Puslapio vaizdai


Children's Help-Religion in New Zealand-Holland.


At Home and Abroad.

CHILDREN'S HELP.-One cold winter's night a few years ago, in a terrible storm, a ship was wrecked just opposite a fishing village in the north. The crew got into a boat and rowed for the shore. A dozen yards from the beach it grounded on a sand bank. The fishermen ran to help, and the sailors threw out a rope. The men pulled with all their might, but Then their were unable to move the boat.

wives said, "Let us take hold and pull too." But though men and women strained every nerve, they could not drag it off. At last the children got hold, some of the rope, others of their father's smocks and mother's gowns, and then all pulled together. The thing was done.

The boat slid over the sand bar, and Fathers the shipwrecked sailors were saved. and mothers have been working for the mission cause and something has been done; but if all our boys and girls will give, collect, and pray, much more will be accomplished.

RELIGION IN NEW ZEALAND.-Census returns that there are in recently issued show New Zealand 1,197 churches and chapels, being an increase of 134 in five years. Two hundred and forty-one school-houses are used for Sabbath services, and 161 dwellings and public buildings.

These various edifices

have accommodation for 278,114 persons (or less than half the population of the colony), and are actually attended by 197,055, or about a third of the population. Presbyterians report 40,785 church-goers; Episcopalians, 37,252; Roman Catholics, 30,525; Wesleyans, 27, 106; Salvationists, 14,442. There are 450 Jews, 200 Free-thinkers, and 3,803 of no denomination at all.

HOLLAND. The results of the last census of Holland have been published. The population, which is about 4,500,000, is composed as follows: Protestants, 2,810,000; Roman Catholics, 1,500,000; Jews, 100,000; Jansenists, 8,000; not classified, 82,000. The 2,810,000 Protestants are thus classi


fied: National Reformed Church, 2,250,000; Christian Reformed Church, 189,000; Netherlands Reformed (Doleerende) Church, 181,000; Lutherans, 84,000; Mennonites or Anabaptists, 53,000; Remonstrants or Arminians, 10,000. The figures show that during the last ten years there has been a very visible diminution of the Roman Catholic population. According to common opinion, the Roman Catholics were about twofifths of the population-say 1,800,000; as a matter of fact, they number only 1,500,000 —that is, one-third. This discovery has astonished every one.

Within a recent period the English Missionary Societies because of a lack of volunteers had to employ German missionaries for their foreign work, much as the English Now, government used to hire the Hessians. encouraging facts like the one mentioned in the following extract are by no means rare: The SecreSTUDENT OFFERS OF SERVICE. tary of the Church Missionary Society has received a letter from Cambridge signed by fifty-four members of the university, twelve of them being graduates, expressing their willingness to proceed, when openings occur, These movements to the foreign field. among our educated yourg men are among the most hopeful features of the time.

The Free Church of Scotland Monthly says:-Over thirty students in theology and medicine have sent in their names to the Convener of Foreign Missions Committee, stating that they have resolved to give themselves for foreign mission work should opportuniBefore the end of ties of service arise.

March a deputation of these students appeared before the Committee, and stated that there were now over fifty students who had made the same resolve, and that others were giving the matter their most serious consideration.

The girls have done all their own cooking in their native style, taking it by turns, and Miss Morton initiates them into the mysteries of English dishes. Their food is rice and tarkari at 11 a. m., and at p. m. with bread and tea or coffee in the morning and some


Kaffir-New Wine vs. Old Bottles.

[blocks in formation]


municants and catechumens are 10,864. pils in mission schools 6,246. Statistics are dry but this vine of the Lord's planting is not a dry branch.-Journal des Missions Evangelique.

KAFFIR. A great demand has arisen for a portable Kaffir Bible. An interim edition of 10,000 copies of the New Testament was undertaken to give the revisers time to polish the version at leisure. But the demand has become so urgent for a portable Bible that the Committee have found it necessary to proceed immediately with a new edition of 10,000 copies, and this is to be brought out by the new photo process, with a guarantee that the 10,000 copies will be delivered within three months. To have set the book up from type in the ordinary way would have taken at least a year, and would have involved proof reading, and other matters of expense. — Bible Society Monthly Reports.

