THE SUCCESSFUL MAN does not always have a great deal of time to think about Life Insurance while he is at his business. He always has a good opinion of insurance, but somehow death and disaster seem a long way off, and he waits till some other time to think about it. We have two little booklets on Life Insurance, each telling about one of our plans. We have insurance in our "Ordinary Branch" for the man who wants insurance or investment, and can afford to pay once or twice a year. Our "Industrial Branch" offers the same kind of insurance to men, women, and children, with payments made weekly in small amounts. Both kinds of policies are as liberal, as honest, as safe value and liberal management can make them. We will be glad to send copies of booklets to anyone on request. PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE COMPANY, JOHN F. DRYDEN, President. Copyright 1896.-Bates-Whitman Company, N. Y. NEWARK, N. J. "MAXIMUS." There are no more accurate timepieces made, whatever the price, than the "Riverside movements made by the American Waltham Watch Company. The "Riverside Maximus" is the most highly and artistically finished movement it is possible to make. By the use of Diamonds and very high colored Rubies in the jewels, very elaborate polish on the steel parts, the use of gold in various parts of the works and extremely delicate decoration of the nickel plates, the first cost of the regular "Riverside" movement is greatly increased. The pleasure of owning so perfect and artistic a watch amply compensates the wearer for the necessarily higher price. For sale by all retail jewelers. will clean and polish GOLD and SILVER like THE PROOF is yours simply for the asking. Send address for trial quantity. Full-sized box, THE ELECTRO SILICON CO., SOLE PROPRIETORS, NEW YORK, N. Y. Duplicate Wedding Presents We buy, sell, or exchange DUPLICATE WEDDING PRESENTS. We have constantly on hand solid sterling silver wedding gifts handsomely cased, for less than manufacturers' cost. A 5-piece Tea Set $130.00, worth $275.00. Salad Bowls, Bon-bon Dishes, Chafing Dishes from $25.00 to $50.00 that are worth from $50.00 to $100.00. Berry Spoons, $4.00 to $8.00. Coffee Spoons, $6.00 dozen. Selection packages sent to any address for examination on which you can save 50 per cent. Send for our catalogue. This novel arrangement will be found particularly convenient to carry with one for the toilet. A row of the finest bristles extends one-half of its length and is of good service as a brush. The mountings on each size are of Sterling Silver. Sent prepaid to any address. Money refunded if unsatisfactory. No. 1679, for the pocket, size of illustration, 75 cents. $1.25 1.50 DANIEL LOW & Co., Silversmiths, 229 Essex Street, Salem, Mass. |