mau and in books with fornication and gambling. Sir Rutherford Alcock, some time Her Majesty's Minister in China, when examined before a Committee of the House of Commons, spoke of "the universality of the belief among the Chinese that whenever a takes to smoking opium it will probably be the impoverishment and ruin. of his family, a popular feeling which is universal both amongst those who are addicted to it, who always consider themselves as moral criminals, and amongst those who abstain from it." (See Report, East India Finance, 1871 (363), page 275, 5738). 5738). We ourselves have never met with Chinamen who defended the practice as morally harmless, but we have heard it unsparingly condemned by the Chinese, times without number. The missions with which we are respectively associated invariably refuse to admit opium-smokers to Church membership, but in so doing they are only acting in accordance with the general sentiment of the Chinese, Christian and non-Christian alike, which always stigmatizes the habit of opium-smoking as vicious. (3) It is a fact that the opium trade, though now no longer contraband, is highly injurious, not only to China but also to the fair name of Great Britain. The past history and the present enormous extent of the opium trade with India produces, as we can testify from personal experience, suspicion and dislike in the minds of the Chinese people towards foreigners in general. On the other hand, the attitude of hostility towards opium, which foreign missionaries are known to maintain, is approved and duly appreciated by the Chinese of all classes as we have often found in our intercourse with the people. (4) It is an indisputable fact that the opium imported from India is neither required for medicinal purposes in China nor gene rally used for these purposes, and hence we regard the importation as being wholly prejudicial to the well-being of the Chinese people. In view of these facts the undersigned venture respectfully to express the earnest hope that the Royal Commissioners will embody in their Report a united recomIndian government should immemendation to Her Majesty that the diately restrict the Indian production of opium to the supply of what is needed for medicinal purposes in India and elsewhere. With our long and sad experience of the injurious effects of opium consumption on the Chinese people we cannot but feel the gravest apprehensions as to what the effects of the opium habit in other lands are likely to be. We are quite aware that some medical and other testimony has been given in India, designed to show that the consumption of opium by the peoples of India is not accompanied with the same disastrous consequences that we have all witnessed for ourselves in China, but we are glad to know that strong testimony has also been given in India of a contrary kind, for we are of opinion that a longer and wider range of experience will certainly show that opium is as injurious to all other races as it has been proved to be to the Chinese. Opium is rightly classed in England amongst dangerous poisons, and it is so regarded in other countries, and we cannot believe that what is a dangerous poison to the greater part of the human race acts only as a harmless stimulant on other parts of the race. We are convinced that if ever the day should come when opium is as widely consumed in India as it is now in China the result will be as lamentable there as we know it to be here. In submitting this memorial, which we believe expresses the opinion of nearly every Protestant missionary in China, without distinction of nation or Church, and of the whole native Protestant Christian community, consisting now of several tens of thousands of persons, we beg to say that we are actuated by feelings of the deepest loyalty to Her Majesty the Empress of India and by the most profound desire for the truest welfare of her Indian dominions, not less than by the desire to see the curse of opium removed from China. We hold as beyond all shadow of doubt the conviction that thrones and dominions are established by righteousness, and that any source of revenue, however large, that is morally indefensible, tends only in the end to the weakening of the empire and the impoverishment of its resources. on Tuesday, 7th August. 