On a recent Lord's Day at Albuquerque, New Mexico, five services were held in the same church. In the morning the faithful pastor of the church (Presbyterian) preached in English, At 2.30, Rev. Wm. Rosenstengel, a devoted Lutheran missionary, preached in German, followed by Western Secretary, Barnitz in English. At 4 P.M., a Chinese service was held, and at night a sermon


preached by the Western Secretary, in the language of the land in which we dwell. Surely to this land "the ends of the earth come together." "Give them the bread of Life!"-Lutheran Miss'y Journal

NEW WINE VS. OLD BOTTLES.-"You know," replied Bipru, "that many of the young men do not believe in Hinduism and superstition, though the old men are very orthodox. Well, not very long ago cholera visited our village and carried off several people, and all the people were in a panic. At last an old man of the village, a Brahmin, declared that he had had a dream. He dreamt that he was out walking, and that the goddess Kali appeared before him. Two of her maids were along with her, and they seemed to be pleading with Kali to go away from the village and not afflict it any longer. But Kali would not go; she said the men of that village had offended her and she must humilate them thoroughly. That was what he saw in his dream, and he told it about to his fellow villagers, and urged them to sacrifice a buffalo to Kali. It soon became the talk of the village, and the whole village was divided into two parties-those who wished to sacrifice and those who were against. Of course the latter party was composed of the young men; and the orthodox party were very irritated and called them nasthik (atheists.) One of the young men then declared that he had had a dream too, and in his dream Kali had appeared to him also, and told him she was offended with the village because certain filthy tanks had not been cleaned out, and because a hospital had not been built. Of course this only irritated the older men more. Another of the young men argued that since it was to a Brahmin that Kali had appeared, it must mean that she was offended with the Brahmins, and they ought to pay for the buffalo sacrifice. Finally a general meeting of the village was held in the house of one of the principal men of the place. On the right were the grandfathers and the fathers and uncles of the village, and on the left the sons and the grandsons and nephews.-Home and Foreign Mission Record (Scotland.)

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We clip the following from The New South, a paper published at Beaufort, S. C., by negroes, and, like the Africo-American Presbyterian, an honor to that people:

In viewing the masses of our people at the South one might easily be led astray and become discouraged because of the apparent ignorance and poverty that confronts him. He may be disposed to regard the outlook as exceedingly discouraging especially as he compares them with the whites and notes the the amount of progress yet to be made by them. Many do get exceedingly discouraged indeed.

But there is another view of the matter that is exceedingly encouraging indeed. If he will only cast his eyes back over a period of thirty years and compare the condition of the masses at that time with the present he will note a most marvelous progress indeed and see that instead of being disheartened he ought to be greatly encouraged and quickened for a renewal of the journey afresh. No race known to recorded history has shown anything comparable to the marvelous growth of our people in this country in the past thirty years.

Book Notices.

OUR LIFE AMONG THE IROQUOIS INDIANS, by Mrs. Harriett S. Caswell. Published by the Congregational Sabbath School Publishing Company, Boston and Chicago. Price $1.50.

This entertaining book is really a memoir of Mrs. Asher Wright, who for more than fifty years labored among the Indians of Western New York. It is written by one who was intimately associated with Mrs. Wright for a number of years and will be a revelation to those who are unfamiliar with mismissionary work among the Indians and who do not know its rich results nor what it has cost of patience and sacrifice. It ought to awaken a deeper interest in the work that is still going on among those same tribes in the heart of civilized and Christian New York State under worthy successors of these pioneer missionaries and under the care of the Presbyterian Church.


THE HEART OF THE GOSPEL, by Rev. A. T. Pierson, D. D. Published by the Baker and Taylor Co., 740 and 742 Broadway, New York. Price $1.25. Twelve simple gospel sermons, preached at the Metropolitan Tabernacle, London, during the illness of Mr. Spurgeon. They are full of helpful and suggestive thought intended to lead sinners to accept the gospel offers and Christians to enter into a richer experience of all that is included in their inheritance.

SERAMPORE LETTERS. This small volume of 150 pages contains the unpublished correspondence of William Carey and others with John Williams, 1800-1816. It is edited by Leighton and Mornay Williams, and has an introduction by Thomas Wright. The preface truly says: "The letters throw a new and unexpected light on the American connection with the Serampore Mission of the English Baptists." Publishers, G. P. Putnam & Sons, New York and London.

"EARNEST THOUGHTS FOR EVERY DAY: " By the author of "Thoughts for Weary Hours;" 136 pages, in white leatherette, price 25 cents. Published by Thomas Whittaker, 2 and 3 Bible House, New York.

Some years ago the daughter of one of the famous preachers of his day published a little collection of religious reflections under the title "Thoughts for Weary Hours." It met with a welcome few such books can boast of; over fifty thousand copies having been printed and sold. A companion volume was duly called for, "Earnest Thoughts for Every Day." Thomas Whittaker, who now publishes both, has recently reissued them in dainty white leatherette covers at 25 cents each.

PRESBYTERIANS: A Popular Narrative of Their Origin, Progress, Doctrines and Achievements. BY REV. GEORGE P. HAYS, D. D., LL. D.

"This book," says its author in his preface," is for church members, officers, and busy pastors, rather than for theological professors or private antiquarians."

