INDEX TO VOL. XXV.-1894. PAGE. American Chinese, The Attitude of American Missionaries towards the Christian Endeavor Movement to work in China, The Adaptation of the 570 Churches at Home, The Relation of the Missionary to the Rev. G. W. GREEN, Day-schools, A Plea for Reform in the Conduct of Rev. F. L. H. POTT, 391 "Education and Missions."-A Study (Another View) Rev. T. RICHARD, 172 Edward Bellamy of China: or the Political Condition of the Middle Sungs, Education and Missions Do. The 205, 259 600 58 156 578 533 Rev. TIMOTHY RICHARD, 272 Future of Foreign Missions as seen in the Vision of John, The .. W. A., Hawaii, A Touch at-Glimpse of an Ocean Paradise Dr. W. A. P. MARTIN, Korea, Pioneer Missionary Work in the Interior of Rev. W. J. HALL, M.D., 314, 431 Korea, The Status of Japan among the Nations, and her Position in regard Light thrown on Bible Study from the Languages of Eastern Asia Li Hung-chang Rev. H. LOOMIS, 566 J. EDKINS, D.D., 433 612 170 Topics suggested for the Week of Universal Prayer, by the Evangelical Who are the Heathen? Woman's Medical Missionary Work "World that then was, The." 2 Pet. iii., 6.. Rev. WILLIAM ASHMORE, D.D., Wylie, Rev. James Allan, M.A.-In Memoriam 7 Young Missionaries, Curriculum of Chinese Studies for the use of Rev. W. A. P. MARTIN, LL.D., 365 Rev. J. GENAEHR, 112 |