Puslapio vaizdai

The first lines of the first verses of Psalms are printed in the Italic character; the first lines of the others are in Roman.---Daskes
in the middle of a line show that words similar to those in the line next above the dashes have been omitted.


The sons of violence 146
The sparrow builds...208
sparrow chooses 206
The sparrow for her..209
The Spirit shall desc.111
The starry curtains of 254
The starry heavens...303
The sun shall see his 219
The sun supplies the 344
The sure provisions of 69
The swelling billows 262
The swelling tide had325
The sword, the pesti. 228
The terror of one fro. 151
The testimonies of...302
The things so long fo. 12
The thirsty ridges dr. 162
The thunder of his...193
The tumult of my th. 74
The tumults of my th.187
The veil of night is...353
The various mouths..163
The vices of the mind255
The virtue of his sove.22
The waters saw thee 195
The waves lay spread 27
The wealthy sinner....41
The whole discourse. $4
The wicked borrows 102
The wicked shall his 283
The wicked shall sink 31
The widow and the..167
The wild young lions..91
The wings of every...364
The wonders, Lord 110
The work, O Lord...298
The world beheld the 329
The world is manag. 366
The world to come.....29
The world's foundat. 261
The wretch that deals251
Thee will I love, O...49
Their captive sons....276
Their cruel plough...332
Their faith and works 129
Their fancied joys.... 185
Their feet shall never319
Their feet were never290


Their gods have ton. 343
Their hands shall be 229
Their hope & portion..48
Their impious tongues 186
Their joy shall bear..217
Their malice rag'd...277
Their miseries his co.277
Their names were.....269
Their oaths and prom.36
Their prayers & vows 200
Their rage is levell'd 144
Their sins I'll visit...219
Their souls shall dwell73
Their thoughts & ways98
Their tongues are us'd39
Then all that love and317
Then by an angel's..267
Then did I raise a....360
Then his high praise 382
Then how the fright.272
Then I confess'd my ..84
Then in the history..177
Then in the Lord let..334
Then let his pride adv.47
Then let me make....100
Then let the King on..61
Then let the world....266
Then let the world....268
Then man to daily la.263
Then shall I love thy 315
Then shall I see, and231
Then shall my cheerf. 19
Then shall my heart 300
Then shall my soul...362
Then shall the flock..159
Then shall the Lord...30
Then shall the nation205
Then shall they rule..383
Then shall we shine..226
Then spake the Sav. 109
Then to the Lord th. 271
Then to the Lord th. 275
Then was the great...110
Then will I make thy142
Then will I raise my..95
Then will I say, my..227
Then will I teach the141
Thence I derive a gl.361

There, as in some pro 183
There David's greater323
There grow thy saints231
There is a stream, wh 121
There's a new heaven 48
There's full redempt.334
There's none of all my214
There, mighty God...208
There Persia, glorio. 181
There shall I offer my 76
There ships divide...264
There streams of end. 45
There the dark earth 128
There the great mon.207
There the young seeds354
There they could find270
There would I find a...69
These are the men, the71
These lesser glories....27
These on my heart...354
These --- by night 358
These temples of his 123
They broke the cove. 197
They can't redeem...128
They dread thy glitt.161
They fly like chaff be.95
They go from streng.210
They groan'd and cur.96
They hate me, Lord..316
They hate my soul...170
They have drawn out101.
They know not, Lord 204
They leave their nat, 273
They love the road that95
They mourn their folli 83
They plant their snares94
They put thy judgme.32
They saw him cleave 197
They saw the plagues 197
They saw thy wonde.269
They say, the Lord...234
They shall be seiz'd..143
They sow the fields...276
They that would grow282
They thirst; and wa.267
They tread my hono. 172
They watch to do the132
They wound his head 66

The first lines of the first verses of Psalms are printed in the Italic character; the first lines of the others are in Roman --Dashes
in the middle of a line show that words similar to those in the line next above the dashes have been omitted.