It has two introductions-one from the pen of Dr. John Hall, the other from that of Dr. William E. Moore. The former expresses the "hope that Christian and patriotic people, whose life and hereditary lines it teaches, will be at pains to use it and to promote its circulation." The latter says, "Dr. Hays' book is a manual, compact and reliable, which ought to be in every family of our Presbyterian Church." Heartily agreeing with both these declarations, we add that the terse, lucid, vigorous style in which the book is written make it delightful reading. Its publishers, J. A. Hill and Co., New York, say:

The book is sold only by subscription through canvassing agents at $2.75 cloth binding, $3.50 half morocco and $4.50 full morocco.


Synods in SMALL CAPITALS; Presbyteries in italic; Churches in Roman.

It is of great importance to the treasurers of all the boards that when money is sent to them, the name of the church from which it comes, and of the presbytery to which the church belongs, should be distinctly written, and that the person sending should sign his or her name distinctly, with proper title, e. g., Pastor, Treasurer. Miss or Mrs., as the case may be. Careful attention to this will save much trouble and perhaps prevent serious mistakes.

RECEIPTS FOR SABBATH-SCHOOL WORK, JUNE, 1892. ATLANTIC.-Atlantic-Hopewell sab-sch, 6 39; Zion sabsch, 3 50. East Florida-Jacksonville 1st sab-sch, 22 59; Starke sab-sch,2 50; St. Andrew's Bay, sab-sch 1. Fairfield -Bethlehem 2d sab-sch, 1; Blue Branch sab-sch, 1; Congruity, 5 16; Cooper Mission sab-sch, 1 20; Ebenezer, 5; Good Will sab-sch, 4 16; Howell Salem sab-sch, 30 ets; Lebanon sab-sch, 4; Little River, 3; Mt. Sinai, 4; New Haven sab sch, 10; Tabor sab-sch, 6. Knox-Antioch sab-sch, 2; Ebenezer, 2 47. McClelland-Mattoon sabsch, 13 25; Mt. Pisgah sab-sch, 3; Pleasant View, 5 23. South Florida-Eustis sab-sch, 35; Sorrento sab-sch, 9 76; Winter Haven, 6. 157 51 BALTIMORE.-Baltimore-Ashland sab-sch, 5 65; Baltimore 1st Hope Inst. sab-sch, 12 19; 2d sab-sch, 77 88; - Aisquith Street sab-sch, 34 20; Central sab-sch, 40: -Fulton Avenue sab-sch, 5; Barton sab-sch, 18 74; Bel Air, 17 91; Bethel, 19; Canton sab-sch, 5; Churchville sabsch, 25; Crisp Memorial sab-sch, 19; Fallston, 8; Frederick City sab-sch, 47 75; Govanstown sab sch, 5 65; Havre de Grace sab sch, 20; Relay sab-sch, 12; Zion, 11 63; - Mill Run sab-sch, 7 26. New Castle--Bridgeville, 8 75; Christiana sab-sch, 4; Cool Spring sab-sch 5; Delaware City sab-sch, 16 69; Dover sab sch, 52; Elsmere sab-sch, 1 50; Federalsburg sab-sch, 7 15; Felton sab sch, 8 95; Frankford, 12 44; Georgetown sab-sch, 9 42; Green Hill sabsch, 20; Gunby sab-sch, 5 57; Harrington sab-sch, 15; Head of Christiana, 18; Manokin sab-sch, 19 36; New Castle (sab-sch, 26 08), 31 08; Pencader (sab sch, 17), 23; Pitt's Creek church and sab sch, 118 88; Port Deposit sabsch, 31 79; Port Penn (sab-sch, 5 37), 6 97; Rehoboth (M4.) church and sab-sch, 12; Rock, 10; Snow Hill sabsch, 59; White Clay Creek sab-sch, 17 72; Wicomico sabsch, 40; Wilmington Hanover Street sab-sch, 28 75; Rodney Street, 11 18; West (sab-seh, 60), 78: Worton, 15. Washington City-Clifton sab-sch, 4; Falls Church (Branch sab sch, 37 56), 52 93; Hermon sab-sch, 6; Lewinsville church and sab-sch, 11; Neelsville sab-sch, 30; Vienna sab-sch, 12; Washington City 1st sab-sch. 52 03; 4th sab-sch, 35 01; - Covenant, 25; - Eastern sab-sch, 12 11; Gurley Memorial sab-sch, 26 42; Metropolitan sab sch, 63 02; -North sab-sch, 32 46.

