Puslapio vaizdai

7 But still thy law and gospel, Lord,
Have lessons more divine;

Not earth stands firmer than thy word,
Nor stars so nobly shine.]

8 Thy word is everlasting truth,
How pure is every page!

That holy book shall guide our youth,
And well support our age.

PSALM 119.


C. M.

Verses paraphrased, 97; 148; 3, 13, 54; 19, 103; 72, 127; 28, 49, 175.
Corresponding Verses, I; II;





Delight in Scripture; or, the Word of God dwelling in us.

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HOW I love thy holy law!

'Tis daily my delight:

And thence my meditations draw
Divine advice by night.

2 My waking eyes prevent the day
To meditate thy word:

My soul with longing melts away
To hear thy gospel, Lord.

3 How doth thy word my heart engage!
How well employ my tongue!
And, in my tiresome pilgrimage,
Yields me a heavenly song.

4 Am I a stranger, or at home,
'Tis my perpetual feast;

Not honey dropping from the comb
So much allures the taste.

5 No treasures so enrich the mind;
Nor shall thy word be sold
For loads of silver well refin'd,
Nor heaps of choicest gold.

6 When nature sinks, and spirits droop, Thy promises of grace


Are pillars to support my hope,
And there I write thy praise.


Verses paraphrased, 128; 97, 9; 62; 162.
Corresponding Verses, I; II;


Holiness and Comfort from the Word.

C. M.

LORD, I esteem thy judgments right,

And all thy statutes just;

Thence I maintain a constant fight
With every flattering lust.

2 Thy precepts often I survey;
I keep thy law in sight,
Through all the business of the day,
To form my actions right.

3 My heart in midnight silence cries,

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How sweet thy comforts be!'

My thoughts in holy wonder rise,
And bring their thanks to thee.

4 And when my spirit drinks her fill
At some good word of thine,

Not mighty men that share the spoil
Have joys compar'd to mine.

PSALM 119.


Verse 96 paraphrased.

Imperfection of Nature, and l'erfection of Scripture.

1 LET all the heathen writers join To form one perfect book,

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Great God, if once compar'd with thine,
How mean their writings look!

2 Not the most perfect rules they gave
Could show one sin forgiv'n,
Nor lead a step beyond the grave;
But thine conduct to heaven.

3 I've seen an end of what we call
Perfection here below:

How short the powers of nature fall,
And can no farther go.

4 Yet men would fain be just with God
By works their hands have wrought;
But thy commands, exceeding broad,
Extend to every thought.

5 In vain we boast perfection here,
While sin defiles our frame;
And sinks our virtues down so far,
They scarce deserve the name.

6 Our faith, and love, and every grace,
Fall far below thy word;

But perfect truth and righteousness
Dwell only with the Lord.

PSALM 119.


Verse 111 paraphrased.

The Word of God is the Saint's Portion; or, the Excellency and
Variety of Scripture.

1 LORD, I have made thy word my choice,

My lasting heritage;

There shall my noblest powers rejoice,
My warmest thoughts engage.

2 I'll read the histories of thy love,
And keep thy laws in sight,
While through the promises I rove,
With ever-fresh delight.

3 'Tis a broad land of wealth unknown,
Where springs of life arise,
Seeds of immortal bliss are sown,
And hidden glory lies.

4 The best relief that mourners have,
It makes our sorrows blest;

Our fairest hope beyond the grave,
And our eternal rest.

PSALM 119.


C. M.

Verses paraphrased, 64, 68, 18; 73.125; 19; 26; 33, 34; 50, 71; 51; 27, 171. Corresponding Verses, 1; II; III; IV; V; VI; VII; VIII.

Desire of Knowledge; or, the Teachings of the Spirit with the Word.

1 THY mercies fill the earth, O Lord;

How good thy works appear!

Open mine eyes to read thy word,
And see thy wonders there.

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2 My heart was fashion'd by thy hand;
My service is thy due:

O make thy servant understand
The duties he must do.

3 Since I'm a stranger here below,
Let not thy path be hid,

But mark the road my feet should go,
And be my constant guide.

4 When I confess'd my wandering ways,
Thou heard'st my soul complain;
Grant me the teachings of thy grace,
Or I shall stray again.

5 If God to me his statutes shew,
And heavenly truth impart,
His work for ever I'll pursue,
His law shall rule my heart.

6 This was my comfort when I bore
Variety of grief;

It made me learn thy word the more,
And fly to that relief.

7 [In vain the proud deride me now ;
I'll ne'er forget thy law,
Nor let that blessed gospel go,
Whence all my hopes I draw.

8 When I have learn'd my Father's will,
I'll teach the world his ways:
My thankful lips, inspir'd with zeal,
Shall loud pronounce his praise.]

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