They wrest my words 147
They'li waft us soon..227
Thine anger, like a..119
Thine anger turns our 224
Thine arrows stick... 104
Thine arrows through196
Thine eye with nice..357
Thine eyes did all my354
Thine honours crown..25
Think, mighty God, 220
Think of the tribes... 188
Think on the coven. 190
This is the comfort...313
This is the day the..297
This is the folly of...126
This is the glorious..298
This is the man did...66
This is the man may...70
This is the man who 331
This life's a dream, an 48
This mortal life deca. 108
This shall be known 254
This shall his humble174
This shall invite thy...84
This spacious earth...71
This was my comfort 308
Those that in wealth 324
Those that on earth..229
Those wand'ring cis. 162
Thou art a God, before 20
Thou art my everlast. 178
Thou art my God, my105
Thou art my portion302
Thou didst divide the 189
Tho' all created light..98
Tho' dragons all arou115
Tho' I have griev'd..140
Tho' I walk through ..67
Tho' in the dust I lay 45
Tho' saints to sore dis.31
Tho' seed lie buried..329
Tho' 'tis thy chief de. 63
Tho', while he treads 279
Thou givest me the... 152
Thou God of love, th317
Thou great and good 155
Thou hast begun to..211
Thou hast inclin'd th302


Thou hast secur'd my148
Thou sun with dazzi.374
Thou sun with gold..379
Thou wilt arise, and .252
Thou wilt display that 39
Thou wilt prepare our 33
Thou wilt regard my 146
Thou wilt reveal the...46
Thrice happy man! th 227
Thrice happy man...284
Thron'd on a cloud...129
Thro' every age eler.221
Thro' every age the..341
Thro' fields & towns..267
Thro' the whole earth279
Thro' this vain world350
Thro' watery deeps...165
Thus by thy judgment 31
Thus did our suffering 65
Thus guarded by th' 268
Thus I resolv'd befo105
Thus in the great Mes171
Thus in the name of...47
Thus, Lord, thy wond 62
Thus on the heaven..339
Thus saith the Lord..239
Thus the spaci.130
Thus - your wor.109
Thus shall the men...332
Thus shall the venge. 150
Thus shall the wond. 161
Thus shall they learn 196
Thus the eternal Fa.278
Thus the great Lord 278
Thus they are blest...276
Thus, till my last ex.154
Thus to his Son he...214
Thus were the tribes 267
Thus when on Aaron 339
Thus when our first.. 270
Thus with my though.20
Thy all-surrounding..356
Thy awful glories ro. 358
Thy changing seasons372
Thy children are sec. 372
Thy children, from the82
Thy church is in the 201
Thy counsels, Lord... 184

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Thy Father and thy..117
Thy glorious deeds of 365
Thy goodness grants..62
Thy goodness how di. 81
Thy grace shall dwell365
Thy grace shall in the 35
Thy hand in sight of..68
Thy hand my heart...357
Thy hand shall find out62
Thy hands have made316
Thy justice shall main.98
Thy law is ever in my 109
Thy laws, O God, are 117
Thy light and truth..114
Thy mercies fill the 307
Thy mercy stretches 155
Thy morning light & 162
Thy name, almighty 294
Thy noblest wonders..58
Thy power assists the.28
Thy praise, more con.296
Thy precepts make..303
Thy precepts often...305
Thy promises are true234
Thy providence is kind97
Thy righteousness is 179
Thy sceptre well bec.180
Thy seed shall make 265
Thy solemn vows are 147
Thy sure defence, thro' 61
Thy sword shall give 155
Thy threatenings wake59
Thy throne, O God...118
Thy throne, O God...119
Thy thunder shall aff. 32
Thy truth and justice 364
Thy voice, with terror195
Thy wife shall be a..331
Thy wonders to thy..226
Thy word commands 223
Thy word I've hid-wi 311
Thy word is everlast.304
Thy word, like silver..36
Thy word, O Lord, th.35
Thy word with light 187
Thy words the raging216
Thy works of glory 274
Thy works pronounce160

The first lines of the first verses of Psalms are printed in the Italic character; the first lines of the others are in Roman.-Dashes
in the middle of a line show that words similar to those in the line next above the dashes have been omitted.