1,441 07

CATAWBA Cape Fear- Mt. Pleasant sab-sch, 3 04. Catawba Bethlehem, 1 40; Black's Memorial sab-sch, 6; Charlotte, 8 60; Concord sab-sch, 16 40; Davidson College, 3: Ebenezer, 1: Good Hope, 1; Lincolnton sab-sch, 4; Wadesboro, 2 92. South Virginia-Grace sab-sch, 3 15; Russell Grove sab-sch, 5; Warwick sab-sch. 4; Mt. Zion church and sab sch, 2; Mt. Hermon, 1; Oak Grove, 1. Yadkin-Laurinburg Bowers Chapel, 11 28; Elm Grove sab-sch, 1 36; Mocksville 2d, 15; St. James, 10. 101 15 COLORADO.-Boulder-Brush, 450; Cheyenne. 20 27; Fort Morgan (sab-sch,7 26),11 81; Timnath,1 52; Valmont 9 cts. Denver-Akron sab-sch, 5; Brighton sab sch, 11 66; Denver Central (sab-sch, 50 93), 138 51; Capitol Avenue sab-sch, 11 55; Golden sab-sch. 20; Idaho Springs sab sch, 6; Manchester sab-sch, 3; Otis and sab-sch. 5 41; Valverde sab-sch, 11. Gunnison-Grand Junction (sab-sch, 8 90), 12; Lake City sab-sch, 10. Pueblo-Canon City sab sch, 52 34: Cinicero sab sch, 5: Durango sab-sch, 16; Fountain sab-sch, 8; La Veta sab-sch, 5 85; Mesa, 27 27: Pueblo, 65 cts: Rocky Ford, 10 40: Silver Cliff sab sch, 10; Trinidad 1st church and sab-sch, 16 57. 421 40 ILLINOIS.-Alton-Alton sab-sch, 25: Brighton, 4 11; Carrollton sab-sch, 11 33; Chester Union sab-sch. 2; Edwardsville sab-sch, 8 35; Greenville sab-sch, 10; Litchfield sab sch. 15; Moro sab-sch, 9 07; Nokomis, 10 77; North Alton Mission St., 8 06; Virden sab-sch, 8; Yankeetown, 8 26. Bloomington-Cerro Gordo sab-sch, 4 05; Champaign church and sab-sch, 21 51; Clarence sab-sch, 6 78; Clinton, 10; Covell sab sch, 6 64; Elm Grove sabsch, 3 50; Galesville. 14; Gibson City sab-sch, 28 44; Lexington sab-sch, 10; Mackinaw, 7 74; Mahomet, 8 67; Mans

