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PSALM 1. Common Metre.

The way and end of the Righteous and the Wicked.

1 BLEST is the man who shuns the place

Where sinners love to meet;

Who fears to tread their wicked ways,
And hates the scoffer's seat.

2 But in the statutes of the Lord
Has plac'd his chief delight;
By day he reads or hears the word,
And meditates by night.

3 [He, like a plant of generous kind,
By living waters set,

Safe from the storms and blasting wind,
Enjoys a peaceful state.]


4 Green as the leaf, and ever fair,
Shall his profession shine;
While fruits of holiness appear
Like clusters on the vine.

5 Not so the impious and unjust;
What vain designs they form!
Their hopes are blown away like dust,
Or chaff before the storm.

6 Sinners in judgment shall not stand
Amongst the sons of grace,
When Christ, the Judge, at his right hand
Appoints his saints a place.

7 His eye beholds the path they tread;
His heart approves it well;
But crooked ways of sinners lead
Down to the gates of hell.


PSALM 1. Short Metre.

The Saint happy, the Sinner miserable.


man is ever blest

Who shuns the sinners' ways,

Among their counsels never stands,

Nor takes the scorner's place;


But makes the law of God

His study and delight,

Amidst the labours of the day,

And watches of the night.



He like a tree shall thrive,

With waters near the root;

Fresh as the leaf his name shall live;

His works are heavenly fruit.


Not so the ungodly race,


They no such blessings find:

Their hopes shall flee, like empty chaff

Before the driving wind.

How will they bear to stand

Before the judgment-seat,

Where all the saints at Christ's right hand

In full assembly meet?

6 He knows, and he approves

The way

the righteous go;

But sinners and their works shall meet

A dreadful overthrow.

PSALM 1. Long Metre.

The Difference between the Righteous and the Wicked.

1 HAPPY the man whose cautious feet
Shun the broad way that sinners go,
Who hates the place where atheists meet,
And fears to talk as scoffers do.

2 He loves t'employ the morning light
Amongst the statutes of the Lord;
And spends the wakeful hours of night
With pleasure pondering o'er his word.

3 He, like a plant by gentle streams, Shall flourish in immortal green:

And heaven will shine with kindest beams On every work his hands begin.

4 But sinners find their counsels cross'd;
As chaff before the tempest flies,

So shall their hopes be blown and lost,
When the last trumpet shakes the skies.

5 In vain the rebel seeks to stand
In judgment with the pious race;
The dreadful Judge with stern command
Divides him to a diff'rent place.

6 Strait is the way my saints have trod,
I blest the path and drew it plain;

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'But you would chuse the crooked road; And down it leads to endless pain.'

PSALM 2. Short Metre.

Translated according to the Divine Pattern....

.Acts iv. 24, &c.

Christ Dying, Rising, Interceding, and Reigning.

1 [MAKER and sovereign Lord

Of heaven, and earth, and seas,
Thy providence confirms thy word,
And answers thy decrees.


The things so long foretold

By David are fulfill'd,

When Jews and Gentiles join'd to slay

Jesus, thine Holy Child.]

3 Why did the Gentiles rage,
And Jews with one accord

Bend all their counsels to destroy
The anointed of the Lord?

4 Rulers and kings agree
To form a vain design;

Against the Lord their powers unite,
Against his Christ they join.

5 The Lord derides their rage,
And will support his throne;

He that hath rais'd him from the dead, Hath own'd him for his Son.


6 Now he's ascended high,
And asks to rule the earth;
The merit of his blood he pleads,
And pleads his heavenly birth.

7 He asks, and God bestows
A large inheritance;

Far as the world's remotest ends
His kingdom shall advance.

8 The nations that rebel
Must feel his iron rod;

He'll vindicate those honours well
Which he receiv'd from God.

9 [Be wise, ye rulers, now,

And worship at his throne;

With trembling joy, ye people, bow
To God's exalted Son.

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