Diary of Events in the Far East. September, 1894. 26th. The second Japanese army, being formed at Hiroshima, and composed of about 30,000 men, has begun to embark, after inspection by the emperor, for a secret destination. -The Shantung correspondent of the N.-C. Daily News reports that in the region south of the Yellow River mouth, some thousand square miles or so have been completely devastated by the phenomenally heavy rains of July and August. Appeals have been made to the government for aid, but with a war on her hands it is doubtful whether China can do much toward relieving the distress. Fortunately the region is not densely populated, the native estimate being about two hundred villages, aggregating perhaps fifteen thousand people. He has just returned from this famine-stricken district, and reports the situation deplorable, to say the least. All the autumn crops have been destroyed, and the people are thrashing wild grass seed as their last hope of sustenance from the soil. 30th. According to a telegram from Peking Prince Kung, sixth uncle of the emperor, for many years retired from active service, owing to disgrace, was appointed by an Imperial decree, on Saturday, to be President of the Tsung-li Yamên, President of the Admiralty and Co-Director (probably with Li Hung-chang) of War Operations. Prince Kung has also been given the privilege of entering the palace at all times. The above decree was promulgated at the special request of the Empress-Dowager. -Hongkong papers bring news of the capture by dacoits in Tongking of Mr. Th. Chesnay, one of the proprietors of the Avenir du Tonkin and also contractor on the Langson Railway. At the same time a construction train was stopped, and the Chinese engine driver and four coolies killed. October, 1894. 5th.-Great fire in Tientsin. Three large godowns and twelve minor houses were in the course of five hours completely gutted, all their contents being destroyed. The latter consisted of bristles, braid, cotton, wool and paper with miscellaneous cargo. The damage is estimated at Tls. 100,000, of which Tls. 28,000 up to date is known to be insured. 6th.-Martial law proclaimed at the Japanese imperial head-quarters, Hiroshima, and at Ujina, the port of Hiroshima. Sth.-Execution at Nanking of two supposed Japanese spies who were arrested some time ago in Shanghai. 10th. As a precautionary measure the Foochow provincial authorities have closed the River Min to shipping. 12th. An Imperial edict published for the information of the officials and people of Peking runs as follows: "Churches and chapels of various nationalities have been in existence in the capital for many years, where those in charge have pursued their avocations peaceably, and it is necessary, therefore, that they should be properly protected in accordance with our treaties. As a matter of fact our war now with Japan has nothing whatever to do with the various nations of the West, but owing to the great influx of people from the various provinces, who are coming to Peking, there are fears that ignorant persons may hold unreasonable suspicions, and, what is more, savage rowdies, anxious to create riot out of little or no pretext at all may try to "raise the wind" to the detriment of the peace of the capital. It is against such, therefore, that proper precautions must indeed be taken. Hence we order the Commander of the Peking Gendarmerie and the Police Censors of the "five cities" of the capital to give the necessary instructions to their subordinate yamêns, to be earnest and vigilant in their duties, to keep the peace and to use extra precautions to protect the churches and chapels of the various countries in the capital and vicinity against the lawless among the populace. Should such be found endeavouring to create disturbance we command that they be arrested on the spot and most severely punished, and on no account shall leniency and light punishment be allowed." --According to an Imperial decree Shao Yü-lien, Governor of Formosa, is appointed Acting Governor of Hunan vice Wu Ta-chêng, who has volunteered for active service. The Acting Governor of Formosa is to be treasurer of the island, Tang Chin-sung, owing, apparently, to his former experience with the army in Tongking in 1883-4. 20th.-A London telegram states that "it is stated officially that the British government has informed China that it is prepared re-open negotiations. Overtures have been made to the Powers to arrange joint representations to Japan, and Japan has also been asked whether the terms are likely to form a basis for parleying. No definite reply has been received from Japan, but it is believed that the proposed basis of negotiations will be acceptable both to China and Japan. The majority of the Powers are in accord with Great Britain, and it is hoped that the remaining Powers will give their assent." -The Hongkong Telegraph says::-Upwards of 2000 natives, chiefly fishermen, were drowned, and their junks totally lost on the south coast of Hainan during the typhoon that raged here on the 5th instant. None of the bodies were recovered, all being washed out to sea as soon as their frail craft were hurled against the rock-bound coast. 