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field sab-sch. 6; Minonk sab-sch, 15; Normal, 12 10; Onarga
sab-sch, 7 28; Philo sab-sch, 8; Piper City, 13 40; Pontiac
sab-sch, 13; Urbana sab-sch, 3 70; Watseka (sab-sch,
3 12), 6 26; Waynesville sab sch, 10 50. Cairo-Anna, 7;
Carbondale sab-sch, 22 02; Carmi, 18 32; Equality, 4 20;
Fairfield (sab-sch, 7), 9; Flora, 3 50; Harrisburg, 6 11;
Mount Carmel church and sab-sch, 8; Nashville, 13 84;
Olney, 7 60; Sumner, 2 10; Tamaroa, 11 10; Union, 18 70.
Chicago-Braidwood sab-sch, 29 40; Brookline Mission
sab-sch, 3 39; Cabery church and sab-sch, 27; Chicago 3d
sab-sch (Erie Mission, 6 21), 37 51; 4th sab-sch, 30;
5th sab-sch, 19 07; 8th Hope Mission sab-sch, 8 79;
10th sab-sch, 20; - Central Park, 7 09; Covenant sab-
sch, 30 60; Glenwood Avenue Mission, 2; Grass Park
sab-sch, 12 03; Hinsdale, 577: - Onward, 9 50;
West Hinsdale Street, 5 75; Deerfield sab-sch, 8; Du Page
sab-sch, 7 10; Evanston, 24 54; Gardner sab-sch, 6; Itaska
sab-sch, 9; Lakeview sab-sch, 12; Libertyville sab-sch, 10;
Manteno, 19 06; Morgan Park sab-sch, 5; New Hope sab
sch, 22 04: Peotone (sab-sch, 13), 36 37; Wilmington
church and sch-sch, 21 50. Freeport-Belvidere sab-sch,
9; Elizabeth, 10; Foreston Grove, 5; Freeport 1st sab-sch,
20 49; Galena 1st (sab-sch, 10), 20 30; Linn and Hebron
sab-sch, 12; Woodstock sab-sch, 9 47. Mattoon-Arcola
sab-sch. 10; Ashmore (sab-sch, 16), 21; Casey sab-sch,
4 74: Chrisman sab-sch, 2 50; Effingham sab-sch, 16 56;
Mattoon (sab-sch. 10 08), 16 51; Morrisonville sab-sch, 10;
Moweaqua sab-sch, 7 25; Neoga sab-sch, 13 58; Oakland
sab-sch, 5 22; Palestine sab-sch, 10; Paris sab-sch, 6 63;
Pleasant Prairie sab sch, 16 39; Taylorville sab-sch, 6;
Vandalia sab-sch, 10 03; Walnut Prairie, 3; York sab-sch,
1 27. Ottawa-Aurora sab-sch. 18; Granville sab-sch, 3;
Kings, 5 50; Mendota sab-sch, 17 23; Morris sab-sch, 27;
Oswego, 12 44; Ottawa church and sab-sch, 14; Sandwich
sab seh, 10 05. Peoria-Altona sab-sch, 22 15; Deer Creek
sab sch. 6 11; Elmira sab-sch, 14 50; Elmwood, 10: Eureka
church and sab-sch. 11 81; French Grove, 7 50: Ipava sab-
sch, 11 01; Oneida sab-sch. 10 26; Princeville sab-sch, 10 80:
Prospect, 10 90; Washington church and sab-sch, 10 50:
Yates City sab-sch, 9 36. Rock River-Aledo sab-sch, 15;
Alexis sab-sch, 15 85; Ashton, 22 59; Buffalo Prairie sab-
sch, 11 65; Coal Valley, 4: Edington sab sch, 13; Franklin
Grove (sab-sch, 5). 9; Fulton (sab-sch, 26), 30; Garden
Plain, 744; Geneseo sab-sch, 9; Kewanee sab-sch, 11;
Milan (sab-sch, 24), 31 15; Munson, 5 24; Newton (sab-sch,
16 12), 21 37; Norwood (sab-sch 10 50), 28; Perryton, 433;
Pleasant Ridge (sab-sch, 4 61), 6 27; Princeton (sab-sch,
17 74). 28 01: Rock Island Broadway sab-sch, 10; Spring
Valley, 3; Sterling sab-sch, 20. Schuyler ― Appanoose
(sab-sch, 11 50), 23; Augusta sab-sch, 20; Burton Memorial
sab-sch, 5; Bushnell sab-sch. 9 87; Camp Point church
and sab-sch, 25 25; Chili (sab-sch, 7 95), 9 71; Elvaston
(sab-sch, 8), 16; Fountain Green sab-sch, 5: Hamilton sab-
sch, 3 55; Kirkwood, 25 15; Macomb sab sch. 21 35; Mount
Sterling (sab-sch 13 73), 47 38: Nauvoo German sab sch,
555; Prairie City sab-sch, 11; Quincy 1st sab sch, 15;
Rushville, 19 32; Warsaw sab-sch, 2 50. Springfield-
Chatham sab-sch, 7 36; Greenview sab-sch, 18 88; Irish
Grove, 17 05; Jacksonville sab sch, 11 41; Lincoln sab-sch,
9 88; Macon sab sch, 19; Murrayville sab-sch, 9 80; Pisgah,
1 78; Springfield 1st, 62; -2d sab-sch, 14 45; -2d Portu-
guese sab-sch, 2 16; Sweet Water sab-sch, 7. 2,136 88
INDIANA.-Crawfordsville-Attica, 7 10; Bethany (sab-
sch, 3), 7 15; Colfax sab.sch 10 18; Crawfordsville 1st
church and sab-sch, 15; Delphi sab-sch, 12 71: Fowler, 3;
Guion, 5 81; Kirklin, 1 90; Lafayette 1st sab sch, 7 74;
Lebanon, 17; Oxford, 5: Prairie Centre, 3 10; Rock Creek
sab-sch, 7; Rockville Memorial sab-sch, 20: Romney, 8;
Rossville sab-sch, 5; Spring Grove sab-sch, 6 10. Fort
Wayne-Bluffton sab sch, 3; Columbia City sab-sch, 16 22;
Decatur sab-sch, 10; Huntington sab-sch, 12 33; Ligonier,
9 03; Lima, 5 28. Indianapolis-Bainbridge, 2; Bethany,


Publication and Sabbath-school Work.

606; Edinburgh sab-sch, 10; Hopewell sab-sch, 7 65; Indianapolis 6th sab-sch, 19 25; -9th sab-sch, 5. Logansport-Bethlehem sab-sch, 20; Bourbon sab-sch, 4 70; Brookston sab-sch, 5 15; Centre sab-sch, 7 41; Concord, 9 11; Crown Point sab-sch, 14 75; Goodland sab-sch, 10 25; Kentland, 6 33; Lake Prairie sab sch. 10 37; Lucerne church and sab-sch, 3 90; Meadow Lake, 3 50; Michigan City sab-sch, 20 54; Monticello sab-sch, 1 70; Mount Hebron sab-sch, 6; Valparaiso sab-sch, 16 95; Winamac sab-sch, 6. New Albany-Charlestown, 12 10; Livonia sab-sch, 6 42; Mitchell sab-sch, 5; Paoli sab-sch, 4 55; Pleasant, 8 50; Valley City, 1; Vernon sab-sch, 5 60. Vincennes-Carlisle sab-sch, 5 64; Evansville Walnut Street sab-sch, 20 68; Smyrna sab-sch, 10; Washington sabsch, 10 25. White Water-Cambridge City, 10; College Corner, chuich and sab-sch, 6; Connersville 1st (sab-sch, 7), 34; Dunlapsville sab-sch, 10; Ebenezer sab sch, 3; Lawrenceburgh sab-sch, 8 50; New Castle church and sabsch, 10. 565 51

