Puslapio vaizdai

Industry of Southern and Western States:-Virginia, North Carolina,
South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi,
Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, Missouri, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana,
Iowa, Wisconsin,

The Sword and the Olive Branch. By H.

The British Colonial Empire:-East and West Indies, Africa, Australia,
&c., &c.

The Merchant Fleets and Navies of the World:-Great Britain; increase
Royal navy; naval force in 1816; United States navy, 1799, 1812,
1815; naval victories; navy in 1818; American navy yards; French navy;
Russian and other navies; commercial marine of all the powers of the
world. By EDITOR,

The Sugar Cane-Avequin's Review of McCulloh's Report Reviewed.
By Professor R. S. MCCULLOH, Philadelphia.

Sugar Manufacture-Concluded.-Object of Evaporation; Methods of Eva-
poration; Filtration through Animal Charcoal; concentration of Syrup;
Vacuum Pan; Alkaline Acid, Saline, Viscous and Albuminous Syrups;
Crystallization; Potting; Claying; Liquoring; Concentrating Syrup;
Molasses; Boiling Houses; Quantity of Sugar in Canes; Loss in Extrac-
tion, &c., &c. By Dr. EVANS, London,

[blocks in formation]


Hogs slaughtered in the U. States, 66,
Health of Southern cities, 226.






Health Statistics of the U. States, 226.
Houston, Texas, 230.

Hemp, 453.

Indians, American, 100, 60.

Indiana, 285.

Illinois, 285.

Iowa, 285.

Insurance, rates, 63.

Italy, 68,

Indigo, 152.

Isthmus of Panama, passage of, 154.
Insane of the United States, 234.
Imports, specie, 445.

Imports, foreign merchandise, 446.

Kentucky, 285.

Lands, public, 92.
Louisiana, 285.

Leather and Tanning, 60.
Light of other days, 236.

M'Culloh's report on sugar, 24.
Mineral Lands, 92.

Money of Commerce, 243.
Mississippi, 285.

Missouri, 285.

Michigan, 285.


Militia of the States, 59.

Merchant fleets of all nations, 322.
Marine of nations, 322.
Money, continental, 58.
Manufactories in the West, 75.
Mobile, 229.

Massachusetts enterprise, 369.
Manufactories in South Carolina, 370.
Mobile-exports, 1848-do. cotton--im-
ports, 428.

Memphis, Tenn.-Statistics taxable, 429.
Monthly value cotton-exports, 446.
Monthly value Tobacco-exports, 446.

Natchitoches, La., 107.
New Brunswick, 181.
Nova Scotia, 181.
New-Foundland, 181.
New Britain, 181.
New Mexico, 204.
North Carolina, 285.

Navies of all nations, 322.

New Orleans, reminiscences of, 156.
New Orleans in mid-summer, 231.
Newspapers in New Orleans, 232.
New Orleans-first cotton receipts, 432.
New Orleans-vital statistics, 433.
New-Orleans-receipts-produce, 433.
New-Orleans mechanics, 457.

[blocks in formation]

South America, historical progress, cha-
racter, governments, people, &c., 3.
Sugar-cane, 24.

Sugar manufacture, physiology, &c., 114.
San Francisco, 204.

Sugar manufacture: extraction of juices;
sugar mills; product of mills; fuel;
steam-power, &c., 265.

Southern and Western States, industry
of, 285.

Sword and Olive Branch, 304.
South Carolina, 285.

Shipping of all nations, 322.
Sugar-cane, by M'Culloh, 334.
Sugar, imports of, 141, 152.
Sugar-making, 363.

States, date of admission into the Union,

59. Area of states, 59.

Statistical Bureaus, 79.

Statistical Societies, 374.
Statistics, interesting, 367.
Statistics, American, 57.
Savannah, 228.
St. Louis, 230.

Smithsonian Institute, 233.
Saccharine liquids, 375.

St. Louis. Mo.-Imports, 430.
Statement cotton, 439.

Statement tobacco, 441.

Sugar, molasses, &c., 446.

Statistics of Louisiana sugar, 456.

[blocks in formation]
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