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GOLDSBOROUGH, Foote, Farragut.


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FROM APRIL 1ST, 1863, TO AUGUST 1st, 1863.


1. Admiral Farragut, with gunboats, engages and passes rebel batteries at Grand Gulf, Miss.Gunboat Diana captured by rebels at Pattersonville, La.; crew and 100 soldiers taken prisoners.-Mosby raids near Broad Run, Va. 2. Bread riot of women in Richmond, Va., rebel government stores broken open, &c.; dispersed by military. - Privateer Georgia leaves Greenock, Scotland, for France.-Gen. Stan. ley encounters Morgan's cavalry at Snow Hill, Ky.; rebelloss 110 men and 300 horses.-Gunboat St Clair fired into by rebel battery on Cumberland river, is disabled but escapes. 3. British privateer Tampico captured off Sabine Pass, by gunboat New London. Philip Huber and others arrested at Reading, Penn., as "Knights of the Golden Circle."

4. Futile attempt made by Union forces at Washington, N. C., to capture rebel battery at Rodman's Point.-Gunboat Lexington, Lieut. Fitch, burns Palmyra, Tenn., for firing into Steamer St. Clair. - Steamer Sylvan Shore fired into by rebel battery near Beaufort, N.C.; several killed and wounded.

5. Ship Louisa Hatch captured and burned by Alabama.-8000 troops leave Newbern, N. C., for relief of General Foster, at Washington.... U. S. gunboats shell rebel batteries at Hill's Point, N. C., but cannot reduce them. 6. Gen. R. B. Mitchell, with 350 cavalry, dashes into rebel camp at Greenhill. Tenn., kills and captures a number, with all their arms, horses and equipments. - New England Methodist Conference adopt report supporting Emanci cipation Proclamation, expressing confidence in the President.

6. Farragut's vessels destroy 10.000 sacks corn at Bayou Sara, Miss., and proceed to Port Hudsop.-Gold 400 per cent. premium at Richmond, Va.


Indian river inlet, Fla.-U. S. steamer Washington exploded in Broad river, S. C., by shell from rebel battery; 20 men killed and wounded. Steamers Saxonia and Lovell captured and burned, on Cumberland river by guerrillas under Woodward.-Fleet with divisions under Generals Ross and Quimby arrives at Helena, Ark., from Fort Greenwood, is fired on by rebel batteries during passage, and a number of soldiers killed and wounded.

9. Col. Daniels, with 180 colored troops takes possession of Pascagoula, La.; repulses attack by rebel cavalry and infantry.-Large war meeting at Chicago.-Sharp fight at Blount's Mills, N. C.

10. Jefferson Davis, at request of rebel Congress, issues address to people of Southern States, invoking attention "to present position and future prospects of our country, and the duties imposed on us during struggle for our homes and liberties."-Rebels surprised and routed, near Germantown, Ky., by Lieutenant Rickertson, 18th Ohio regiment - Franklin, Tenn., attacked by Van Dorn, with a force of 15,000; rebels routed, with heavy loss, by forces of Gen. Granger,-Rosecrans orders all good horses in vicinity of Fort Donelson to be seized for army uses -Capt. A. G. Webster executed as a spy by the rebels, at Camp Lee, near Richmond.-Expedition from Newbern, N. C., under Gen. Spinola, to re-enforce Gen. Foster at Washington, returns unsuccessful.

11. Steamer Stonewall Jackson, with rebel army

supplies, attempting to enter Charleston, is run ashore and burned by blockading squadron. Col. Tabb, with 59th Virginia regiment, attacks National cavalry camp at Whitaker's Mill, destroys the camp, stores and large amount of ammunition and kills a number of horses, without losing a man.-Skirmish near Blackwater, Va.. Union pickets forced back. 12. Col. E. A. Kimball shot by Gen. Corcoran, near

7. Fort Sumter attacked by monitors under Dupont. Col. Straight left Murfreesboro, Tenn., on expedition into Alabama and Georgia.— Col. Grimshaw destroys $10,000 worth of property for use of rebels in Gloucester Co. Va., and captures over 300 cattle, sheep, etc. 8. Richmond Dispatch publishes correspondence between Mr. Mason and Lord Russell, and complains of cold haughtiness and rudeness of British Minister toward Mason. English blockade runner Maggie Fulton, captured at 13. Transport steamer with supplies for Gen. Fos

Suffolk, Va.-Col. Tevis destroys rebel mills filled with grain and flour, in Gloucester co., Va.-Dupont's iron-clads abandon their attack on Charleston.-Gen. Wise surprises 5th Penn cavalry, near Williamsburg, Va., burns their camp, but is repulsed with loss, by fire from Fort Magruder.

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