The leading character of the Psalm or Hymn is attempted to be embodied in the title, but, as different subjects are frequently found in the same l'oem, if the reader does not find the Psalm or Hymn sought for under its expected head, he will find it under another perhaps equally appropriate. Miracles in his life, death, and resurrection. 137 Examples of Christ.. 139 Christ's unchangeable love. 14 278 279 280 281 23 Christ our strength .. Christ's invitation, and the church answering it. Christ's coronation and espousals of the church. The strength of Christ's love. Salvation, righteousness, and strength in Christ. Christ dwells in Heaven, but visits earth. 76 21 2212-22271222 187 191 57 149 71 166 195 2 com. 250 296 9 44 276 157 The example of Christ and his saints.. 140 282 The leading character of the Psalm or Hymn is attempted to be embodied in the title, but, as different subjects are frequently found in the same Poem, if the reader does not find the Psalm or Hymn sought for under its expected head, he will find it under another perhaps equally appropriate. HYMNS. Christ's resurrection and ascension...... Redemption by Christ..... Godly sorrow arising from Christ's sufferings Christ's intercession.... Christ's death for the sins of men.. God reconciled in Christ... Christ our grace, wisdom, power, and righteousness.. ....... Christ's passion and exaltation Christ's humiliation and exaltation......... Hymn Book Metre Page 78 9 37 81 148 79 29 3 104 2222222-2N 76 2 com. 222 224 154 182 227 290 225 1 short 174 SECTION VI. Graces and Influences of the Holy Spirit. SECTION VII. The Church; its Beauty, Order, and Happiness. The church the birth-place of the saints............. The leading character of the Psalm or Hymn is attempted to be embodied in the title, but, as d'ifferent subjects are fre quently found in the same Poem, if the reader does not find the Psalm or Hymn sought for under its expected head he will find it under another perhaps equally appropriate. PSALMS. At the establishment of a church...... Vows paid in the church ............. The church pleading under persecution.......... The church's complaint under persecution The beauty of the church The church God's seat.......... HYMNS. The church, the garden of Christ......... The church's beauty in the eyes of Christ... The safety and protection of the church God's tender care of his church....................... SECTION VIII. Death, Judgment, Hell, and Heaven. Riches no security from death Death and the resurrection.................................................................. Protection from death.............. Dwelling with God............. God the refuge of his saints in the day of judgment... The judgment of hypocrites ........................ Life, death, and the resurrection (a funeral psalm)... HYMNS. The rich sinner dying. Death made easy by the presence of Christ.......... Hell, or the vengeance of God.......... The sight of God and Christ in Heaven............. A happy resurrection.............. The business and blessedness of glorified saints........ 40 Life the day of grace and hope (a funeral hymn)...... 132 Victory over death.... Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord, (fun. Hy.). The death and burial of a saint (a funeral Hymn)... Death of a sinner... A saint prepared to die...... Death and immediate glory. God's presence makes death easy .... 110 63 220 44 71 228. 70 30 50 1 129 50 3 130 89 last pecu. 220 132 134 Hymn Rk. 1121222 1 long 30 176 59 188 168 249 39 The business and blessedness of glorified Saints... The deceitfulness of sin......... The distemper, folly, and madness of sin.. The leading character of the Psalm or Hymn is attempted to be embodied in the title, but, as different subjects are fre. quently found in the same Poem, if the reader does not find the Psalm or Hymn sought for under its expected head he will find it under another perhaps equally appropriate. Praise ye him, all his Angels A song of praise to God from Great Britain........ Praise to God for creation and redemption Doxologies.............................. SECTION II. On the Love of God and our Neighbour. The blessings of the pious and charitable.... 112 285 The difference between the righteous and the wicked SECTION III. On Believing and hoping in God's Word. |