10-10.45 a.m. Paper and Conference Missionary Work in Chekiang Province," to be opened by the Rev. J. N. Hayes, of the American Presbyterian Mission (North), Soochow. 10.45-11.30 a.m. Paper and Conference on "Woman's Work in the Chekiang Province," to be opened by Mrs. Parker, of the American Methodist Episcopal Church (South), Soochow. Wednesday, 8th August. 10-10.45 a.m. Bible Study, by the Rev. B. W. Waters, of the American Meth. Epis. Church (South), Hiroshima. 10.45-11.30 a.m. Paper and Conference on "Christ our Sacrifice," to be opened by the Rev. J. B. Porter, of the American Presbyterian Mission (North), Kyoto. Thursday, 9th August. 10-10.45 a.m. Paper and Conference on "The Growth of the Christian Church in Japan and the Development of its Spiritual Life," by the Rev. A. D. Hail, D.D., of the Cumberland Presbyterian Mission, Osaka. 10.45-11.30 a.m. Paper and Conference on "Woman's Work in the Evangelisation of Japan," by Miss Adelaide Daughaday, of the American Congregational Board Mission, Tottori. Friday, 10th August. 10-10.45 a.m. Bible Study, by Mr. Edward Evans, of Shanghai. ence 10.45-11.30 a.m. Paper and Conferon "Christ our Leader," to be opened by the Rev. W. Wynd, of the Baptist Missionary Union, Osaka. Saturday, 11th August. 10-10.45 a.m. Bible Study, by Mr. Edward Evans, of Shanghai. 10.45-11.30 a.m. Paper and Conference on "Christ our Life," to be opened by the Rev. R. E. McAlpine, of the U. S. A. Presbyterian Mission (South), April, 1894. 2nd. According to an Imperial edict the Throne has consented to the plan of H. E. Hsu Chên-wei, Director-General of the Yellow River, to establish a River Conservancy Bureau at Lu-kou-ch'iao, near Peking, under the presidency of Chow Fu, Provincial Judge of Chihli, with special reference to the Yung-ting river and the Grand Canal which connects with it. The annual sum of Tls. 60,000 is also ordered to be paid for river works, commencing from 1895, by the Board of Revenue at Lu-kou-ch'iao. One hundred and twenty stations are also ordered to be built about the Yung-ting river for the obser vance of the safety of the banks. May, 1894. 1st. The following is the number of successful candidates for the chinshih or metropolitan degree at the grace examinations for 1894, which began ten days ago at Peking. The number of competing chujêns is 6,486. Of this number a little less than 5 per cent have succeed. ed, or 320 men. The following is the order of the provinces from which the new chinshih hail, in respect to num. bers :-Kiangsu 25, Chekiang 25, Chihli 24, Shantung 22, Kiangsi 22, Fukien 20, Honan 17, Anhui 17, Kuangtung 16, Shensi 14, Hupeh 14, Szechuan 14, Hunan 13, Kuangsi 13, Yunnan 12, Kueichow 11, Shansi 10, Kansu 9, Manchus 9, Mongols 4, Chinese Bannermen 4, Fengtien 3, Formosa 2. -A London telegram says that in the modus vivendi between Russia and China regarding the Pamirs, Russia has made large concessions, and engages not to push troops into the disputed territory until a final treaty has been concluded. 7th. The pestilential disease which began in Canton appears to become worse day by day. It is now spreading to Honam and Fatshan, where, although not many fatal cases have been reported, over. the inhabitants are in a very alarmed state of mind. The authorities have issued proclamations prohibiting the slaughter of pigs and the capture of fish. The symptoms are described as follows:"With or without premonitory warning in the shape of malaise or chill there is a sudden onset of fever rising to 105°, or There is much headache and cerebral disturbance, accompanied by stupor. In from 12 to 24 hours a glandular swelling occurs in the neck, armpit, or groin, rapidly enlarging to the size of a fowl's egg; it is hard and exceedingly tender. With or without a decline of the fever the patient sinks deeper into a condition of coma and dies usually at the end of 48 hours or sooner. If six days are reached recovery is hopeful. The glandular swelling shows no signs of suppuration. In some cases epistaxis or vomiting of blood occurs; petechlæ appear in a few cases, but no regular eruption. Such are, briefly, the symptoms at the beginning of the disease." 