Puslapio vaizdai

Williamson's superintendence of his Tract Society work, which will have its centre in Shanghai, will be less affected by a partial residence in Chefoo than it might otherwise be.


treat it as they may think best to
treat the opium of native produc-
tion. If now there is moral strength
enough left, nothing hinders from
all but prohibitive local licenses
being imposed upon all kinds of
opium. It is to be feared that the
moral force will prove deficient;
but it is very manifest that the
right has been successfully asserted.
The friends of China who have
carried on so active an agitation in
England against England's position
regarding opium, are to be con-
gratulated; for without such agita-
tion it is not at all probable that
England would have conceded as
much as she has to China. Let
them rejoice in thus much of suc-resident in England.
cess, and take courage to continue
their still much needed agitations.
The Society for the Suppression
of the Opium Trade, has still
much to do, before the trade in
opium shall be suppressed. And
the Chinese should now be in
every way urged to improve the
position they have secured. They

Prince Min, the nephew of the Corean King, who received number of very serious wounds last spring, when several of the highest officials of Corea were assassinated in the palace, has recently passed through Shanghai, on his way to Europe and America, where he expects to spend several years in the study of western institutions. Rev. C. A.Stanley accompanies him as far as England, to assist him in securing a comfortable home while

should see that a tremendous re

sponsibility now devolves on themselves to show their real sentiments on the subject. If their desire for revenue should induce them to foster the trade, or should even weaken their opposition to it now it is entirely within their power, upon themselves will rest the blame.



Rev. W. R. Lambuth, M.D., will spend the winter. in Peking account of Mrs. Lambuth's health; and it is very possible, we understand, that he may remain there permanently in connection with the Methodist Mission North. What is Soochow's loss, will be gain for others.

We are happy to welcome Rev. Dr. Williamson back again to China. We learn from him that he expects to spend his winters in Shanghai, and his summers in Chefoo. Now that Chefoo is in telegraphic communication with Shanghai, Dr.

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Several Annual Meetings of Missions in China have lately taken place from which we have received no reports. We would respectfully

remind the members of those missions that their brethren of other

missions will be much pleased, of the salient facts regarding their through our columns to learn a few last year's work. We are all so essentially one, that what affects and interests a part interests all, and those who take the trouble to report to The Recorder may be sure of the thanks of their fellow workers of other missions.

Another of the veterans of the Missionary Work is about to retire from it for needed rest in the home

lands. After thirty-eight years, Rev. R. Lechler returns to Germany via Honolulu. By the invitation of his many Chinese parishioners on the Sandwich Islands, he will pay them a visit, which will without doubt do both him and them much good. It will be seen from the article on a preceding page, that Mr. Lechler is not of those who have any doubt whether China needs the humiliating and ennobling influence of Christianity; and it is equally certain that he is not of those who query whether Christianity has won any trophies in China. Many

in China and on the Sandwich Is. will rise up and call him and his missionary associates blessed.

A letter from Bishop Camelkeke, of October 25th, published in the Straits' Times, gives the losses sustained by the Roman Catholic Mission of Eastern Cochin China, as follows:-Murdered; 9 French missionaries, 7 native priests, 60 catechists, 270 Anamite nuns, and about 24,000 converts. Burned down; 266 churches, 17 orphanages, 10 convents, 4 agricultural schools, 2 seminaries, I printing office, and 1 Bishop's house quite new and not yet inaugurated.

On the 13th of October the Ven. Archdeacon Moule read a paper of Reminiscences of Twenty-five Years, before the Shanghai Debating Society. As full extracts from it have been published in our secular papers, we need not more than refer to its many interesting notes of the days of the Taiping Rebellion, and of sundry amusing experiences in rural China. Nothing from Archdeacon Moule's pen but is graceful, interesting, and profiting.




