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Among those selected are Chevy Chase, Allan-a-Dale, Guy of Gisborne, and the Death of Robin Hood, King Cophetua, The Nut-Browne Mayde, Barbara Allen, Twa Corbies, The Banks of Yarrow and the old song of Sir Patrick Spens. The artist, Mr. Edwards, has expended a great deal of labor upon the drawings, and has sympathetically illustrated these popular ballads. By the author of " Birdcraft," "Friendship of Nature,” etc. 44 By MABEL OSGOOD WRIGHT, author of "Birdcraft," Friendship of Nature," etc. With illustrations by Albert D. Blashfield. 12mo, cloth, $1.50. It is comparatively rare to find an author producing with equal success books which demonstrate the possession of imaginative and poetical ability to a high degree, and, at the same time, that accurate appreciation of distinctions and differences which marks the scientific mind. 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For the library it is unequaled, since it contains in the Introductions by the novelist's son material, some of which has never before been printed, in regard to the writing and later history of the volumes, the dramatization of some of them, important correspondence to which others gave rise, together with similar details of interest, biographical and bibliographical. Martin Chuzzlewit. 41 Illustrations. The Old Curiosity Shop. 97 illustrations. Sketches by Boz. 44 Illustrations. The text of the novels and Dombey and Son. 40 Illustrations. The most complete. Christmas Books. 65 Illustrations. American Notes and Pictures from Italy. 4 Illustrations. Our Mutual Friend. 40 Illustrations. Buy your favorite. Volumes can be purchased either in sets, protected by pasteboard boxes, for $20.00, or singly at $1.00 each. Even if you own a set of any other edition, you will be glad to read your favorites again in this. Christmas Stories. 15 Illustrations. Letters-1833-1870. 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