23rd. The emperor, realising the importance of the naval action at the Yaloo, by which an invasion of China by sea was prevented, has issued a decree awarding honours to the foreign officers of the fleet, and posthumous honours to Mr. Purvis and Mr. Nicholls, with three years' pay to the family of each of them. -Admiral Cheng, Naval Commanderin-Chief of Kuangtung, in addition to expressing his willingness to equip four battalions, or 2000 men, at his own expense, to reinforce the local forces of Canton, has offered to contribute $300,000 towards the general war fund of the empire against the Japanese. 26th.---Reported fighting near Port Arthur between Chinese and Japanese troops. -Negotiations for peace at Seoul denied from home. ---Kum Ah-lum, British subject, fined nominal penalty of $10 at H. B. M.'s Police Court for conducting a lottery in Shanghai. 29th.-A telegram from the native correspondent of the N.-C. Daily News says: "General von Hanneken, having received a secret edict, has started for an audience with the Throne, as his Imperial Majesty is anxious to learn from the General's own lips the actual state of the army and navy of the Pei-yang defences. General von Hanneken will also take this opportunity to present for His Majesty's consideration a memorial advising a number of urgently needed reforms in the armies and navies of the whole empire." "We are informed," says the N.-C. Daily News, "that the death of the Empress of China took place in July last, but was kept secret in order that it might not interfere with the celebration of the Empress-Dowager's 60th birthday." -A telegram from Kobe says that the Chinese and Japanese armies came into collision at the Yaloo on the 24th and 25th instant, the Chinese withdrawing after some fighting. Chiu-lien-cheng was occupied on the 26th, thirty-four guns being captured. The Second Army, under Count Oyama, landed at Kinchou on the Regent's Sword, in Society Bay, 35 miles N. E. of Port Arthur, meeting with no opposition, on the 24th instant. From telegraphic news from home we learn that the panic flight of the Chinese army from the Yaloo has dismayed the Chinese, and the roads to Moukden and Peking are quite open. Missionary Journal. BIRTHS. Ar Swatow, on Sept. the 18th, the wife of Dr. P. B. COUSLAND, of the English Presbyterian Mission, of a son. AT Chi-nan-fu, on Oct. 3rd, the wife of the Rev. J. A. FITCH, of the American Presbyterian Mission, of a son (Hugh Fitch). AT Kiukiang, on Oct. the 10th, the wife of the Rev. JAMES J. BANBURY, of the Methodist Episcopal Mission, of a son. AT Wuhu, on the 20th Oct., the wife of T. J. ARNOLD, of the Foreign Christian Mission, of a son. AT T'ungchow, near Pekin, Mrs. CHAUNCEY GOODRICH, of the American Board's Mission, of a son. MARRIAGES. AT Chung-king, Sept. 12th, Mr. F. J. DYMOND, to Miss M. CANNON, both of the C. I. M. AT Hankow, Sept. 17th, Mr. D. TORN. VALL, to Miss T. PEDERSON, both of the C. I. M. AT the Cathedral, Shanghai, Oct. 3rd, Mr. ED. HUNT, to Miss A. WHITFORD, both of the C. I. M. AT the Cathedral, Shanghai, Oct. 6th, 1894, by the Rev. H. C. Hodges, ERNEST WHITBY BURT, of English Baptist Mission, Shantung, eldest son of William Burt, Esq., Yeovil, England, to NELLIE, eldest daughter of Rev. John P. Tetley, Taunton, England. AT Newchwang, Oct. 9th, 1894, by the Rev. Jas. Webster, R. J. GORDON, M.A., M.B., of the Irish Presbyterian Church Mission, to JESSIE J. WEST WATER, of the United Presbyterian Church of Scotland Mission. AT the Cathedral, Shanghai, Oct. 18th, Mr. A. BERG, to Miss A. HULANDER, both of the C. I. M. AT the Cathedral, Shanghai, Oct. 18th, Mr. C. TJADER, to Miss H. A. BLOMBERG, both of the C. I. M. DEATHS. AT Darlington, England, Sept. 16th, the Rev. W. SCARBOROUGH, late of the Wesleyan Mission, Hankow. AT Chefoo, Oct. 3rd, Mr. TпоMAS EYRES, of the C. I. M. AT Tientsin, Oct. 13th, LUCINDA GRAHAM, M.D., of the Canadian Presbyterian Mission, of Asiatic Cholera. AT Shanghai, on Oct. 13th, in the 27th year of his age, ROBERT Woo, only son of the Rev. H. N. Woo, of the American Episcopal Mission. ARRIVALS. October 1st, Rev. and Mrs. E. FOLKE and 2 children (returned), Misses E. A. E. BUREN and E. C. SANDBERG, from Sweden. October 7th, Dr. W. E. MACKLIN, wife and 3 children, of Foreign Christian Mission (returning to Nankin); Miss H. L. CORBIN (returned), of the American Baptist Mission, Ningpo; Misses M. PETERS and M. ALLEN, for Methodist Episcopal Mission, Foo. chow; Miss E. BUTLER (returned) and Miss M. A. HOLMES, for Friend's Mission, Nankin; Miss E. C. SHAW (returned), Methodist Episcopal Mission, Nankin; Mr. A. S. ANNAND, of National Bible Society (returned). October 11th, Messrs. O. BENGTSSON and S. BERGSTRÖM, Misses H. LUNDWALL, C. WALLENBURGH and L. M. HEDMAN, from U. S. A., for C. I. M. October 14th, Messrs. A. G. NICHOLLS and C. B. BARNETT, from Australia, for C. I. M. DEPARTURES. Sept. 21st, Messrs. F. YOUNG and BAVIN, C. I. M., for Australia. Oct. 5th, Mrs. F. W. BALLER, Mr. and October 6th, Rev. and Mrs. HOWARD VISITOR. Mrs. MARY C. NIND (mother of Mrs. Lacy, of Foochow), visiting M. E. Missions in the East. Ths Status of Japan among the Nations, and her Position in regard The Relation of the Missionary to the Churches at Home By Rev. G. W. Green. 570 By Ven. Archdeacon Wolfe. 578 By Hon. George F. Seward. 584 Ocean Paradise By Dr. W. A. P. Martin 587 Educational Department-The Need of Museums in China By Rev. Ernst Faber, Dr. Theol. 589 A Night and Day with Chinese Students Further Subscriptions for Presentation to Our Book Table 592 594 596 598 600 601 AMERICAN Shanghai: PRESBYTERIAN MISSION 1-RESS. |