If the Verse of the Psalm sought for does not appear on the page referred to, observe, that where the Psalm occupies more than one page, the number refers to that page on which the Psalm commences. A TABLE The leading character of the Psalm or Hymn is attempted to be embodied in the title, but as different subjects are frequently found in the same Poem, if the reader does not find the Psalm or the Hymu sought for under its expected head, he will find it under ang- 87 2 233 The leading character of the Psalm or Hymn is attempted to be embodied in the title, but, as different subjects are frequently found in the same Poem, if the reader does not find the Psalm or Hymn sought for under its expected head, he will find it under another perhaps equally appropriate. SECTION II. God's Works of Creation, Providence, and Grace. PSALMS. Works of creation and providence. The same. God our shepherd........ General providence and special grace God loves the righteous and bates the wicked... The providence of God in air, earth, and sea 65 65 232352 162 3 163 357 367 219 31 121 319 135 343 106 short 269 God our shepherd.... 23. 69 The Mystery of providence unfolded. God's warnings to his people.... Works of creation and providence. The same The creation, preservation, & restoration of this world 13 2 long 158 Sovereignty of grace.... 20 Salvation by grace in Christ.. 137 1 122 God dwells with the humble and penitent. 87 God's condescension to our worship.. 45 God's condescension to human affairs. 46 Electing grace..... 54 49 The book of God's decrees.. Free grace in revealing Christ.. Salvation by grace .... God the preserver of our frail bodies. The leading character of the Psalm or Hymn is attempted to be embodied in the title, but, as different subjects are fre. quently found in the same l'oem, if the reader does not find the Psalm or Hymn sought for under its expected head, he will find it under another perhaps equally appropriate. Promises and Precepts of God's Word. SECTION III. PSALMS. God's faithfulness to perform his promises.... Imperfection of nature, and perfection of scripture... 119 Instruction from scripture. Delight in scripture.. The word of God, the saints' portion. Breathing after holiness... HYMNS. ... The excellency of the holy scriptures.. The same The gospel attested by miracles... The power of the gospel The promises our security.. 83 212 119 307 89 217 131 2 275 128 1 115 138 2 280 The hearer of God's word blessed Distinction between the law and the gospel... God's promise and truth unchangeable. The firmness of the gospel.. .... God's faithfulness in the promises.. Characters of the children of God.. The different success of the gospel. Distinction between the law and the Gospel... SECTION IV. Man; his state by Nature; Gospel Invitations. Adam and Christ, Lords of the old & new creation... 8 22 139 29 The vanity of man as mortal (a funeral psalm) 39 11122 com. 39 141 223 2 363 2 106 The evil of sin, visible in the fall of Angels and men. Man's state by nature, and gospel invitations.. Corrupt nature derived from Adam.. A state of nature and grace.. The leading character of the Psalm or llymn is attempted to be embodied in the title, but, as different subjects are frequently found in the same Poem, if the reader does not find the Psalm or Hymn sought for under its expected head, he will find it under another perhaps equally appropriate. HYMNS. The shortness and misery of life (a funeral hymn)... The invitation of the gospel.... Sufficiency of pardon.. Converting grace.... Hymn Book Metre Page 63 7 85 159 222122 39 2 com. 184 200 209 15 231 299 Christ's death, resurrection, intercession, & kingdom Christ's passion, and sinners' salvation. Christ our sacrifice..... Salvation by Christ. The same Christ's ascension Psalm Part Metre Pago 97 2 long 242 69 2 175 22 66 ... 16 110 21 2 44 278 21 62 Christ's kingdom... Christ's kingdom among the gentiles. The covenant made with Christ.... Christ reigning in heaven.... Christ's kingdom and priesthood... 110 ... Christ's personal glories and government. 45 The mystical marriage...... 45 211212 181 214 241 278 118 119 Christ and the church live, though saints die God our portion, and Christ our hope.... Christ's incarnation..... Christ's incarnation and sacrifice... 69 Christ's sufferings and death 22 Christ's death and resurrection... 16 Christ's death, resurrection, intercession, & kingdom 2 14 Christ's victory and kingdom..... 22 96 239 98 2 245 Christ's kingdom and priesthood... 110 279 Christ's personal glories and government. Christ the foundation of his church..... Christ's death, resurrection, intercession, & kingdom Salvation by Christ.... Christ's kingdom and majesty. 99 1 Christ's personal glories and government. 45 246 116 |