distinction.

6. The cause being tried in a court of justice, it was decreed, that, as the foundling hospital had at first declined receiving the child, it of right belonged to the poor man who had shown such humanity humanity in keeping it, when he was so ill able to afford any additional expense.


IN the year 1775, a ship lying at anchor in Table Bay at the Cape of Good Hope, was driven on shore in a violent storm, and the crew reduced to the utmost distress and danger. Their cries for assistance were distinctly heard by the inhabitants; but at first there appeared no prospect of relief from any quarter.

2. The swell of the sea, which broke over the ship with the greatest violence, made it impossible for them to save themselves in boats, and highly dangerous to attempt it by swimming. Some of those, who ventured to swim to the shore, were thrown against the rocks and dashed to pieces; others, as soon as they had arrived at the shore, were car ried back by another wave and drowned.

3. A Dutchman by the name of VOLTEMAD, who happened to be a spectator of this distressing scene, was touched with compassion of so noble a kind, and at the same time so operative, that, mounting a high spirited horse, he swam him over to the ship; encouraged some of the crew to lay hold of the end of a rope, which he threw out to them for that purpose, and others to fasten themselves to the horse's tail; then turned about, and carried them safe on shore.

4. This animal's natural aptness for swimming, the great size of his body, the firmness and strength of his limbs, prevented him from being easily overpowered by the swell of the sea. But, unfortunately, this generous and active

veteran himself became a victim to death.

5. Fourteen young persons he had actually saved; and while endeavouring to preserve more than it was possible for him to do in so short a time, he and his horse were both drowned. The occasion of this was as follows.

6. After the seventh turn, having stayed a ittle longer than usual to rest himself, the poor wretches on board were afraid that he did not intend to return; for this reason, being impatient, they redoubled their cries and prayers for assistance, upon which, his tenderest feelings being wrought upon, he again hastened to their relief ere his horse was sufficiently rested.

7. The poor animal, almost spent, now sunk the sooner under his burthen, inasmuch as too many sought to be saved at one time; and one of them, as it was thought, happened unluckily to catch hold of the horse's bridle, and by that mean drew his head under water.

8. This bold and enterprising philanthropist commands our esteem and admiration the more, as he had put himself into this danger for the relief of others, without himself being able to swim. The Dutch East India company caused a monument to be erected to the memory of this unfortunate philanthropist.


I THINK myself happy, king Agrippa, because I shall answer for myself this day before thee, touching all the things whereof I am accused of the Jews; especially, as I know thee to be expert in all customs and questions which are among the Jews. Wherefore I beseech thee to hear me patiently.

2. My manner of life from my youth, which was at the first among my own nation at Jerusalem, know all the Jews; who knew me from the beginning, if they would testify, that, after the straitest sect of our religion, I lived a Pharisee.

3. And I now stand and am judged for the hope of the promise made of God unto our fathers. Unto which promise, our twelve tribes, instantly serving God day and night, hope to come; for which hope's sake, king Agrippa, I am accused of the Jews.

4. Why should it be thought a thing incredible with you, that God sould raise the dead? I verily thought with myself, that I ought to do many things contrary to the name of Jesus of Nazareth.

5. Which thing I also did in Jerusalem; and many of the saints did I shut up in prison, having received authority from the chief priests. And when they were put to death, I gave my voice against them. And I punished them oft in every synagogue, and compelled them to blaspheme. And being exceedingly mad against them, i persecutnd them even unto strange cities.

6. Whereupon, as I went to Damascus, with authority and commission from the chief priests, at mid day, O king, I saw in the way a light from heaven, above the brightness of the sun, shining round about me, and them who journeyed with me.

7. And when we were all fallen to the earth, I heard a voice speaking unto me, and saying, in the Hebrew tongue, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? And I said, Who art thou, Lord? And he said, I am Jesus whom thou per


8. But rise, and stand upon thy feet; for I have appeared unto thee for this purpose, to make thee a minister, and a witness, both of these things which thou hast seen, and of those things in which I will appear unto thee; delivering thee from the people, and from the Gentiles, unto whom I now send thee, to open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Saten

unto God; that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them who are sanctified by faith which is in me.

9. Whereupon, O king Agrippa, I was not disobedient unto the heavenly vision; but shewed first unto them of Damascus, and at Jerusalem, and throughout all the coasts of Judea, and then to the Gentiles, that they should repent and turn to God, and do works meet for repentance. For these causes the Jews caught me in the temple, and went about to kill me.

10. Having therefore obtained help from God, I continue unto this day, witnessing both to small and great; saying no other things than those which Moses and the prophets did say should come: that Christ should suffer, and that he should be the first who should rise from the dead, and should show light unto the people, and to the Gentiles.


MONTAIGNE thinks it some reflection upon human nature itself, that few people take delight in seeing beasts curess or play together; but almost every one is pleased to see them lacerate and worry one another.

2. It is gratifying to perceive that the benevolent precepts of Christianity have in a great measure mitigated the treatment of kute animals, although many cruel sports are still allowed by the most cultivated nations, such as bullbaiting, cock-fighting, dog-fighting, and the like.

3. We should find it hard to vindicate the destroying of any thing that has life, merely out of wantonness; yet in this principle our children are bred up; and one of the first pleasures we allow them, is the license of inflicting pain upon poor animals.

4. Almost as soon as we are sensible what life is ourselves, we make it our sport to take it from other creatures. I cannot believe but a very good use might be made of the fancy which children have for birds and insects.

5. Mr. Locke takes notice of a mother who often procured these animals for her children, but rewarded or punished

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