INDIAN TERRITORY.-Cherokee Nation-Muldrow sabsch, 13 65. Chickasaw-Purcell sab-sch, 5 65. Choctaw -Beaver Dam, 80 cts; Wheelock Seminary sab-sch, 16 50. Muscogee-Muscogee church and sab-sch, 34 80. 71 33 IOWA.-Cedar Rapids-Andrew sab-sch, 4 00; Blairstown sab-sch, 21 00; Cedar Rapids, 3d sab-sch, 17 01; Centre Junction, 3 56; Delmar sab-sch, 8 00; Marion (sabsch, 1 92) 16 86; Mechanicsville sab-sch, 13 00; Monticello sab-sch, 5 00; Parker Grove, sab-sch, 4 20; Shellsburgh sab sch, 2 13; Springville church and sab-sch, 5 00; Vinton church and sab-sch, 25 00; Wyoming sab-sch, 9 40. Council Bluffs-Afton, 10 00; Atlantic sab-sch, 20 00; Essex sab-sch, 12 00; Greenfield, 2 13; Griswold Pleasant Ridge sab-sch, 6 00; Hamburg church and sab-sch, 6 00; Lenox (sab sch, 7 27), 12 72; Malvern sab-sch, 11 07; Marne, 6 15; Platte Centre, 7 42; Prairie Chapel (sab-sch, 50 cts), 2 09; Shelby sab-sch, 6 00; Walnut, 6 79; Woodbine, 8 00. Des Moines-Allerton church and sab-sch, 6 60; Clifton Heights sab-sch, 7 57; Dallas Centre sab-sch, 11 00; Derby sab-sch, 6 15; Des Moines Highland Park sab-sch, 5 00; Westminster sab-sch, 10 50; Dexter sabsch, 6 34; East Des Moines sab-sch, 17 35; Garden Grove, 8 58; Grimes sab-sch, 12 65; Humeston (sab-sch, 7 48), 9 34; Lineville, 4 00; Lucas sab-sch, 3 00; New Sharon sab-sch, 8 50; Panora sab-sch, 7 05; Ridgedale, 6 25. Dubuque-Hazleton sab-sch, 5 00; Otterville sab-sch, 1 34; Pleasant Grove sab-sch, 14 71. Fort Dodge-Bethel sab. sch, 14 50; Boone, 14 75; Coon Rapids, 3 05; Dana sabsch, 5 28; Dedham sab-sch, 10 10; Estherville, 6 81; Glidden sab-sch, 10 78; Grand Junction sab-sch, 9 22; Jefferson, 2 00; Lohrville sab-sch, 9 59; Paton, 7 36. IowaBentonsport sab-sch, 5 00; Birmingham (sab sch, 8 47), 11 67; Burlington Hope church, 11 10; Croton, 14 53; East End sab seh, 13 50; Keokuk Westminster sab-sch, 18 65; Kossuth sab-sch 7 38; Mediapolis sab-sch, 16 00; Mount Pleasant 1st church and sab-sch, 17 50; -German, 5 00. Iowa City-Brooklyn, 3 35; Davenport 2d sab-sch, 15 00; Marengo sab-sch, 12 45; Oxford sab-sch, 19 35; Scott, 13 42; Sigourney sab-sch, 6 32; Summit sab-sch, 11 00; Unity sab-sch, 8 00; Washington sab-sch, 18 42; Williamsburgh, sab-sch, 10 00. Sioux City-Alta sab-sch, 10 00; Dennison sab-sch, 7 00; Mount Pleasant, 12 25; O'Brien Co., Scotch, 3 00; Sac City, 14 25; Sioux City 1st, 32 15; Storm Lake sab-sch, 9 00; Odebolt and sab-sch, 11 35. Waterloo-Ackley sab-sch, 33 00; Cedar Valley sab-sch, 10 38; Dysart (sab-sch, 7 74), 10 8; Eldora sab-sch, 1 34; Greene sab-sch, 8 23; Grundy Centre sab-sch, 15 57; Holland German, 10 50; Janesville (sab-sch, 9 00), 19 00; Marshalltown, 12 00; Steamboat Rock, 4 65; Waterloo sab-sch, 17 00; Williams, 15 00.