To thee the voices of 28
To thine almighty ar.53
Touch mine anointed 266
Trust him, ye saints 152
Turn, turn thee to my 74
'Twas for thy sake..175
'Twas from thy han.353
'Twas he this earth's 254
'Twas he those dread.342
'Twas in a most acc. 172
'Twas in my haste my 81

UNDER the shadow 223
United zeal be shewn381
Unshaken as the sacr326
Unthinking wretch...134
Unthinking wretch...136
Up from my youth I 332
Up --- may Israel..332
Upheld by thy com. 233
Up to her courts with322
Up to the heavens I.,148
Up to the hills I lift318
Up to the hills where..20
Upward I lift mine..320

Thy works with sove.364
Time, like an ever-ro224
Tir'd with the burdens 18
'Tis a broad land of..307
'Tis all in vain, till...330
'Tis but a few whose 225
'Tis hy thine aid our..54
'Tis by thy strength 162
'Tis from his watery 160
"Tis God that brings 275
'Tis good for me to...316
'Tis he forgives thy..258'Twas in the watches 154
Tis he, my soul, that 255 'Twas then I paid that170
'Tis he that girds me..51 'Twas Zion's King th192
'Tis like the oil divi. 339
'Tis like the ointment340
'Tis like the sun, a...303
'Tis pleasant as the..339
'Tis safer, Lord, to...295
'Tis thro' the Lord...295
'Tis thy own Son, and 202
'Tis to his care we...169
'Tis with a mournful 113
'Tis written in thy....111
To all the isle his laws372
To craggy hills ascen263
To David and his royal52
To-day attend his voi238
To-day he rose and..297
To fear thy power, to281
To God I cried when 351
To--- with mournf.193
To God I made my..359
To God the Fa. (384
To-Father's do 384
To God the great the 268
To heaven I lift my 319
To heaven they lift...132
To him the poor lift...90
To humble souls and..91
To Lebanon he turns..78
To meditate thy pre. 313
To our almighty Ma244
To sit one day benea.208
To spend one sacred 210
To thee, before the..301
To thee I lift my ha. 157
To thee, most holy...190


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VAIN are his thoug. 126
Vain are those artful 291
Vain hopes, and vain 144
Vain is the strength of 87
Vain man, on foolish 272
Vast are thy works...264
Vile as the dross the 301
Vile wretches dare...131
Virgins, and youths..377
Vow to the Lord, and 192

WAIT on the Lord, ye 77
Wait ---ye sons of..103
Warn me of every sin 57
Watch o'er my lips..359
We are expos'd all da115
We are his people, we 248
We bless the Lord..169
We bless thine holy..299

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We fly to our eternal.52
We leap for joy, we..325
We love thee Lord, & 52
We wait to hear what211
We'll crowd thy gates248
Well he remembers....60
Well, if our days must226
Were I in heaven wi.184
Whate'er my fears or 37
What are the earth's 192
What glories were de213
What if the springs..184
What if you rise befo330
What is the creature's371
What mighty nations 342
What noble fruit the 262
What power can stand 192
What power could ma288
What shall I render 292
What should I wish..107
What sinners value, I..48
What sore temptations51
What strange deliver 189
What strange self-flat.98
What tho' a thousand228
What tho' theFather's327
What tho' the gates..297
What tho' the hosts...17
What tho' the sorrows94
What tho' they flour.333
What wonders hath ..344
What wonders shall..280
When childless fami. 286
When Christ his jud.382
When Christ to jud.130
When desolation like..94
When earth was cov.261
When from his dread.373
When God in his own192
When God is nigh, my44
When God makes up214
When God, our leader52
When God, provok’d275
When God restor❜d..328
When God reveal'd..328
When God's almighty270
When he redeem'd...281
When I'm afflicted...109

The first lines of the first verses of Psalms are priuted in the Italic character; the first lines of the others are in Roman. --Dashes
in the middle of a line show that words similar to those in the line next above the dashes have been omitted.


When I am fill'd with 178
When I behold them 359
When I behold thy wo.26
When I confess'd my308
When I have learn'd, 308
When I lie buried de 180
When I survey the st. 25
When I walk through 68
When I with pleasi. 357
When in the form.....277
When Israel, freed..288
When Israel sins, the 198
When Israel was his..247
When kings against..124
When land is far, and273
When man grows bold99
When midnight dark-301
When nature sinks, & 305
When navies tall and 124
When on my head hu165
When once it enters..303
When our obedient ha. 19
When overwhelm'd..151
When pain and ang.315
When Pharaoh dar'd 266
When shall I see thy 113
When shall my feet....47
When shall the sover. 74
When shall thy name 166
When sin and hell th 362
When sinners fall, th102
When some were slain 199
When sore afflictions 315
When sorrow bows th367
When streams of love338
When the great judge31
When they are sick....96
When thou against th.61
When threatening sor.92
When times grow da.284
When to thy throne 1 147
When to thy works on25
When troubles rise & 76
When we review our 328
Where he displays his 182
Where is thy promise220
Where nothing dwelt 276
Where once thy chur.188