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From the Rev. J. W. Macintyre, of the U. P. Mission, we learn of two schools on the banks of the Jaloo River some ten days' journey from Newchwang. The schools are conducted the principle that we pay the teacher's wages, and the members find honse accommodations and all else. For two years a single family has supported a school for boys, at their own cost, but I like to have the control of the teacher, and this year he is on mission pay, while all else is found by the family, though only half or so of the pupils in any way belong to them. We have now started a girls' school, under the supervision of the same family, and there, in a remote valley divided by the Jaloo from Corea, we have

a young married woman, of my wife's teaching, acting as teacher. I examined seven girls, two of them seventeen years of age, and the rest from thirteen down to eight, and we have now nine on the roll. I was much pleased with what I saw, and feel sure the adventure will pull through. The family in question is altogether right-minded, and the old gentleman himself is simply an enthusiast, so we have not the Chinaman's disease to contend with. The twenty members sufficient to pay an evangelist to there will this year contribute work among them."


Dr. Dugald Christie's first Report of his Dispensary work in Mookden, for two years ending June 30th, 1885, tells of 12,243 cases having been treated, 201 of which were surgical operations. Eye diseases, as elsewhere in China, form a large proportion of the cases treated. Opium smoking is very common all over the province. Treatment of opium smokers as out-patients, has not been satisfactory; and of those treated by gradually diminished doses of opium, or its alkaloid, Dr. Christie knows of none in which a complete cure has been effected. An Opium Refuge is necessary, and we cannot but hope that Dr. Christie's modest statement of the need for a Hospital will bring him more than the sum of about £ 800 which he names as required. Fourteen have been baptized as the first-fruits of this Medical Mission, and there is reason to believe that many others have been convinced of the truth of Christianity.

We have also received the Seventeenth Annual Report of St. Luke's Hospital of the American Episcopal Mission, Shanghai, under the superintendence of Dr. H. W. Boone, with whom Dr. E. M. Griffith of the same mission is now associated. The number of patients

and many prayers, will follow this very interesting Chinese Foreign Missionary enterprise.


[From a Correspondent.]

The ninth session of the Foochow Methodist Conference, recently held, was a pleasant and profitable occasion. The Conference, composed of 48 ordained men five of whom are foreign missionaries, and 15 preachers on trial and unordained members, assembled at Tieng-ang Tong, October 16th, 1885, and the

treated the last year was 22,209 of whom 315 are reported as foreigners. There were 583 minor operations in the out-patient department; and 2,541 are reported as having obtained medical relief at seven different out-stations. In the wards of the Hospital itself, 462 medical cases were treated, and 124 surgical cases. The Rev. Mr. Tsu acts daily as Chaplain; several other ministerial members of the mission have also visited the patients; and Miss Purple has met a class of Chinese women assisted by native Christian ladies, members of the Church in Hongkew. A organization was effected by the grant of 505 Taels is acknowledged election of Rev. N. J. Plumb, from the Municipal Council, 73 President; Rev. F. Ohlinger, Engfrom the Toutai, 29 from the Citylish Secretary; and two Chinese Magistrate, 88 from the Mixed Secretaries. Court, 179 from Chinese, 868 from Foreigners, and 359 from the fees of Patients.


On the 11th of November, Rev. J. R. Wolfe, of the Church Missionary Society, sailed from Shanghai for Corea, taking with him two Chinese who are sent out by the Foochow Church, with the hope of entering Corea as missionaries. This is a fruit of the reports Mr. Wolfe brought back a year

since from that hitherto isolated land. The purpose is that it shall be a thoroughly Chinese mission. It is not dependent upon the Church Missionary Society, either for men. or funds. Mr. Ah Hok, the wealthy and generous Chinese Methodist, who a few years since gave $10,000 to the Anglo Chinese College at Foochow, and more recently $1,000 to a Church of the London Missionary Society at Hongkong, has given $1,000 to this Corean mission of the Church Missionary Christians, and himself accompanies Mr. Wolfe, to take part in the settlement of the two Chinese missionaries, who are, if the doors open, to be left alone at some point in Corea not yet determined. The best of wishes,

The Conference lasted nearly a week. The forenoons were devoted to business, consisting chiefly of examination of the character of the preachers, hearing the reports of Committees on various subjects, &c. The afternoons and evenings were given chiefly to sermons, and the discussion of various important subjects.

