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In a letter written by Mr. O. C. Evans, of 12 South Jefferson St., Roanoke, Va., to Dr. H. Sanche, Discoverer and Inventor of OXYDONOR VICTORY, Mr. Evans said:

12 S. Jefferson St., Roanoke, Va., . ec. 1, 1896.

I wish to add my name to the list of those who have us the Oxydonor "Victory," and to express my appreciation of its worth. I ave been suffering for three years from kidney trouble, pronounced to be Jright's Disease by the faculty of the Medical Department of the University of Baltimore, Md., and was treated there for four months, and had an operation performed, all of which did me no good. I also had three other operations performed, and was treated by some of the best physicians in the country, all to no purpose. I began to fear I would never get well. About five months ago I was induced by a friend to buy an Oxydonor, and after using it about four months I have been entirely cured, and am now well. O. C. EVANS.

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are absolutely cured by


SULPHUME is pure sulphur in liquid

form, a new chemical discovery. Sulphume when taken internally, and applied as a lotion, will cure any skin disease mankind is heir to. Price $1.

SULPHUME SOAP is the only soap

in the world made with liquefied sulphur. It has no equal for the toilet or bath. Price per box, (3 cakes) 75 cts., express prepaid. One cake for trial, mailed on receipt of 25 cents.

SULPHUR BATHS can be taken at

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Gargling once will cure an ordinary sore throat.
Express prepaid to points in United States only.
OUR SULPHUME BOOK is a treatise on sluphur, and
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in a glass of water makes an invigorating and healthful drink of Sulphur water - Nature's Great Blood Purifier.

Your druggist can procure Sulphume preparations from his jobber, without extra charge to you. SULPHUME COMPANY, 123 Marine Building, CHICAGO.

Lyman & Sons Co., Montreal, Canadian Depot.

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Your Home Protected

Nature's Latest and Most Valued Gift to Medical Science

An Atmosphere in Which Disease Germs Cannot Live



No discovery in medical science has ever created such a profound sensation as that of HYOMEI. the use of Booth's Exhaler every particle of air in your home is impregnated with this new germicide, which kills at once the bacilli of Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Pneumonia and Consumption, making it impossible for these diseases to exist, where it is used. In fact, so wonderful have been the results which followed this new method of treating disease, over 2800 doctors have endorsed it during the past few months, and such prominent men as President Andrews of Brown University, Mayor Yard of Trenton, Postmaster Wilson of Brooklyn, Rev. Dr. Farrar of Brooklyn, Hon. Samuel Roads of Massachusetts, and Sir Henry Irving of London, having tested Hyomei, are lending their aid in introducing it to the public.



Cures by Inhalation

It is Nature's own remedy, given through the only vehicle (the air you breathe) which Nature permits to enter the bronchial tubes and lungs. There is no danger, no risk.

"Hyomei" pocket outfit complete, $1.00; extra inhalant, 50c. 'Hyomei Balm (a wonderful healer), 25c. Sold by all druggists, or sent by mail on receipt of price. Send for "The Story of Hyomei." Mailed FREE,

R. T. BOOTH CO., 23 East 20th Street, NEW YORK

A COMPLETE HOME TREATMENT and CURE for Consumption and all Diseases of the Air Passages.

The Dry-Air Exhaler, a beautifully nickel-plated apparatus, 14 inches high and 8 inches in diameter at the base, one spirit lamp, a flexible silk-covered inhaling tube, one mouthpiece, one nasal piece, one Pocket Inhaler Outfit, and a sufficient quantity of "HYOMEI" to last six weeks or two months.

By express, $15.00.



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