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Where shall the man..73
Where shall we go to336
Where'er he spreads...59
Which of the sons of 287
Which of the stocks..343
While all his wondro.260
While angels shout...123
While each receives..264
While guilt disturbs. 140
While haughty sinne.265
While he affords his...69
While I conceal'd my 83
While I destroy their 203
While I keep silence..85
While I my inward gu.84
While men grow bold 97
While multitudes of..236
While of thy works I..55
While sinners do thy 312
While tyrants are a..326
While with my heart..57
Who knows the errors 59
Who knows the won.268
Who shall ascend thy 42
Who shall inhabit in..41
Who will arise and..235
Whole kingdoms, sh 159
Whose hands are pure 42
Why did the gentiles..13
Why did the Jews pr15
Why did the nations..14
Why do the men of....33
Why do the proud in 128
Why do the wealthy 101
Why doth he treat th126
Why doth the Lord...32
Why doth the man of125
Why has my God, my63
Why is its beauty th.201
Why should I make..368
Why should I make..369
Why should I vex my 100
Why will my Father...63
Why will you then fr203
Wide as his vast dom379
Wide as the world is 249
Will God for ever cal87
Will he for ever cast 194

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Wilt thou for ever ca. 116
Wilt thou forsake my 179
Wind, hail, and flash.380
With all my powers 350
With an impartial ha. 51
With dreadful glory..158
With early feet I love156
With earnest longin.112
With every morning...74
With eyes and ears...289
With flames they thr.188
With heart, and eyes 155
With his rich gifts... 208
With hoary frost he..372
With humble faith I..75
With humble love ad. 15
With --- the Son......16
With insolence and fu.24
With inward pain my144
With joy let Judah...125
With joy the mother 288
With longing eyes....366
With my whole heart.30
With ---I've sought311
With power he vindi. 180
With rage they perse172
With reverence let th216
With songs and hon.373
With speed he flew to 50
With thanks approa. 236
With vinegar they....173
With well fed flesh...183
Within thy churches 157
Within thy circling..352
Within thy presence 152
Within thy secret pre.82
Would you behold th273
Wretches with hearts 176

YE angels, great in..260
Ye angels round)384
Ye birds of lofty win.381
Ye British lands, rejo.55
Ye creeping ants and 381
Ye flowery plains, pr378
Ye heavenly gates, yo 72
Ye holy souls, in God 88
Ye islands of the no.243

The first lines of the first verses of Psalms are printed in the Italic character; the first lines of the others are in Romaa.-Dusbus
in the middle of a line show that words similar to those in the line next above the dashes have been omitted.


Ye kings and judges 376
Ye lions of the wood 380
Ye mountains near....376
Ye nations round the247
Ye servants of the al287
Ye shall have flesh...199
Ye sons of men, a fe.228
Ye sons of men, in va.19
Ye sons of pride, th.127
Ye stubborn oaks, & 378
Ye tempests, rage no 233
Ye tenants of the spa. 86
Ye that delight to se286
Ye that obey the im. 340
Ye tribes of Adam..374
Ye vapours, hail, and376
Ye vapours, when ye380


Yes, saith the Lord....36
Yet did his sovereign200
Yet, gracious God, th175
Yet have we not forg 115
Yet I have found 'tis 312
Yet I may plead with 107
Yet, if my God prolong45
Yet, if some proper..106
Yet if the humbled...276
Yet if thy sovereign...64
Yet in the midst of...254
Yet, Lord, thy saints..43
Yet men would fain..306
Yet O! that all my...203
Yet, saith the Lord..219
Yet save a trembling 138
Yet shall our words....35

Yet their divine instr. 58
Yet they provok'd the 198
Yet thou canst breat.264
Yet 'tis his inward....126
Yet was I kept full...184
Yet, when his holiest..43
Yet when they mour.209
Yet while he liv'd on..27
Yet while my tongue 183
Yet will the Lord co. 114
Young lions pinch'd...93

ZEAL for the temple 176
Zion is thine, most ho 174
Zion, thrice happy...323

The following line was unfortunately omitted in its proper place, but the Editor hopes and
believes it is the only error which exists in either of the preceding Tables.

I cry till all my voice be gone..


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