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21. Commerce of the State. Solidarity of the human race.

of man. Correspondence between the structure and functions of the indi-

vidual man, and the aggregate man denominated Society. Co-ordinating

office of the brain. Its power limited by the necessary liberty of the indi-

vidual organs. Various degrees of subordination of the parts. Checks and

balances of the system, correspond to those of civil government. Necessity

for exercise of the power of co-ordination grows, in individuals and societies,

as the organization becomes more complete. Local centres of the physical

and social systems. Power and duties of the brain. Correspondence of

those of civil government. Government among spontaneities. Order and

liberty combined and secured. Graduated and federated system of govern-

ment, in the human body, analogous to the political organization of that

social one which constitutes the United States

? 2. Social science here branches into political economy- the one treating of

natural laws, and the other of the measures required for enabling those laws

to have full effect. Relation of science and art, as exhibited by M. Comte.

Necessity for exercise of the power of co-ordination. Duties to be performed,

in reference to the social body, the same with those that, in the physical

one, arc assigned to the brain. The more perfect the co-ordination, the

more complete, in both, the development of all the parts, and the more har-

monious the action of the whole. Tendency to the creation of local centres.

The more perfect the balance of opposing forces, the greater the tendency

towards human freedom. Duty of the co-ordinating power limited to the

removal of obstacles to association

23. Universal tendency towards association. Joint-stock companies. Acts
of incorporation. Limitation of liability. Correspondence of the societary
action with the natural laws instituted for man's government. Monopolies. +
Early appearance, among the Greeks and Romans, of corporations for politi-

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