14th.—Telegrams received yesterday from Hongkong announce that the drought there continues, and that the epidemic which has been raging at Canton, the black plague, has broken out amongst the Chinese in the colony, and Hongkong has been declared an infected port for one month. -A fortune-teller at Canton, having given out that the prevalent plague in that city would die away with the approach of the spring solstice the people of Canton, in order to deceive the gods of sickness, made the 1st day of the 4th moon (5th May) their New Year's Day; every ceremony by which the day is celebrated being gone through with scrupulous exactitude. The local authorities also assisted, in order to keep up the illusion. 26th.-A telegram received from Hongkong reports: "Total deaths, 341; admissions to-day, 18; deaths, 19; under treatment, 73. Three hundred men of Shropshire regiment, in addition to sanitary officers, are employed in a house-to-house visitation. Chinese are leaving the colony in large numbers. Great excitement prevails amongst the Chinese, but no outbreaks have taken place. A gun-boat is stationed off Taipingshan. At Canton offensive placards have been posted respecting the treatment by the Hongkong medical officers of plague patients. The Governor wired to the Consul, who is demanding the removal of the placards. At the meeting of the Sanitary Board this afternoon Mr. Francis, Chairman of the Plague Committee, said he thought he could congratulate the Board that they had succeeded in getting a grip of the disease and that they were now stamping it out." Missionary Journal. MARRIAGES. AT Shanghai, 12th April, Mr. A. W. GUSTAFSON, to Miss FRIDA ANDERSON; also, Mr. A. RYDBERG, to Miss NORDSTRÖM, all of C. I. M. AT Shanghai Cathedral, on April 24th, by Rev. W. W. Cassels, B. A., and Rev. H. C. Hodges, M.A., Dr. F. HOWARD TAYLOR, to Miss GERALDINE GUINNESS, both of C. I. M. AT Chinkiang, April 25th, before U. S. Consul, Mr. Z. C. BEALS, to Mrs. L. CASSIDY, both of the International Missionary Alliance. BIRTHS. AT Chentu, West China, on 9th March, the wife of H. L. CANRIGHT, M.D., of Methodist Episcopal Mission, of a son. AT Han-chong Fu, on the 13th March, the wife of Dr. WILSON, C. I. M., of a daughter (Amy Gertrude Wilson). AT Cheng-ku-hsien, Shensi, April 4th, the wife of the Rev. ALBERT HY, HUNT. LEY, C. I. M., of a daughter. AT Fan-cheng, on 13th April, the wife of Rev. P. MATSON, American Swedish Mission, of a son. AT Foochow, on 23rd April, the wife of Dr. H. N. KINNEAR, A. B. C. F. M., of a daughter. AT Ningpo, on the 21st April, the wife of the Rev. J. C. HOARE, of a daughter. ARRIVALS. AT Shanghai, April 24th, Miss E. BOARDMAN, for Presby. Mission (South) and Dr. and Mrs. FARIES and two children (returned), of Amer. Presby. Mission, Shantung. AT Shanghai, 26th April, Rev. J. KEERS, for Irish Pres. Miss., Manchuria. AT Shanghai, for Canton, 12th May, Dr. and Mrs. J. G. KERR, of American Presbyterian Mission. AT Shanghai, 17th May, Rev. and Mrs. J. WALLEY (returned), for Methodist Epis copal Mission, Chungking. AT Shanghai, May 21st, Messrs. T. A. P. CLINTON and R. W. MIDDLETON, from Australia, for C. 1. M. DEPARTURES. FROM Shanghai, 22nd April, Mrs. COULING FROM Shanghai, April 27th, Miss L. G. FROM Hongkong, 3rd May, Rev. and Mrs. CHALMERS, and Dr. and Mrs. SWAN and family, American Presbyterian Mission, for U. S. A. FROM Shanghai, May 5th, Misses ROBERT. SON and UNDERWOOD, of C. I. M., for England; also Mrs. EDWARD EVANS, of Missionary Home, Shanghai, and two children; Mrs. JELLISON and family, Methodist Episcopal Mission, and Rev. C. and Mrs. LEAMAN and two daughters, American Presbyterian Mission, for U. S. A. FROM Shanghai, 12th May, Rev. W. H. CURTISS and two children and Mrs. PILCHER, and child, of Methodist Episcopa! Mission, for U. S. A. FROM Shanghai, 26th May, Rev. G. A. STUART, M.D., wife and family, of M. E. Mission; Dr. and Mrs. E. WOODS and child, American Presbyterian Mission (South); also Miss ANDERSON, Rev. and Mrs. J. MURRAY, and family American Presby. Mission, and Rev, and Mrs. J. GOFORTH and family, and Dr. and Mrs. MCCLURE and family, Canadian Presby. Mission, for U. S. A. |