Manutius of Venice. The "Aldines" were small books, comprising works of no great magnitude. But writings of length can be compressed into portable, convenient form on Warren's India running 1420 pages to the inch. The pocket-size volumes of the New Century Library (Thomas Nelson & Sons, New York) would delight the maker of the Aldines. For in these India-paper editions of standard authors the influence of Willian Morris's gothic mediaevalism on typog raphy has given way to a more lucic style, traceable to the classic models o Italy. And for the sake of that compact ness Aldus valued so highly in printed books, Warren's India would appea to him as a tremendous improvemen over fifteenth-century printing papers The Lost Spirituality of Politics-A Renaissance in China-A Black Ambassador-The Next Great Investment and Banking JOHN K. BARNES Advertising pages THE CENTURY MAGAZINE; Published monthly; 50 cents a copy, $5.00 a year in the United States, $5.60 in Canada, W. Morgan Shuster, President; Don M. Parker, Secretary; George L. Wheelock, Treasurer: James Abbott, Assistant All material herein published under copyright, 1921, by The Century Co. Title registered in the United States Patent Office. |