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KANSAS-Emporia-Arkansas City sab-sch, 14 50; Belle Plaine (sab-sch, 7 30), 11 00; Burlingame sab-sch, 2 86; Caldwell sab-sch, 22 00; Calvary sab-sch, 4 43; Clear Water sab-sch, 3 65; Eldorado sab-sch, 25 00; Elmendaro, 3 32; Emporia Arundel Av. sab-sch, 5 2; Madison, 3 00; Maxon sab-sch, 2 38; Mount Vernon sab-sch, 6 22; Newton. 10 00; Osage City (sab-sch, 22 14), 27 4; Oxford sabsch, 9 00; Sedan sab-sch, 6 50; Waverly sab-sch, 15 14; Wichita Oak Street sab-sch, 5 70; - Perkins sab-sch, 100; ---West Side sab-sch, 5 70; Winfield sab-sch, 10 31. Highland Blue Rapids sab-sch, 4 15; Clifton sabsch, 10 00; Hiawatha sab-sch, 13.50; Holton 1st, 40 00; Horton and sab-sch, 8 00; Marysville, 5 00. Larned-Arlington sab-sch, 4 00; Burrton, 2 32; Cimarron, 3 54; Coldwater sab-sch, 5 00; Dodge City sab-sch, 17 12; Galva sab-sch, 5 25; Hugoton, 5 5; Kent sab-sch, 4 80; Kingman sab-sch, 3 10; Larned sab sch. 24 60; Liberal sab-sch, 10 00; Ness City sab-sch, 11 61; Richfield sab-sch, 8 60; Spearville Union sab-sch, 4 22; Sterling sabsch, 10 00. Neosho-Baxter Springs sab-sch, 4 57; Carlyle, 3 68; Central City sab-sch, 2 08; Coffeyville sab-sch, 12 00; Colony sab-sch, 5 11; Fort Scott Mission sab-sch, 2 00; Fredonia sab sch, 9 34; Girard sab-sch, 18 68; Glendale, 300; Humboldt sab-sch, 6 65; Iola sab-sch, 6 00;


Lake Creek sab-sch, 4 26; Lone Elm sab-sch, 4 23; Louisburg sab-sch, 7 26; McCune (sab-sch, 5), 8 00; Neodesha sab-sch, 10 76; Neosho Falls sab-sch, 1 78; Osage 1st, 29 15; Oswego sab-sch, 48 65; Parsons sab-sch, 39 00; Princeton (sab-sch, 9 50), 12 50; Richmond sab-sch, 2 10), 4 10; Scammon sab-sch, 8 12; Somerset sab-sch 2 85; Thayer, 9 49; Walnut, 3 25. Osborne-Calvert, 5 00; Covert, 22 cts; Hays City, sab sch, 8 00; Herndon sab-sch, 4 42; Hill City sab-sch, 24 00; Hoxie Union sab-sch. 196; Kill Creek, 478; Long Island, 7 45; Osborne sab-sch, 12 44; Phillipsburg sab-sch, 670; Rose Valley, 2 00; Russell sab-sch, 6 02; Shiloh sab-sch, 4 47; Smith Centre sab-sch, 3 44; Wakeeny sab sch, 11 28. Solomon-Abiline sab-sch, 20 58; Barnard Union sab-sch, 3 38; Belleville, 5; Cheever, 2 00; Clyde church and sabsch, 15 00; Concordia sab-sch, 3 32; Delphos, 6 50; Fort Harker sab-sch, 2 00; Herington sab-sch, 4 60; Lincoln sab seh, 5 50; Mankato sab-sch, 8 15; Minneapolis, 11 78; Scandia sab-sch, 12 16; Solomon, 9 60; Spring Valley sabsch, 2 00; Surprise sab sch, 3 10; Sylvan Grove, sab-sch, 8 0; Wilson, 6 50. Topeka- Baldwin sab-sch, 6 55; Clay Centre sab-sch, 10 00; Kansas City Grand View Park church and sab-sch, 12 00; Western Highlands (sabsch, 1 41), 10 06; Mission Centre sab-sch, 3 42; Mulberry Creek. German sab-sch, 18 00; Rossville, Union sab-sch, 4 86; Vineland sab sch, 4 20; Wamego, 3 00. 960 06 KENTUCKY.-Ebenezer-Ebenezer, 10 00; Frankfort sabsch, 59 32; Greenup sab-sch, 8 76; Ludlow sab-sch, 13 25. Louisville-Hodgensville, 5 26; Hopkinsville sab-sch, 175; Kuttawa sab-sch, 12 00; Louisville Warren Memorial, 26 54; Princeton 1st sab-sch, 700. Transylvania-Columbia sab-sch, 6 10. 149 98

