PULSE OF THE WORLDTM SPEED and ACCURACY World-wide reputation for highest excellence in telegraphic service has been achieved by POSTAL TELEGRAPH-COMMERCIAL CABLES, The Mackay System, not only through its strong American tradition of competitive efficiency and progress, but its adoption and development of technical and material improvements. Spanning more than twothirds of the earth's circumference, The Mackay System constitutes the longest line of cables and telegraphs in the world. Its service extends to every important point in the United States; to England, France, Belgium and Holland, on the East; to the Philippines, China and Japan on the West; to Cuba and Latin-America on the South, and, via Canadian Pacific Railway Telegraphs, with which it has exclusive connections, to Canada and the North. Direct connections with other lines beyond, effected with unvarying foresight as the communication requirements of America expanded, complete the girdling of the globe. In every factor of service, speed and accuracy have been cultivated to the point of spontaneous habit. Each employee is trained to regard the transmission of your message as an individual, as well as an institutional, trust. For Speed and Accuracy Use the Postal Telegraph-Commercial Cables a 1 You can depend upon it With Listerine near at hand in your home you enjoy that comfortable feeling of knowing the antiseptic you use is both efficient and safe. It's been that way for half a century-always uniform, always dependable. Some of its many uses A safe, unirritating antiseptic for cuts, wounds As a gargle for sore throat to As a spray in nasal catarrh. A safe and fragrant deodorant in matters of per- Delightful after shaving. Effective in combating dandruff. I'seful in many skin disorders. As a mouth-wash to correct un- LAMBERT PHARMACAL CO. FIBERLOID Ask your jeweler, your optician, your clothier, your shoemaker why the articles you buy are made of the quality material Fiber loid. Your eye-glass frames, your fountain pens, the handle of your tooth brush, your comb, and mirror, the buttons on your very best coat, the noiseless heels that wear forever on your dancing pumps are probably made of Fiberloid. Fiber loid is a product of modern industrial chemistry. It can be sawed, carved, turned or moulded and will not break, dent or tarnish. As a result it is used for making numerous articles of every day use. Fiber loid is made only in our plant and is white, cream, brown, blue, pink, black or any color. It is opaque or transparent entirely or with flecked transparent spots like tortoise shell. There is not enough Ivory or Tortoise Shell in the world to make all the articles that look like these materials. Fiberloid is better for daily use than tortoise shell or ivory and so good that the manufacturers do not regard it as an imitation but proudly stamp Fiberloid on the finished article. Look for the trade mark. Prizes for New Uses Prizes will be awarded. (1) For the best letters suggesting new and practical uses for Fiberloid. There must be hundreds of uses for this wonderful material which have never been thought of. (2) For the best compositions describing Fiberloid and its uses. We particularly invite technical students, designers, and crafts workers to enter this contest and ask for particulars. Write for Booklet About Fiberloid THE FIBERLOID CORPORATION New York Office, 55 Fifth Avenue ingredients are blended to wholly new flavors crunchy nuts and luscious fruit; the most delicious coatings; butter and cream from New England's finest dairies. The prices range from 8oc to $1.50 a pound. Cox Confectionery Company, East Boston, Mass. ROMANCE CHOCOLATES HE trademark of the Hartford Fire Insurance Company identi fies an insurance policy that represents two factors of importance to every purchaser of fire insurance in the country. First, the policy carrying this trademark represents sound indemnity backed by a one-hundred-and-twelve-year-old reputation for the fulfillment of its obligations. Second, it represents a spirit of progressiveness that has prompted the Hartford to place the knowledge and experience of its Fire Prevention Engineers at the service of its policy-holders free of charge. These engineers inspect the premises of policyholders and give counsel on the best ways and means of eliminating unnecessary fire hazards. This double protection service forms the best of reasons why you should insist upon a Hartford policy. There is a Hartford agent near you. HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE CO. HARTFORD, CONN. The Hartford Fire Insurance Co. and the Hartford Accident & Indemnity Co. |