A prayer meeting was held each morning at 8.30 and the sessions were opened at 9 o'clock, with religious exercises.

The Conference Sermon, on Wednesday evening, was preached by Rev. J. H. Worley, transferred from the Central China Mission one year ago. His subject was, the power of the Holy Spirit as shown by its effects upon the The speaker's fluency in the Foochow dialect, considering the short time he has been here, was a pleasant surprise to all.


At 10.30 A. M., Sabbath day, Rev. G. B. Smyth preached, through an interpreter, a sermon of great power, which produced a profound im pression upon the very large audience assembled. His subject was St. Paul; his life and work, and the causes which produced such marvelous results.

In the evening of the same day Rev. Sia Sek Ong, preached the Conference Missionary Sermon.

The interesting subjects discussed on various occasions were, Church Building, Education, Sabbath Observance, Wine and Opium, Sabbath Schools, and Self Support.

The matter of native support of the pastors is one of vital importance and elicited much discussion, and the suggestion of various plans for its accomplishment. The statistics given at the close of the Conference indicate decided progress in this matter, for which we have reason to be truly thankful. The amount contributed for Church Building is also much larger than during the previous

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The reports of work done during the year were unusually encouraging. Not a little itinerating has been done, and the message preached was received with favor by an unusual number. Sixty-three Communicants were added during the year, the largest number for many years. The largest number added to any one church was seventeen; second largest, thirteen. Contributions for the year, $745. A church has recently been organized in Tong-Yiang with seventy-four members. There are now twelve churches under the care of this Presbytery, having a total of six hundred and eighty-two members. The Presbytery as a body consists of ten native ministers, nine native elders, and four foreign ministers.

A committee of two native ministers having been at work for three years on the subject of marriage customs, reported at this meeting thirteen articles, the publication of which we are obliged to postpone to the next number of The Recorder.

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Diary of Events in the Far East.

October, 1885.

6th. In the Tsing Yuen district, eighty miles from Canton, a mat theatre burned with loss of 173 lives.

10th. The French reported to have decided to confine their occupation to the Red River Delta, and to send the troops not needed to France or Madagascar.

16th. Mr. Von Mollendorf decorated at Seoul, by the Russian ConsulGeneral, with the order of St. Anne.

21st. A meeting in the Archbishop of Manila's palace, to raise money for a new man-of-war, to augment the fleet in the archipelago

24th-A very destructive fire in Manila.

25th. The Corean Prince Min, arrives at Shanghai, en route for Europe and America.

27th.-Memorial from the Chinese Imperial Resident in Thibet, asking for assistance in favor of the expelled Deb Rajah of Bhotan.

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Missionary Journal.

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At Shanghai, October 29th, Rev. E. E. Aiken, for A.B.C.F.M. Mission, Peking.

At Shanghai, October 27th, Miss AGNES BROWN, Miss A. A. LE BRUN, Miss J. STEVENS, and Miss M. J. WEBB, for China Inland Mission.

A. WILLIAMSON, LL.D., wife and two At Shanghai, November 11th, Rev. children, and Mr. GILBERT MCINTOSH, of the Book and Tract Society of China.

At Shanghai, November 18th, Mr. Wm. ARTHUR CORNABY, for Wesleyan Mission, Hankow, Central China.

At Shanghai, November 19th, Miss L. RANKIN and Miss LAMBUTH, of the Methodist Mission South.

At Shanghai, November 24th, A. MCD. WESTWATER, M.D., wife and child, of United Presbyterian Church Scotland, Chefoo.


From Shanghai, November 12th, Messrs. J. J. COULTHARD, and A. W. SAMBROOK, of China Inland Mission, for England.

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