MICHIGAN.-Detroit-Ann Arbor, 23 93; Detroit Calvary sab-sch, 50 00; - Fort Street sab-sch. 50 00; Westminster, 86 92; Howell sab-sch, 21 21; Independence, 5 10; Plymouth 2d, 4 00; Southfield sab-sch, 8 0C; White Lake and sab-sch. 9 05. Flint-Caro sab sch, 4 84; Croswell sab-sch, 12 00; Flint sab-sch, 6 25; Flushing, 117; Gaines sab-sch, 3 50; Marlette 2d sab-sch, 10 27; Mundy sab-sch, 4 00; Port Austin sab-sch, 9 25; Port Hope sab-sch, 8 00; Port Huron, sab-sch, 15 46; Sand Beach sab-sch, 5 40. Grand Rapids-Big Rapids Westminster sab-sch, 12 00; Grand Rapids Mission Wood sab-sch, 26 50; Iona sab-sch, 700; Ludington sab-sch, 22 00; Montague sab sch, 17 25; Tustin sab-sch, 12 00. Kalamazoo-Buchanan sab-sch, 18 00; Martin sab seh, 3 11; Plainwell sab-sch, 2 00; Richland sab-sch, 6 65; Sturgis sab-sch, 15 00. LansingConcord Church and sab-sch, 7 90: Eckford sab sch, 2 00; Homer sab-sch, 10 00; Jackson sab-sch, 28 50; Marshall sab-sch, 15 63; South Oneida, 3 09; Tekonsha sab-sch, 2 15. Monroe-Blissfield (sab-sch, 3 00), 6 00; Clayton sab-sch, 875; Monroe, 6 00. Petoskey-Boyne City sabsch, 2 17; Boyne Falls, 2 00; Crooked Lake sab-sch, 3 00; Edith sab-sch, 5 15; Elk Rapids, 13 50; Mackinaw City sab-sch, 4 53; Maple Grove, 1 56; Petoskey (sab-sch 23 57), 41 34. Saginaw-Alpena sab-sch, 9 00; Calkinsville, 6 29; Corunna sab sch, 5 00; Fairfield sab-sch, 2 75; Ithaca sabsch, 12 76; Lafayette 2d sab-sch, 300; Maple Ridge sabsch; 86; Mount Pleasant, 9 50; Saginaw sab-sch, 8 15; Immanuel sab-sch, 4 00; West Bay City Covenant sabsch, 8 85. 731 59 MINNESOTA.-Duluth-Hinckley sab-sch, 2 73; House of Hope sab-sch, 7 48; McNair Memorial sab-sch, 6 26; St. James sab-sch, 18 82; Two Harbors, sab-sch, 6 00. Mankato-Beaver Creek church and sab-sch, 8 89; Blue Earth City sab-sch, 22 15; Delhi, 19 75; Fulda, 1 34; Jackson sabseh, 11 07; Kinbrae, 8 00; Lake Crystal sab-sch, 5 05; Le Seuer sab-sch, 10 49; Rushmore sab-sch, 7 00; Tracy, 5 CO; Wells, 5 25; Winnebago City sab-sch, 12 00; Woodstock sab-sch, 5 07. Red River-Angus, 3 20; Argyle sab-sch, 700; Red Lake Falls sab-sch, 2 00. St. Paul-Farmington (sab-sch, 5 00), 7 00; Howard, 6 05; Knox sab-sch, 5 5; Maple Plain church and sab-sch, 13 21; Minneapolis Bethlehem (sab-sch, 26 84), 39 50:- Élim and Bethany, 7.00; Highland Park, 6′22; Oliver sab-sch, 13 03; Providence Miss, sab-sch, 3 55; - Stewart sab-sch, 27 58; Westminster, 112 13; Oak Grove church and sab-sch, 11 35; St. Paul Arlington Hills. 9 25; Central sab-sch, 39 25; -Goodrich Avenue sab-sch, 13 75; - Westminster (sab-sch, 10 00), 12 00; Shakopee sab-sch, 3 60; South St. Paul Miss. sab-sch, 8 00; Stillwater, 7 75; Vermillion, 2.00; Warrendale sab-sch, 10 00; Winsted sab-sch, 10 00. Winona-Alden Smith Mem. sab-sch, 3 50; Austin sabsch, 3 50; Fremont sab-sch, 11 80; Kasson sab-sch, 11 11; La Crescent, 10 27; Le Roy sab-sch, 6 00; Oronoco, 3 80; Owatonna sab-sch, 5 64; Havana Mission sab-sch, 1 60. 600 67

MISSOURI-Kansas City-Appleton City sab-sch, 8 20; Eldorado, 4 81; High Point sab-sch, 2 45; Kansas City 2d (sab-sch, 52 75), 86 78: Hill Memorial sab-sch, 4 30;

Linwood (sab-sch, 2 38), 7 19; Rich Hill sab-sch, 16 15; Sedalia Central, 14 00; Sharon sab-sch, 8 22; Warrensburg, 882. Ozark-Buffalo sab-sch, 7 20; Joplin, 26 00;

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